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BEDIUZZAMAN‘S VISION OFEDUCATION and HIS MADRASATU`Z-ZAHRAPROJECT Malaysia-Turkey Cultural Association www.MalaysiaNur.com
BEDIUZZAMAN'S VISION OFEDUCATION and HIS MADRASATU`Z-ZAHRAPROJECT Science and Religion During the time in which Ustad Bediuzzaman lived (1876-1960), materialism and communism were at their peak. There were enormous advances in the field of the modern sciences. These scientific advances were used as a tool for irreligion; to create doubts about religion in minds of Muslims. www.MalaysiaNur.com
BEDIUZZAMAN'S VISION OFEDUCATION and HIS MADRASATU`Z-ZAHRAPROJECT Science and Religion “Tell us about our Creator, our teachers do not speak of Allah.” “All the sciences you study continuously speak of Allah and make known the Creator, each with its own particular tongue. Do not listen to your teachers; listen to them.” www.MalaysiaNur.com
BEDIUZZAMAN'S VISION OFEDUCATION and HIS MADRASATU`Z-ZAHRAPROJECT Science and Religion His urgent concern were to dispel "misunderstandings and false delusions" about "the clash and conflict" between science and Islam, and to reinstate the physical and mathematical sciences in their rightful position. His ideas on educational reform combined religious sciences and modern sciences in the belief that the positive sciences would corroborate and strengthen the truths of religion. www.MalaysiaNur.com
BEDIUZZAMAN'S VISION OFEDUCATION and HIS MADRASATU`Z-ZAHRAPROJECT Science and Religion "Those in the medreses accuse those in the mektebs of weakness in belief because of their literalist interpretation of certain matters, whereas those in the mektebs consider the former to be ignorant and unreliable because they have no knowledge of modem science. While those in the medreses look at those in the tekkes as though they were following innovations...” www.MalaysiaNur.com
BEDIUZZAMAN'S VISION OFEDUCATION and HIS MADRASATU`Z-ZAHRAPROJECT Science and Religion • Problems in Madrasa(s) • Lack of Specialization • Despotism • Lack of Encouragement • Only memorizing • Lack of Analyze & Understanding www.MalaysiaNur.com
BEDIUZZAMAN'S VISION OFEDUCATION and HIS MADRASATU`Z-ZAHRAPROJECT Science and Religion In the world of humanity, from the time of Adam up to now, two great currents, two lines of thought, have always been and will so continue. Like two mighty trees, they have spread out their branches in all directions and in every class of humanity. One of them is the line of prophet-hood and religion, the other the line of philosophy in its various forms. www.MalaysiaNur.com
BEDIUZZAMAN'S VISION OFEDUCATION and HIS MADRASATU`Z-ZAHRAPROJECT Science and Religion Whenever those two lines have been in agreement and united, that is to say, if the line of philosophy, having joined the line of religion, has been obedient and of service to it, the world of humanity has experienced a brilliant happiness and social life. Whereas, when they have become separated, goodness and light have been drawn to the side of the line of prophethood and religion, and evil and misguidance to the side of the line of philosophy. www.MalaysiaNur.com
BEDIUZZAMAN'S VISION OFEDUCATION and HIS MADRASATU`Z-ZAHRAPROJECT Science and Religion "The light of conscience is religious sciences (ulûm-u diniye). The light of the mind is civilized sciences (funûn-u medeniye). Reconciliation of both manifests the truth. The student's skills develop further with these two (sciences). When they are separated, from the former superstition and from the latter corruption and skepticism is born." www.MalaysiaNur.com
BEDIUZZAMAN'S VISION OFEDUCATION and HIS MADRASATU`Z-ZAHRAPROJECT Science and Religion Scienctific Knowledge (Maarif-i Fenniye) want from All Wise, Valuable Knowledge of Allah (Maarif-i Ilahiye) www.MalaysiaNur.com
BEDIUZZAMAN'S VISION OFEDUCATION and HIS MADRASATU`Z-ZAHRAPROJECT Science and Religion “Mana-yi Ismi” (relating only itself) “Mana-yi Harfi” • (indicative meaning, carries the meaning of another) www.MalaysiaNur.com
BEDIUZZAMAN'S VISION OFEDUCATION and HIS MADRASATU`Z-ZAHRAPROJECT Science and Religion Science consists of universal principles, and this universality demonstrates the beauty of the order. For there can be no universality in something without order. All the sciences demonstrate through inductive reasoning a total, all-embracing order; each is a shining proof pointing to the benefits and fruits hanging in bunches from the links of the chains of beings, indicating too the instances of wisdom and advantages concealed in their changing states. The sciences raise the banner of divine unity and testify to the Maker's purpose and wisdom. Each of them is a shining star piercing the darkness and repulsing the satans of delusion and doubt. www.MalaysiaNur.com
BEDIUZZAMAN'S VISION OFEDUCATION and HIS MADRASATU`Z-ZAHRAPROJECT Science and Religion Allah Almighty, in order to display His infinite power and the endless embroideries of His Names, has created man-like cosmos in order to be called upon and remembered. As man is a small world, the microcosm, so is the world a large human being, the macroanthropos. Small man is an index and summary of the macroanthropos. Man has been granted the ability to analyse, read and interpret the index. His superiority over all creatures lies in this. www.MalaysiaNur.com
BEDIUZZAMAN'S VISION OFEDUCATION and HIS MADRASATU`Z-ZAHRAPROJECT Science and Religion All sciences and arts as based on and relying upon a Name; such as the true science of philosophy is based on the Name of All-Wise, the true medicine on the Name of Healer, and geometry on the Name of (Mukaddir)Determiner, and so on. The cosmos is a vast open book which is to be pondered, understood and interpreted. The Divine Names and Attributes are the keys for this. If humanity submits to knowledge that he has acquired concerning the Creator of the cosmos, that is where iman starts. www.MalaysiaNur.com
BEDIUZZAMAN'S VISION OFEDUCATION and HIS MADRASATU`Z-ZAHRAPROJECT Science and Religion Risale-iNur Method Human Belief Clairvoyance Quranic Point of View Sake of Allah Example Method Pointing to Rasulullah (saw) Adress to Mind+Heart+Soul+Feelings Trust to Human www.MalaysiaNur.com
BEDIUZZAMAN'S VISION OFEDUCATION and HIS MADRASATU`Z-ZAHRAPROJECT Science and Religion Risale-iNur Method Madrasa-iYusufiye(s) turned into Madrasa-iNuriye(s) www.MalaysiaNur.com
BEDIUZZAMAN'S VISION OFEDUCATION and HIS MADRASATU`Z-ZAHRAPROJECT Science and Religion Despair is a most grievous sickness and it has entered the heart of the world of Islam. It is despairthat has as though killed us so that a small state of one or two million in the West has as though made twenty million Muslims in the East its servants and their country, its colony. And it is despair that has killed our high morals, and causing us to abandon the public good, has restricted our sight to personal benefits. “Do not despair of Allah’s mercy !” www.MalaysiaNur.com
BEDIUZZAMAN'S VISION OFEDUCATION and HIS MADRASATU`Z-ZAHRAPROJECT Science and Religion "He who seeks success in some matter has to conform sincerely to the Divine laws, be acquainted with the natural laws, and connected to the ties of society. Otherwise, creation will respond to him negatively and he will remain without success. Similarly, he should not oppose the general current in society. If he does, he will fall under its cogs and wheels and remain there." www.MalaysiaNur.com
BEDIUZZAMAN'S VISION OFEDUCATION and HIS MADRASATU`Z-ZAHRAPROJECT Science and Religion Seamen have Noah (PUH), Watchmakers have Joseph (PUH), Tailors have Idris (PUH) "O man! I mounted one of my servants (Solomon) on the air because he gave up the desires of his soul (nafs). If you too give up laziness, which comes from the soul, and benefit thoroughly from certain of my laws in the cosmos, you too may mount it..." www.MalaysiaNur.com
BEDIUZZAMAN'S VISION OFEDUCATION and HIS MADRASATU`Z-ZAHRAPROJECT Science and Religion Moses (PUH) The treasuries of mercy concealed under the earth. "Remedies may be found for even the most chronic ills. In which case, O man!, O calamity-afflicted sons of Adam! Don't despair! Whatever the ill, its cure is possible. Search for it and you will find it. It is even possible to give a temporary tinge of life to death." (Jesus PUH) www.MalaysiaNur.com
BEDIUZZAMAN'S VISION OFEDUCATION and HIS MADRASATU`Z-ZAHRAPROJECT Science and Religion O People of the Book! Qur’an 3:64 This verse addresses this age directly: O People of the Modern Science Books! Yâehle’l-mekteb www.MalaysiaNur.com
BEDIUZZAMAN'S VISION OFEDUCATION and HIS MADRASATU`Z-ZAHRAPROJECT Science and Religion “There is a great conflagration before me, the flames of which are touching the skies. My children are burning in it. My belief has caught fire too, and is burning. I am racing to put out the fire and save my belief.” www.MalaysiaNur.com
BEDIUZZAMAN'S VISION OFEDUCATION and HIS MADRASATU`Z-ZAHRAPROJECT Madrasatu’z-Zahra Project British Secretary for the Colonies: `So long as the Muslims have the Qur'an, we shall be unable to dominate them. We must either take it from them, or make them lose their love of it.' Bediuzzaman: "I shall prove and demonstrate to the world that the Qur'an is an undying, inextinguishable Sun!" www.MalaysiaNur.com
BEDIUZZAMAN'S VISION OFEDUCATION and HIS MADRASATU`Z-ZAHRAPROJECT Madrasatu’z-Zahra Project "I am planning my medrese." "But the Islamic world is all broken up and fragmented." "They have gone to study. It is like this: India is an able son of Islam; it is studying in the high school of the British. Egypt is a clever son of Islam; it is taking lessons in the British school for civil servants. Caucasia and Turkestan are two valiant sons of Islam; they are training in the Russian war academy. And so on. www.MalaysiaNur.com
BEDIUZZAMAN'S VISION OFEDUCATION and HIS MADRASATU`Z-ZAHRAPROJECT Madrasatu’z-Zahra Project Bediuzzaman's greatest aim at this time was to establish a university in eastern Anatolia where this method would be practiced; that is, where modern science would be taught side by side with the religious sciences and his other ideas put into practice. This university he called the Medresetü'zZehra after the el-Ezher University in Cairo, as it was to be its sister university in the centre of the eastern Islamic world. He spent his 55 years for this vision ! www.MalaysiaNur.com
BEDIUZZAMAN'S VISION OFEDUCATION and HIS MADRASATU`Z-ZAHRAPROJECT Madrasatu’z-Zahra Project Bediuzzaman tried to apply to Sultan Abdulhamid, but he couldn’t.. (1908) From Sultan Resad, only a small amount had been paid up due to the financial straits of Ottoman government to begin the construction of the Islamic University for eighty students in Van, the plans which had already been completed. www.MalaysiaNur.com
BEDIUZZAMAN'S VISION OFEDUCATION and HIS MADRASATU`Z-ZAHRAPROJECT Madrasatu’z-Zahra Project It would be an important point of support for the continued existence of Islam and the Ottomans in the eastern region in the face of the ignorance. It would strenghten feeling for Islam and remove every sort of misunderstanding, and would be most beneficial and effective. www.MalaysiaNur.com
BEDIUZZAMAN'S VISION OFEDUCATION and HIS MADRASATU`Z-ZAHRAPROJECT Madrasatu’z-Zahra Project Problems in the Eastern region: Ignorance Poverty Internal enmity Lack of civilization www.MalaysiaNur.com
BEDIUZZAMAN'S VISION OFEDUCATION and HIS MADRASATU`Z-ZAHRAPROJECT Madrasatu’z-Zahra Project Van-Diyarbakir-Bitlis Anatolia (Turkey) and India, Arabia, Iran, Caucasia, Turkistan, Kurdistan (Negative Nationalism) Eastern Turkey, Centre of Islamic World… www.MalaysiaNur.com
BEDIUZZAMAN'S VISION OFEDUCATION and HIS MADRASATU`Z-ZAHRAPROJECT Madrasatu’z-Zahra Project Some governers objected to him. He said: “Most of the prophets had appeared in the East and most of the great philosophers in the West showed that the East would only be aroused by religion; progress was dependent on religion.” www.MalaysiaNur.com
BEDIUZZAMAN'S VISION OFEDUCATION and HIS MADRASATU`Z-ZAHRAPROJECT Madrasatu’z-Zahra Project If religion was not taken as the basis, the non-Turkish Muslims of the region "would not feel true brotherhood for the 'Turks’ ! www.MalaysiaNur.com
BEDIUZZAMAN'S VISION OFEDUCATION and HIS MADRASATU`Z-ZAHRAPROJECT Madrasatu’z-Zahra Project Bediuzzaman worked in the construction of the Madrasatu’z-Zehra like a worker, with his students, in Artemit, near Van Lake. But the World War broke out, the process stopped.. www.MalaysiaNur.com
BEDIUZZAMAN'S VISION OFEDUCATION and HIS MADRASATU`Z-ZAHRAPROJECT Madrasatu’z-Zahra Project Marifet – Imtizac-i Efkar – Ittihad Knowledge – Combining the ideas – Unity Imtizac-ı efkâr is formed with electrical ray of Marifet Unity cannot be formed with ignorance.. www.MalaysiaNur.com
BEDIUZZAMAN'S VISION OFEDUCATION and HIS MADRASATU`Z-ZAHRAPROJECT Madrasatu’z-Zahra Project Isparta (City) will be a complete Madrasatu’z-Zehra and Cami’ulEzher Denizli (City) will be a Madrasatu’z-Zehra Manavi (Madrasatu’z-Zehra)es and (Madrasa-iNuriye)s will be opened everywhere. www.MalaysiaNur.com
BEDIUZZAMAN'S VISION OFEDUCATION and HIS MADRASATU`Z-ZAHRAPROJECT Science and Religion They (West) got in a tumbrel and set off, We will suddenly take the train or baloon and pass them as we did previously. (with Miracle of Muhammad (asm), Unity and Collective Consultation) Divan-ı HarbiÖrfi www.MalaysiaNur.com