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Mobile Learning in Schools. Ht. www.pbs.org/teachers/innovators/gallery/entries/159. Dr Boris Handal ED5151 : ICT for Teaching and Learning ED4134: Information Technology for Teaching and Learning . Part 1 –Evolution of Educational Technology. Mobile Trivia in 60 seconds
Mobile Learning in Schools Ht www.pbs.org/teachers/innovators/gallery/entries/159 Dr Boris Handal • ED5151: ICT for Teaching and Learning • ED4134: Information Technology for Teaching and Learning
Part 1 –Evolution of Educational Technology Mobile Trivia in 60 seconds Use your mobile phone to find an answer for the questions on the next slide
987 – 634 + 28 x 165= • What is Nomophobia? • Time difference between London and Brisbane • Temperature of Paris tomorrow • Colours of flag of Aruba • What is the circumference of the earth? • Who was the last king of France? • Where was the Titanic built (City/Shipyard)? Find it on Google Maps? • I have AUS$100, how much is that in American dollars today?
http://www.newlearninginstitute.org/21stcenturyeducation/21st-century-learning/index.htmlhttp://www.newlearninginstitute.org/21stcenturyeducation/21st-century-learning/index.html Mobile learning (iPhones, iPod Touch)Click on the Link/Image to play video (3 min)
Look at the picture.How has society changed? What learning technologies are used in this classroom?
The Z-Generation People born between the early 1990s and the early 2010s They are today’s children and students Never know life without the Internet or connected devices Well socially networked “Digital natives”
10,000 hours playing video games. 10,000 hours of digital mobile phone use. 200,000 emails and texts sent and received. Just 5,000 hours of book reading. 20,000 hours of watching TV. • http://www.ltscotland.org.uk/connected/articles/16/mobilemania/index.asp • http://www.slideshare.net/satonner/mobile-phones-in-education-constructive-not-deconstructive-124979
Teens ML Stats • 58% of teens from schools that forbid cell phones use them during class anyway • 31% of teens that take their cell phones to school send text messages during class everyday • 52% of teens talk while driving a car • 34% of teens text while driving a car • 26% of teens have been bullied via text message • Girls text message more than boys http://www.cellphonesinlearning.com/ (2010)
More Recent ICTs sxnore.com
Touch Mobile technologies www..apple.com http://www.upsidelearning.com/blog/index.php/2010/07/29/mlearning-demand-is-growing/ What does ubiquitous computing mean?
What a Mobile Phone Can Do For You?Watch this1 minute video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w7bsOdbhZWI
What else can you do with a mobile device? Any other ideas??
Part 2: What is Mobile Learning? Crucial issues: What is Mobile? What is Learning? Within your peer group, discuss the questions on the following slides. Be ready to present your responses for class discussion. (5 min)
Discussion questions • What does mobile mean? • What is it about mobile that appeals to you the most? • What are the main strengths of mobile phones? • Where have you been a mobile learner? • What are the advantages of mobile learning?
8 Pedagogical Perspective on Mobile Learning • Problem-based learning –Students work on a problematic situation which is open-ended and goal oriented, e.g. case study. • Situated learning – Learning takes place based • on real-life situations. • Constructivist perspective – Students construct their own understanding through active involvement in the learning experience as opposed to rote learning, e.g. simulations.
Context Awareness learning – Student can • do “virtual” visits to museum and galleries. • Social-Cultural Theory of Learning- • Learning takes place within the cultural • context of each system. • Collaborative learning – Students discover • new meanings through sharing understanding.
Conversational learning – Communication • among peers and interactions with other • environments. • Activity learning – Experiential education • through practical work andmanipulatives. • Source: NESTA Futurelab series Report 11: Literature review in mobile technologies and learning. Taylor, J. Pedagogy in the mobile learning environment. The Open University
Important Concepts “It’s the learner that’s mobile” MOBIlearn “Technology is just a tool. In terms of getting the kids working together and motivating them, the teacher is the most important”.
Mobile Learning is ... • “Learning that happens across location, or that takes advantage of learning opportunities offered by portable technologies” (Wikipedia Definition) • “The exploitation of ubiquitous handheld technologies together with wireless and mobile phone networks, to facilitate, support, enhance and extend the reach of teaching and learning” (MoLeNET definition)
Part 3: Learning through Apps • What is an Apps? • Application software, also known as an application or an "app", is computer software designed to help the user to perform singular or multiple related specific tasks. It helps to solve problems in the real world. (Wikipedia)
To play an app you need to download them first to a mobile device. There are about 200,000 apps available from the internet.
Play Sesame Street Song/Video:There's An App For That (1 min) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EhkxDIr0y2U
Quick Apps Review Click on the following screenshots to access more information on each app.
Google Earth Hold the world in the palm of your hand. With Google Earth for iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch, you can fly to far corners of the planet with just the swipe of a finger. Explore the same global satellite and aerial imagery available in the desktop version of Google Earth, including high-resolution imagery for over half of the world's population and a third of the world's land mass. (From the website.)
iHomework iHomework is a student's best friend during the busy times of the school year. Keep up-to-date with your school work, grades, to-do's, teacher's information, and almost everything else you need during the school year. iHomework is the only school organizer that can be with you anywhere you go, whether that be on your iPhone/iPod touch, iPad, or Mac! (From the website)
Science Glossary A glossary of scientific terms and short biographies that support our science education website, http://www.visionlearning.com. All definitions link to related terms and to free, detailed science learning modules. Though geared for high school and undergraduate student's using our website, the glossary and modules are appropriate for anyone generally interested in science. (From the website.)
Art * 204 ARTISTS and constantly adding new. Add/Remove artists - create your own list of artists.* Full BIOGRAPHIES of artist from Wikipedia. Offline no connection needed to read them. * Open external WEB sites to learn more about artists. 6000+ pictures to view in portrait and landscape modes. (From the website.)
The Chemical Touch Consisting of a simplified version of the periodic table display from the full application, it puts the masses, densities, melting & boiling points, radii, and electronegativities of the elements right at your fingertips. If you need more elemental information, touch the internet button to open the wikipedia page for the selected element. (From the website.)
Classics Escape into some of the greatest stories ever written.Experience digital reading in a way that is so natural, and so obvious, it just feels right. (From the website.)
Educate Educate 2.1 is the ultimate teacher's companion providing mobile access to your student data, teaching strategies, eLearning tools and timetable. (From the website.)
Formulae Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry, Vectors & Coordinates, Complex Numbers, Sequences & Series, Probability & Statistics, Calculus, Differential Equations, Linear Algebra, Linear Transforms, Physics
Graphing Calculator Graphing Calculator turns your phone or iPod into an intuitive high-resolution function plotter and scientific calculator. (From the website.)
iFitness • iFitness is a comprehensive exercise database that provides clear pictures, videos and instructions – all within the palm of your hand. (From the website.)
NASA The NASA App collects, customizes and delivers an extensive selection of dynamically updated information, images and videos from various online NASA sources in a convenient mobile package. (From the website.)
Scientific Calculator Full blown scientific calculator, including formula entry in the form of f(x) including z. This calculator renders formulas in 2D and 3D (if Z is included in the equation). (From the website.)
Star Walk Star Walk enables you to point your iPhone at the sky and see what stars, constellations, and satellites you are looking at in real-time. (From the website).
Stop Watch A Stop Watch that does everything you need. Great for coaches and individuals alike. Use it for track, swimming, running, biking, or anything else you can think of. (From the website).
Wikipedia Mobile Wikipedia is now officially on the iPhone! This is our official application and we are working hard on making the absolute best Wikipedia app out there. (From the website.)
World Wiki + Factbook Get quick access to detailed demographic information of almost 250 countries around the world, right on your iPhone or iPod touch. (From the website).
WildLab WildLab Bird engages learners with the basics of bird identification. Along with associated curricula and educational activities found on the WildLab.org Web site, WildLab Bird is a powerful way to see the environment in a whole new way. The application includes photographs, audio, and range maps for over 200 species of birds. (From the website).
Part 4: Mobile Learning Issues For class discussion: (1-2 min) Look at the images on the next slide. How do think parents and teachers are reacting to using mobile devices in the classroom?
http://www.mobl21.com/blog/08/weekly-cartoon-8-august-2010/ http://www.mobl21.com/blog/2010/09/
What concerns do parents have about mobile devices? http://www.tomorrow.org/speakup/pdfs/SU09NationalFindingsStudents&Parents.pdf
Mobile devices have been banned in many schools http://www.ifap.ru/library/book330.pdf
Teachers’ biggest concerns about using mobile devices at school
Cyber-bullying and Safety • How to deal with cyber bullying? Guidelines in: DET “Planning for safe and responsible online behaviour” bullyingpictures.com http://www.google.com.au/imgres?imgurl=http://hooverlaw.com/wordpress/
Happy slapping arcusepito.com blogs.mtlakes.org
Part 5: Mobile Learning Projects Whilst you watch the five videos showcased on the next slides, consider the following questions: