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KaHo Sint-Lieven – Vakgroep IT – Team Bonkers. Hybride pocketbike. Ontmanteling pocketbike In de eerste sessie hebben we de pocket volledig gestript . Het resultaat van ons werk ziet u op de foto hiernaast . PROJECT NAME. PARTICIPATING RESEARCH TEAMS
KaHo Sint-Lieven – Vakgroep IT – Team Bonkers Hybridepocketbike Ontmantelingpocketbike In de eerstesessiehebben we de pocket vollediggestript. Het resultaat van onswerkziet u op de fotohiernaast. PROJECT NAME PARTICIPATING RESEARCHTEAMS VAKGROEP ITKatholieke Hogeschool Sint-Lieven, Gent DISTRINETKatholieke UniversiteitLeuven (This is just an example of how participators, researchers, sponsors, contact address etc. can be included. Feel free to adapt.) Kenneth Dekerf Sam Buys Marijn MaufroyFrederik DeclerckMathias Jacobs Jesse Loice Funded by IWT TETRA fonds TEXT BLOCK POSITIONING Size and alignment Please align all blocks and pictures as much as possible and respect a constant offset/margin in between the blocks. Try to minimize the number of different block sizes in your poster. PICTURES AND GRAPHS Strategies You could use photographs, drawings or diagrams. However, it is preferable to maintain consistency in style, size, colors etc. Treat them like blocks for positioning. Choose photographs with a good foreground-background effect. Drawings and diagrams can be shown in a block (but avoid black lines as placeholders) or as objects in the white space. You could consider drawings that overlap the text blocks. In this case, please align the block text accordingly. To avoid Please avoid screenshots, component diagrams with more than 4 components, mathematical graphs that exceed the conceptual level or any kind of material that holds too many detail to catch the essence. Avoid fragments of too complex/too small sized text, pictures, arrows, icons, … anyhow. Try to arrange sets of (company) logo’s in a grid. GOOD LUCK!!!!