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Objectives. Leave ? Current and Upcoming ProcessesSingle Sign On vs KronosTime CompareEstimated TimeWhat is to Come. Leave Verified Changes. Leave Verified has been changed to Paid Leave VerifiedLeave should appear in LeaveTraq before Paid Leave Verified is added to the Timecard. Leave V
1. Kronos Leadership Meeting
December 9, 2011
2. Objectives Leave – Current and Upcoming Processes
Single Sign On vs Kronos
Time Compare
Estimated Time
What is to Come
Debi will introduceDebi will introduce
3. Leave Verified Changes Leave Verified has been changed to Paid Leave Verified
Leave should appear in LeaveTraq before Paid Leave Verified is added to the Timecard
Mary Fran –
Explain What Leave Verified means
Mary Fran –
Explain What Leave Verified means
4. Leave Verified and LWOP LWOP is not entered as Paid Leave Verified
LWOP must be approved through the current email process
Once Executive Director approves, Payroll will enter LWOP
Supervisors approve timecard after LWOP is entered
Mary FranMary Fran
5. Single Sign On SSO is NOT GOING AWAY!
connection to Human Resources Information
connection to Benefit Information
connection to Training Information
connection TAMU Jobs – evaluation process
connection to paystubs, W2 Forms
connection to contact information
Mary FranMary Fran
6. Kronos and Single Sign On Kronos
FS official payroll and leave tracking system
Payroll portion of Kronos went live November 3
Leave portion of Kronos will go live January 26
Employees should not enter leave requests in LeaveTraq for dates after January 25, 2012 Mary Fran
Mary Fran
7. Kronos vs LeaveTraq In LeaveTraq all leave is requested through one screen
In Kronos
Time Off Request (TOR)
Leave Case/Request
Mary Fran
More information will come in January.Mary Fran
More information will come in January.
8. What do Supervisors need to do? Attend a meeting the week of Jan 17-20 in S118
Learn about the leave format and approval process in Kronos
Inform your staff of the January 26 date
Review leave balances and future requests in LeaveTraq prior to January 26
Mary Fran
Mary Fran
9. What does staff need to do? For staff
January 9-13 all staff will attend short informational meetings to learn about Kronos TOR and Leave
Building Services:
Meetings will be in S118
Landscape Services:
January 9, 10, 11 in S118
Custodial Services:
At Quarterly meeting on January 6 Mary Fran
Mary Fran
10. NetID vs UIN Accessing Kronos is easy
To Access Kronos, staff must know two things
1. NetID or UIN
2. NetID Password
To Access SSO, staff must know two things
1. UIN
2. SSO Password
Directions in the Computer How-to Binders Mary FranMary Fran
11. Why does Staff need to access Kronos? To request leave or time off
To view timecard if desired Mary Fran
Mary Fran
12. AiM-Time Compare-Kronos AiM users with access to enter or approve timecards have access to Time Compare
If Time Compare does not appear in the Time Management module, contact IMS
Kronos is official time record
AiM must match Kronos Anna Anna
13. Exception Handling No One is authorized to change the time of a punch
A punch time can be moved (i.e., from In to Out)
Punch time can be added for missed punch
Punch can be deleted if a double punch
See FAQ for specific instructions
14. Estimated Time Estimated Time is paid based on the employee’s schedule
Student Workers or individuals without a schedule will not be paid estimated time
See calendar with dates for estimated time
15. Estimated Time Two different approvals will be required
One for actual time worked for the non-estimated days
One for the actual time worked for days that were estimated