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A continuum between strong selection and open access in higher education entrance policy. Can orientation tools bring a solution ?. Ellen Danckaert (KAHO Sint-Lieven) Evelien Schyvinck (KAHO Sint-Lieven) Joke Vanhoudt (Dienst Studieadvies K.U.Leuven) BELGIUM. Program. Introduction :
A continuum between strong selection and open access in higher education entrance policy. Can orientation tools bring a solution ? Ellen Danckaert (KAHO Sint-Lieven) Evelien Schyvinck (KAHO Sint-Lieven) Joke Vanhoudt (Dienst Studieadvies K.U.Leuven) BELGIUM
Program • Introduction: situation in Flanders • Roundtablediscussion: theses
Situation in Flanders • Open access system • 50% drop-out in the first year: - no clear view on theirown skills - no clear view on the expectations of the education program = ill-consideredstudychoice Cause-effect relationship?
A whole range of possibilities: Coaching, study guidance Qualitative information to support the study orientation for freshmen Orientation Support of study orientation by non-obligatory tests, prior knowledge tests, preparatory summer schools Selective admission Admission to a subset of educational programs depending on the secondary school program Individual selection Specific obligatory tests Flanders FREE ENTRANCE SELECTIVE
Situation in Flanders fit • Chosen solution toreduce drop-out: from coaching/studyguidancetoorientation • HOW? Stimulatereflection:
Situation in Flanders Project: “Study choice guidance of incoming students in higher education: self-assessment tool for assessment of starting competences and script with scenarios for an orientation meeting.”
Project • Selfassessment tool • Script withscenariosforanorientation meeting 3. Pitfallsduring the project
2. Script • Orientation meeting with a study advisor: - strenghts? - deficiencies? tips and support/advice
Situation in Flanders 3. Pitfallsduring the project: • marketing >< neutral study advice • orientation instrument & orientation meeting are voluntary (open access system) who do we reach? • study advice based on a wide range of competences >< exclusively knowledge How can we measure the profoundness of competences?
Round table discussion • Main question : How do we match an open access system withgetting the right student in the right place?
Thesis 1 • Higher education is not in the first place responsible for study choice guidance. The main actor is secondary education.
Thesis 2 • A more extensive admission or selection procedure gives students the possibility to develop their choice skills. They learn to reflect and to argument why they have made such choices.
Thesis 3 • We should base our selection particularly on foreknowledge and prior school career.
Thesis 4 • Students are expected to be independent and self-steering. Because of this, (study) guidance is only important at the beginning of their study career.
Thesis 5 • Why do we use selection criteria or tests? They can’t foretell what students results will be. Too much parameters play a part.
Thesis 6 • Selection takes a lot of time and only well trained people can do this. This costs a lot, even too much opposite to the money gained with it.
Thesis 7 • Mature and transfer students need less guidance to make the right study choice and pass selection, because their experiences are more comprehensive or extensive.
Thesis 8 • If students are not accepted for their first choice, they should be happy they still have their second or third choice, and make another lifepath. There are choices enough to make in live, no time to look back.
Thesis 9 • Every student can choose his own subject for the master’s thesis and they all have the chance to get the best internship.