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By: CheyAnn Perry

By: CheyAnn Perry.

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By: CheyAnn Perry

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  1. By: CheyAnn Perry

  2. Same-sex marriage is a strongly debated matter. But it’s not for anyone to judge. If denied the right to allow same-sex marriages children get the idea that its okay to discriminate against homosexuality, there are also many lonely children in foster care and orphanages that need loving families, and to top it off homosexual couples denied the rights to marriage face more lifetime expenses than the heterosexual married couple.

  3. Teaching about homosexual practices in school health classes causes uproars among parents, believing that this information is inappropriate and unnecessary. But the factuality of this is that there is homosexuality even in the children of today and if they are not educated completely then they are exposing themselves, unaware of the STDs and other health risks, to dangerous activities unknowingly.

  4. Usually when teaching about homosexuality it occurs under AIDS education which increases the chances that a homosexual child in school will be ridiculed or harassed. This causes a child to not want to participate or even come to school because of fearing their safety.

  5. If homosexual education is discussed in schools it is most of the time described as other or deviant sexualities, which is inconsistent when trying to teach children that being prejudice, racist, biased, or discrimination is wrong.

  6. This goes against non-discriminatory practices & healthy development which is strongly encouraged in school systems, thus empowers children to express a healthy sexuality. Studies prove that lots of North American teachers and guidance counselors have strong negative attitudes towards lesbian, gay, bisexual, & transgender youth. Most will say they would be uncomfortable teaching or discussing a class about homosexuality.

  7. There is always the myth that allowing homosexual couples to adopt children will led to those children growing up and being homosexual themselves due to the homosexual influence of their parents. THIS IS A MYTH!!! Studies have shown that in a group of children raised by homosexual couples & heterosexual couples (separately) have little to almost no differences. There is no difference in IQ, pathology development, or relationships with other children. In fact: children raised by lesbian mothers reported signs of higher grades & more focused on subjects. People become motivated to have children regardless of their sexual orientation.

  8. Truth is there is currently over 290,000 children living in orphanages in America. These children are being denied to loving families due to small reasoning.

  9. How is allowing a child to go to an unmarried couple provide the child with a healthy relationship influence? In a child’s eyes they could wonder why it is that Sally’s parents decided to get married before planning a family, and their parents aren’t even allowed to marry. There is currently only 3 states that allow gay married couples to adopt children. Some of these states do not allow same-sex marriage so the terms “family”, “marriage”, and “parents” are defined differently in the court system.

  10. For instance, a homosexual couple get married and one of them has a child from a previous relationship, the other partner may not be legally allowed to adopt the child. This could cause many problems in a case of emergency or tragic events.

  11. Some groups suggest that same-sex couples seeking adopting will raise children with psychological problems, social issues, or other complications. The reality is that study proves there is no difference in children raised by strait or gay parents.

  12. Adoption usually depends on the opinions held by the judge in charge & county judges, basing their decisions on the best interest of the child. People think homosexuals cant meet a child's physical & emotional needs. But people should abide by the golden rule & treat others as you would want to be treated. People should be viewed as individuals, not by labels.

  13. Child development is influenced more by nature of interactions and relationships of the family unit not by the certain structural form it seems to take.

  14. Churches & peoples’ religions state that homosexuality is immoral. Funny how church can have so much influence in the courts. What ever happened to separation of church & state? Don’t get me wrong religion is a great aspect of life & the way human kind present themselves to others and their Lord, but the government needs to abide by the laws of our constitution.

  15. Proposition 8 prohibits same-sex couples to wed. Court of Appeals states that it is unconstitutional. It violates the 14th amendment. Even if the state allows civil unions or domestic partnerships they still are not permitted the same rights as opposite sex married couples.

  16. Homosexual couples plan to have children as to other children they might be accidental or unplanned.

  17. Some religions states the Bible declares homosexuality to be a sin but most people are astonished to find out that the Bible also was used to defend slavery, and that has been outlawed, so maybe someday people will realize just cause its in the Bible doesn’t mean its always the right thing to do it just depends on where you stand in your own beliefs.

  18. Family law, pension, inheritance, power of attorney, income taxes, health benefits, and immigration law are afforded instantly to heterosexual married couples but for homosexual married couples these benefits depend on aspect of the law in which state they live.

  19. Studies have shown that heterosexual families tend to weaken over time due to the normal stresses of life, on contrary homosexual families tend to strengthen over time due to how much they’ve accomplished and children tend to make a homosexual couple bond even closer, this could cause some heterosexual relationships to fade…

  20. Same sex couples decide to get married for the same reasons as heterosexual couples. To have and to hold, and all the other sweet reasons.

  21. Some homosexual families state that they were raised by heterosexual parents & they wish someone could just see how ordinary their homosexual family is.

  22. Sources: Prendergast, Father Richard. "Let's watch our language about gays and lesbians." U.S. Catholic. Nov 2004: 18-21. Lavely, Vanessa. "THE PATH TO RECOGNITION OF SAME-SEX MARRIAGE: RECONCILING THE INCONSISTENCIES BETWEEN MARRIAGE AND ADOPTION CASES.." UCLA Law Review. 55.1 (2007): 247-291. MacIntosh, Heather. "Same-sex marriage in Canada: The impact of legal marriage on the first cohort of gay and lesbian Canadians to wed." Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality. 19.3 (2010): 79-90. Robinson, Jennifer. "Homosexual Parenting Evenly Divides Americans." Gallup Organization. (2003): Kapp, Joseph. "A Guide to Serving the Estate and Financial Planning Needs of Gay Men, Lesbians, and Same-sex Couples." Journal of Financial Planning. (2008): 54-64. Cramer, David. "Gay Parents and Their Children: A Review of Research and Practical Implications." Journal of Counseling and Development. 64. (1986): 504-507. Blechner, Ph.D., Mark J. "The Political Is Psychoanalytic: On Same-Sex Marriage." Studies in Gender and Sexuality. 9. (2008): 146-154.

  23. Sources Cont. : Jarred Pennington, & Tess Knight. "Through the lens of hetero-normative assumptions: re-thinking attitudes towards gay parenting." Culture, Health, & Science. 13.1 (2011): 59-72. Charlene Kennedy, & Katherine Covell. "Violating the Rights of the Child through Inadequate Sexual Health Education." International Journal of Children's Rights. 17. (2009): 143-154.

  24. cHEYaNNpERRY

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