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Operational Priorities Plan 2006-2008 – Teaching and Learning Strategic Objective: Improve the quality of the student experience. Operational Objective #1: To maintain and extend good teaching approaches and learning outcomes. Strategies. Key Initiatives. Comments.
Operational Priorities Plan 2006-2008 – Teaching and Learning Strategic Objective: Improve the quality of the student experience Operational Objective #1: To maintain and extend good teaching approaches and learning outcomes Strategies Key Initiatives Comments • During 2007, provided assistance and input to ALTC Project Officer to conduct an audit of current T&L practice. In 2008 the focus has moved to developing University level indicators of teaching quality. • From 2005 onwards Lectopia has been centrally funded and use has increased to include most U/G units. • Use of WebCT has increased substantially from 12 in sem 2/2003, to 56 in sem 2/2005, to approx 100 in sem 2/2006. Most staff participated in the training sessions held late 2006 concerning the transition to WebCT6. Staff support has been available sem 1/2008 as part of the faculty ISS project and ongoing support is available through CATL. • Informal peer support has been ongoing for some years. It is most often discipline or program specific, with more experienced staff providing invaluable advice to their colleagues. • Some staff are using WebCT for electronic submission of work. A review of electronic submission commenced in sem 2/2007 and is investigating use of a bar code and scanning procedure in preparation for the move to the new building where there will only be one UG student centre and one PG centre. • Benchmark Business School performance against its peers • Facilitate more flexible approaches to T&L • Participate in ALTC Project to develop T&L indicators • Support flexible approaches to T&L including the use of Lectopia and web platforms such as WebCT. • Encourage use of centrally supported learning management systems such as WebCT through the provision of faculty-based training and professional development • Encourage and acknowledge the role staff play in providing timely assistance and advice to their peers • Review assignment submission procedures to facilitate more widespread electronic submission of work
Target achieved or progress on schedule Target under threat or progress behind schedule No progress Target missed Operational Objective #1: To maintain and extend good teaching approaches and learning outcomes KPIs, Milestones and Performance KPIs/Milestones Target YTD Actuals Performance Number of units using flexible approaches to T&L such as Lectopia and WebCT TBD TBD
Operational Priorities Plan 2006-2008 – Teaching and Learning Strategic Objective #1: Improve the quality of the student experience Operational Objective #1: To maintain and extend good teaching approaches and learning outcomes Strategies Key Initiatives Comments • Expand opportunities for teaching professional development and training • Encourage/require new staff without teaching qualifications/ experience to participate in PD • Encourage/support staff participation in Foundations of Teaching Program • Promote Teaching Internship Scheme • Encourage mentoring amongst teaching staff • Promote use of peer review to improve teaching • Encourage/support nominations for UWA Excellence in Teaching Award and Teaching Fellowship • Undertake regular review of courses by professional bodies • Faculty-based new tutor training program developed and in its third year of implementation. All new tutors are required to attend the 3 hr session. • CATL T&L Orientation for new academics with follow-up from BS CATLyst. Induction process focuses on the Teaching manual and other resources available on the BS T&L web site. • While Teaching Internship program is promoted, the uptake is low, mainly due to the low teaching hours permitted in the scheme. • To date approach to mentoring and peer review of teaching has been informal and largely discipline/program-based. However, more staff are recognising the opportunity to improve their teaching and building an academic portfolio for promotion and tenure purposes. • Teaching awards were embedded in the faculty for the first time in 2007. 52 staff were nominated and in total there were 11 awards and 3 commendations. Minor changes to the guidelines have been made for 2008. Very high participation rate of students in the process in comparison to other faculties. Success at UWA level with 3 staff winning awards in 2008 and Geoff Soutar winning a national ALTC citation for outstanding contributions to student learning. • The accounting program is reviewed every five years by the professional accounting bodies. The human resource management area is currently seeking accreditation from the Australian Human Resources Institute (AHRI).
Target achieved or progress on schedule Target under threat or progress behind schedule No progress Target missed Operational Objective #1: To maintain and extend good teaching approaches and learning outcomes KPIs, Milestones and Performance KPIs/Milestones Target YTD Actuals Performance No staff attending PD sessions TBD TBD No of peer reviews TBD TBD No staff applying for awards TBD TBD No of courses with professional review/input TBD TBD
Operational Priorities Plan 2006-2008 – Teaching and Learning Strategic Objective #1: Improve the quality of the student experience Operational Objective #1: To maintain and extend good teaching approaches and learning outcomes Strategies Key Initiatives Comments • A series of five academic staff workshops were held in 2/2005. Estimated 90% of u/grad and 100% p/grad units now include learning outcome statement. • A further series of workshops focusing on the alignment of assessment with outcomes and learning activities were conducted during 2006. Estimated that 70% of units now consciously link these design concepts. • Open Space meeting held Oct 2006 focussing on MBA level outcomes. BCom and BEc draft outcomes have been developed. Development of discipline level outcomes expected to continue during 2008/09. • The mapping will take place in the 2008/09. This will identify any gaps which can then be addressed before AACSB final report. • Focus on student learning outcomes • Support development of learning outcomes in all Unit Outlines • Raise awareness of the need to link assessment to outcomes and learning activities • Conduct planning sessions discipline/major level outcome for MBA, BCom and BEc awards • Appoint a person to conduct a mapping of the teaching and assessment of all education principles across all units taught in the school.
Target achieved or progress on schedule Target under threat or progress behind schedule No progress Target missed Operational Objective #1: To maintain and extend good teaching approaches and learning outcomes KPIs, Milestones and Performance KPIs/Milestones Target YTD Actuals Performance No of units with appropriate learning outcomes 100% 95% No of units with assessment links to L/O 100% 60%
Operational Priorities Plan 2006-2008 – Teaching and Learning Strategic Objective #1: Improve the quality of the student experience Operational Objective #2: To diversify the experience of UWA students Strategies Key Initiatives Comments • Business Practicum unit was successfully piloted in 2007 and is open to all final year students in 2008 • Teams have participated in a range of social impact management community programs. After making the finals last year, the 2008 team won the SIFE national award. A team also won the Google online marketing competition. • U/G and P/G representatives members of the T&L Committee and participate in working groups eg, Teaching Month sub group, Teaching Awards selection panel. Regular social events are held. • As a new initiative, two student panel presentations to staff were held in 2007. Also, over 60 students have participated in focus group interviews and a further 40 or more have participated in online survey as part of Improving Student Learning and Satisfaction projects during the last 12 months. In May 2008 students and staff gave a joint presentation as part of Teaching Month. • PASS program launched in 2008 has been very successful with most students believing PASS will improve their learning experience. It also created a feeling of belonging to many who participated. The program has been expanded from 3 to 5 units in sem 2. • Enhance the career prospects of our graduates • Promote the development of a strong student community • Establish industry practicum for U/G courses • Support ‘Students in Free Enterprise’ and other competitions • Support and involve student associations (eg ECOMS, GMA) • Increase opportunities for student interaction and engagement
Target achieved or progress on schedule Target under threat or progress behind schedule No progress Target missed Operational Objective #2: To diversify the experience of UWA students KPIs, Milestones and Performance KPIs/Milestones Target YTD Actuals Performance Number of graduates in desired mode of employment 92% 92% CEQ Learning Community Measure 52% 55%
Operational Priorities Plan 2006-2008 – Teaching and Learning Strategic Objective #1: Improve the quality of the student experience Operational Objective #4: To further develop links between teaching, learning and research Strategies Key Initiatives Comments • Faculty T&L Research Grants Scheme developed and implemented 2007 (2 projects funded). Ongoing ISS (student feedback and WebCT) and ISL (online resources) projects. • Various staff seminars and demonstrations are organised, eg Teaching Month activities. Also, online resources have been significantly enhanced. • Events are widely promoted (email lists, word of mouth, posters) and where possible are held in-house to encourage involvement. • Funds provided to support participation in events such as local T&L Forum and other national and international conferences. • Early stages of reviewing units to incorporate research components. • Business IRIS has been developed and a trial was conducted in 2006/07. It is available as a non compulsory unit 2008 and has been approved as a compulsory unit for new first year students in 2009. • Reduce barriers between teaching and research • Expand opportunities for research-based learning in undergraduate courses • Promote research in T&L areas • Disseminate outcomes of projects, teaching initiatives and exemplars of best practice through staff seminars • Encourage/support career researchers attendance of PD on teaching • Support attendance at T&L conferences and forums • Build into 3rd year and postgraduate units relevant research findings to provide students with exposure to appropriate research techniques • Customise the online unit “Introductory Research and Information Skills” (IRIS) for use on business courses
Target achieved or progress on schedule Target under threat or progress behind schedule No progress Target missed Operational Objective #4: To further develop links between teaching, learning and research KPIs, Milestones and Performance KPIs/Milestones Target YTD Actuals Performance No of T&L research grants TBD 2 No of presentations at T&L conferences and seminars TBD TBD Development of Business IRIS 2008 Cmpl
Operational Priorities Plan 2006-2008 – Teaching and Learning Strategic Objective #1: Improve the quality of the student experience Operational Objective #5: To improve the student learning environment and provision of facilities and services both within and beyond the classroom Strategies Key Initiatives Comments • FY Coordinator appointed and commenced in November 2005. Numerous first year initiatives have progressively been developed and implemented during subsequent enrolment periods including hard copy guides and checklists, an online WebCT support site, and various pre-enrolment, orientation and transition sessions. Most recently, ‘getting started’ sessions have been organised for new international students. • MBA Orientation program has been enhanced and re-structured, by the adding to the all day Saturday activities, a week of activities such as library visits, information literacy and learning skills workshops. • PG Coordinator appointed and developed and implemented an orientation program for 2007 and 2008. WebCT based tool kit foe all PG students being developed for launch in 2009. • Survival skills seminars have been developed and are offered three times per trimester for MBA students eg, ‘Doing business in China’, ‘Presenting to influence – engaging others’, ‘Career development’, Leadership’. • Develop programs to aid student transition to and from the Business School • First Year Experience program and appointment of a FY Coordinator • Expand MBA orientation program • Develop and orientation program for other PG programs • Survival skills seminar for MBAs and first year students
Target achieved or progress on schedule Target under threat or progress behind schedule No progress Target missed Operational Objective #5: To improve the student learning environment and provision of facilities and services both within and beyond the classroom KPIs, Milestones and Performance KPIs/Milestones Target YTD Actuals Performance Student attrition rates TBD TBD Student feedback on orientation programs TBD TBD Student participation in non compulsory seminars TBD TBD
Teaching and Learning Overall Summary of Progress/Outcomes and Future Considerations Comments • Much has been achieved in the past year or so in teaching and learning in the school. Some notable achievements include: • Successful implementation of PASS program • Tremendous response from students with the EIT awards and the success of our staff at the University and National levels. • Success of our students in the Google marketing and SIFE competitions. • Improvements in all CEQ scores released in 2008. • Continued success of tutor training program. • Successful student panel session at Teaching month. • Appointment of PG Student experience officer. • Some success with use of LTPF in some first year units to enhance student learning, T&L research grants. • Challenges and future considerations are: • Embedding and assessment of education principles in all courses. • Identification of students at risk and intervention strategies • Communication skills • Peer review and mentoring of junior staff. • SURF scores in some units a concern and strategies need to be developed to improve these scores. • Mentor/buddy system for new international students and achieving greater integration of international students. Establish a learning community and move to the new building represents an opportunity to focus on a LC. • Improved strategies for more interactivity in all classes, particularly the large lectures. Students must regard attending lectures as adding value. Investigate use of clickers and team based learning. • Investigate ways to achieve more work integrated learning so that our graduates are more “work ready” E.g expand the business practicuum,IBE.