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Case:An active 75 yo farmer comes to your office after experiencing a fainting spell while baling hay. The episode occurred without warning and he had no symptoms following the episode. However, on close questioning he admits to some breathlessness and vague chest heaviness with his usual heavy ex
1. Valvular Heart Disease II:The Aortic Valve Laura Wexler, M.D.
2. Case:
An active 75 yo farmer comes to your office after experiencing a fainting spell while baling hay. The episode occurred without warning and he had no symptoms following the episode. However, on close questioning he admits to some breathlessness and vague chest heaviness with his usual heavy exertion over the past few months and a very unwelcome tendency to want to slow down which he reluctantly attributed to his age. He has been healthy all his life, doesn’t smoke and has not seen a doctor in 30 years. He served in the army in 1942; no abnormalities were reported during his induction physical.
3. Physical Exam Robust looking older man with a laceration on his forehead from falling on the handle of his pitchfork.
BP 135/90 P 68 bpm, regular RR-12 T-98.6? F
JVP 6 cm with normal “a” and “v” waves
Carotids: Difficult to palpate, delayed upstroke
Lungs: Clear
Heart: Palpation: Palpable “thrill” over the mid LSB. PMI 5 ICS, 2 cm lateral to the MCL. Palpable presystolic impulse followed by a sustained ventricular lift.
Auscultation: Loud S4. S1 is normal. A single S2 (P2) is heard at the upper left sternal border but no S2 is heard at the lower left sternal border. There is a 4/6 systolic ejection murmur (crescendo-decrescendo) heard best at the R 2nd interspace but radiating widely to the LSB, and to the neck. No diastolic murmurs.
Abdomen and extremities are unremarkable.
4. Aortic Stenosis
5. Aortic Stenosis: Etiology Congenital bicuspid aortic valve
Rheumatic aortic valve disease
Calcific (senile) aortic stenosis
6. Pathophysiology of Aortic Stenosis Left ventricular outflow obstruction
LV systolic pressure > aortic pressure
Concentric left ventricular hypertrophy
Sustains high LV pressures
Normalizes wall stress (radius x pressure/wall thickness)
Eventually results in impaired LV diastolic compliance
LA hypertrophy and enlargement
Severe stenosis: Limits ability to increase stroke volume on demand
Critical aortic stenosis = fixed cardiac output
7. Aortic Stenosis
8. Key Physical Findings in SevereAortic Stenosis Carotid impulse: “parvus et tardus”
JVP: Prominent “a” wave
Heart: Systolic thrill
Palpable presystolic impulse (S4)
Sustained apical systolic impulse S4
Coarse late peaking systolic ejection murmur (may radiate to neck and/or LSB)
Attenuated/absent aortic component of S2
9. Natural History of Aortic Stenosis Long asymptomatic “latent” period
“Cardinal” symptoms of severe aortic stenosis
Sudden death
Left ventricular dilatation and contractile failure
Ventricular tachycardia
Conduction system disease
Atrial fibrillation
10. Natural History of AS
11. Mechanisms of Dyspnea inAortic Stenosis LVH ? diastolic dysfunction
Progressive LV dilation and contractile failure ? systolic dysfunction
12. Mechanisms of Anginal Chest Pain inAortic Stenosis Increased wall stress ? increased myocardial O2 demand, exceeds ability to coronary flow to meet demand
Associated coronary artery disease
13. Mechanisms of Syncope in Aortic Stenosis Fixed cardiac output: Vasodilation (exercise, vagal stimulation, drug induced), inability to augment CO, drop in cerebral perfusion pressure.
Heart block: Ca++ deposits in aortic ring encroach upon conduction tissue
Ventricular arrhythmias (LVH, ischemia)
14. Diagnostic Studies in Aortic Stenosis ECG: LVH with repolarization changes “strain pattern”
Chest X-Ray: Aortic root dilation (aortic valve Ca++)
Echo: Aortic valve thickening and restricted motion
Doppler: Gradient across aortic valve and aortic valve area can be estimated from increased flow velocity across aortic valve
Cath: Measure gradient across aortic valve and calculate valve area
15. Treatment of Aortic Stenosis Mild to moderate asymptomatic aortic stenosis:
Close follow up: History and physical exam, serial echocardiograms
Endocarditis prophylaxis
Severe, symptomatic aortic stenosis (1 year survival 57%)
Aortic valve replacement with either mechanical or bioprosthetic valve
- Ten year survival ~75%
- Complications of prosthetic heart valves: infection, thromboembolism, mechanical failure
Severe, symptomatic aortic stenosis NOT surgically treatable:
Palliative option: aortic balloon valvuloplasty
16. CASE:
A 52 yo salesman is referred to you for evaluation of a heart murmur. He had applied for a pilot’s license and was denied because of the murmur. He is asymptomatic and physically active. He denies chest pain, dyspnea or dizzy spells and gives no history of a murmur being mentioned during his last physical exam five years ago. He has no family history of heart disease. He has never had high blood pressure or diabetes, doesn’t smoke, and takes no medications. A lipid profile done five years ago was reported to be “OK”.
17. Physical Exam BP - 145/45 P - 78 reg RR - 12 Temp:98.6F
Carotids: Very brisk with sharp collapse
JVP: 5 with normal ‘a’ and ‘v’ waves
Lungs: Clear
Heart: Palpation: PMI is enlarged (4fb), in the anterior axillary line
Auscultation: S1 normal, S2 soft. A 2/6 early peaking systolic ejection murmur at the upper RSB and a 3/6 holodiastolic blowing murmur, heard best at the lower LSB when you ask the patient to hold his breath in expiration and lean forward. There is a different 2/6 low-pitched diastolic murmur at the apex.
Pulses are all very prominent and brisk; audible pulse over
the femoral arteries
18. Additional Testing ECG: LVH with massive voltage in the lateral precordial leads (V4-V6)
Chest X-Ray: Large heart, predominant left ventricular enlargement. No congestive heart failure.
Echo: Marked left ventricular dilation, estimated EF 65%. The end diastolic dimension is 65 mm and the end diastolic dimension is 55 mm. Aortic valve: bicuspid and thickened.
Doppler: Severe aortic regurgitation. The aorta is slightly enlarged (4.2 mm). *
19. Aortic regurgitation
20. Major Causes of Aortic Regurgitation Leaflet Dysfunction Aortic Root Dilation
Rheumatic fever Systemic hypertension
Endocarditis Dissecting aneurysm
Trauma Aortitis (syphilis)
Bicuspid aortic valve Reiter’s syndrome
Rheumatoid arthritis Ankylosing spondylitis
Myxomatous degeneration Ehlers-Danlos
Ankylosing spondylitis Osteogenesis imperfecta
Marfan’s syndrome Pseudoxanthoma elasticum
Fenfluramine-phentermine Marfan’s syndrome
Annulo-aortic ectasia
21. Physical Findings in Aortic Regurgitation Wide pulse pressure:
Bounding pulses
Soft aortic second sound (A2)
Early diastolic murmur (blowing) immediately after A2
Upper RSB with root dilation
Mid to lower LSB with leaflet dysfunction
Systolic murmur at base (similar to aortic stenosis)
Austin Flint murmur: mid to late diastolic “rumble” at apex *
22. Some Really Neat Physical Findings in Severe Chronic Aortic Regurgitation deMusset’s sign: Head bob with each systolic pulsation
Corrigans’s pulses: “Pistol shot” pulses over femoral artery
Mueller’s sign: Pulsation of the uvula
Duroziez’s sign: Systolic/diastolic bruit over femoral artery
Quincke’s pulses: Capillary pulsations seen in the nailbeds
Becker’s sign: Pulsation of retinal arteries and pupils
Hill’s sign: Popliteal BP exceeds brachial BP by > 60 mmHg
23. Pathophysiology of Chronic Aortic Regurgitation Slowly progressive diastolic volume overload
Augmented stroke volume with rapid runoff
Increased systolic pressure with low
diastolic pressure: wide pulse pressure
Progressive left ventricular dilation, some hypertrophy
Increased diastolic compliance with maintenance of normal diastolic pressures initially
Late systolic failure with reduced ejection fraction and CHF
24. Acute vs. chronic aortic regurgitation
25. Acute Aortic Regurgitation Sudden diastolic volume overload without LV dilation:
- Acute elevation in left ventricular diastolic pressure? pulmonary edema
- Acute LV systolic failure ? hypotension
Provide inotropic support, vasodilator therapy if tolerated, urgent valve replacement.
26. Natural History of Chronic Aortic Regurgitation Long asymptomatic phase; may be decades long.
Left ventricular systolic dysfunction ( decline in EF) NOTE!! LV dysfunction may occur in the absence of symptoms
Symptoms associated with LV dysfunction:
- Exercise intolerance
- Dyspnea on exertion
Angina (rare)
Sudden death (rare)
27. Natural history of aortic regurgitation
28. Factors Influencing Severity ofAortic Regurgitation Size of regurgitant orifice
Gradient across aortic valve in diastole (i.e. worse AR with high diastolic BP)
Duration of diastole
29. Management of Chronic Aortic Regurgitation Close follow up of left ventricular size and function with serial echocardiograms (Every few years with mild AR, every 6-12 months with severe AR)
Endocarditis prophylaxis
Medical therapy:
Vasodilator therapy: reduces blood pressure?reduces regurgitant volume
Delays need for aortic valve replacement
Digoxin (enhance systolic function)
Diuretics (reduce LA pressure)
Do NOT slow heart rate!
Aortic valve replacement with mechanical or bioprosthetic valve
30. Criteria for Aortic Valve Replacement in Chronic Aortic Regurgitation Symptoms
Congestive heart failure
Declining exercise tolerance on exercise testing
Anatomy, regardless of symptoms:
Left ventricular dysfunction: EF <50%
Progressive left ventricular dilation or decline in EF on serial studies
Severe dilation (echo):
- Left ventricular diastolic dimension >75 mm
- Left ventricular systolic dimension >55 mm
Aortic root dimension >50 mm
31. Right Sided Valve Disease:Read Harrison, 14th Edition: Pages 1322-1323 Tricuspid stenosis
Tricuspid regurgitation
Pulmonic stenosis
Pulmonic regurgitation
32. Reference Sources for Valvular Heart Disease Reading: Harrison, 14th Edition p 1311-1323
Umedic: Aortic stenosis, aortic regurgitation, mitral stenosis, mitral regurgitation
Instructional Programs:
Heart Sounds and Murmurs