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Personalised, promoting health, equitable, realistic, sustainable, affordable, free at the point of need. Principles. Ensure the NHS delivers world class health and the highest quality health care for the people of the North West by operating as a world class health system. Vision.
Personalised, promoting health, equitable, realistic, sustainable, affordable, free at the point of need Principles Ensure the NHS delivers world class health and the highest quality health care for the people of the North West by operating as a world class health system Vision Improve health and wellbeing for all of the North West population Optimise the delivery of quality healthcare in the most appropriate setting Be recognised as a world leading health system Aims 1. Enabler groups Equality & Diversity Capital Investment Innovation & best practice Intelligence Communications & Engagement Ensure people live longer Improve the efficiency of the health service and VFM 4. 7. Deliver quality health and health services efficiently 2. Reduce the impact of illness on people’s quality of life 8. Secure the necessary skills and lead by example Identify health needs better and respond creatively 5. Objectives Balance collaboration and competition in the delivery of health services 3. 6. Reduce lifestyle related illness 9. Work closely with partners to ensure delivery of health service objectives Core functions Finance Workforce Governance NPfIT Manage our reputation and communicate what we’re doing 10. APPENDIX ONE 2008/09 version Corporate Dashboard Quality Experience Access Etc. Process Outcome
Strategic Objectives 1- 3 Continued 1. Ensure people live longer 2. Reduce the impact of illness on people’s quality of life 3. Reduce lifestyle related illness SMART TARGET (i) Reduce the overall gap in life expectancy by 11% for men and 16% for women by 2010 (all age all cause morality rate per 100,000 population) KA/MN/MOG SMART TARGET (i) Reduce the number Of people claiming incapacity benefit By X%* by 2011 KW/KM/SH SMART TARGET (i) Adult (16+) smoking prevalence in routine and manual groups not to exceed 21% by 2010 AC/MN SMART TARGET (ii) Reduce the absolute gap between NW spearheads and England in under 75 years CVD mortality to 22.0 deaths or less per 100,000 population By 2010 KA /MN/MOG SMART TARGET (ii) Ensure year on year Improvements to mental health and well being as demonstrated through national targets and other measures SMART TARGET (ii) Under 18 conception rate per 100,000 (females 15-17) to reduce by 50% by 2010 from the 1998 baseline of 50.3 per 100,000 WN/CO/MN SMART TARGET (iii) Reduce the absolute gap between NW spearheads and England in under 75 years cancer mortality to 19.5 deaths or less per 100,000 population By 2010 RH/MN/MOG SMART TARGET (iii) Reduce the rate of hospital admissions per 100,000 for alcohol related harm by X%*** by 2010 BFMN SMART TARGET (iv) Infant mortality rates in routine and manual groups should not exceed 9% by 2013JB SMART TARGET (iv) Reduce % of children assessed as obese and overweight in all primary school age children to 2000 Levels by 2020 AlR/MN SMART TARGET (v) year on year improvements in the emotional health & Wellbeing of children and YP (as measured in the Tellus2 survey) EDS SMART TARGET (v) Increase the numbers of drug users recorded as being in effective treatment MG
Strategic Objectives 1- 3 Continued 1. Ensure people live longer 2. Reduce the impact of illness on people’s quality of life 3. Reduce lifestyle related illness SMART TARGET (vi) The incidence of Chlamydia in under 25 year population In NW not to exceed 7% by 2013 CO/MN
Strategic Objectives 4 - 6 4. Deliver quality health and health and health services efficiently 5. Identify health needs better and Respond creatively 6. Balance collaboration and competition in the delivery of health services SMART TARGET (i) PCT commissioning plans reflect population need by 2011 LE/MN/AB/KM/SH/AH SMART TARGET (i) Develop a regional Health intelligence function and resource with PCTs and other regional agencies where appropriate by April 09 MOVED TO INTELLIGENCE ENABLER SMART TARGET (i) Develop system Management framework for SHA by October 2008 AR/KM/AB SMART TARGET (ii) Eliminate all avoidable HCAI by 2012 ABR SMART TARGET (ii) NHS NW organisations have systems in place to embed innovation and new technology by 2012 MOVED TO INNOVATIONS ENABLER SMART TARGET (ii) By April 2010 develop assurance framework for Provider services to meet the needs of the local populations WG/LE SMART TARGET (iii) All organisations providing NHS care will achieve full compliance with the core standards and good HCC quality score or equivalent By 2010 ABR/FW/KA SMART TARGET (iii) Deliver the reform of reconfiguration consultations from DH and incorporate in local process By August 2008 AB/SH/KM SMART TARGET (iv) Implement an overarching quality strategy and achieve full sign up by PCTs by 2009 ABR SMART TARGET (v) All PCT commissioners will have in place a robust system for reducing ‘needless harm’ to patients by 2009 ABR/MC/IR
Strategic Objectives 4 - 6 4. Deliver quality health and health and health services efficiently 5. Identify health needs better and Respond creatively 6. Balance collaboration and competition in the delivery of health services SMART TARGET (vi) Ensure year on year improvements in patient experience as demonstrated by patient surveys and other measures ABR/MOG/SH/MC/CJ/MB SMART TARGET (vii) Deliver the 18 week referral to treatment target by December 2008 MN SMART TARGET (viii) Ensure the national Urgent Care standards and targets are delivered in line with the 2008/09 – 2010/2011 operating framework MN SMART TARGET (ix) Ensure the national Cancer Access standards and targets are delivered in line with the 2008/09 – 2010/2011 operating framework MN SMART TARGET (x) Ensure the national Primary Care Access standards and targets are delivered in line with the 2008/09 – 2010/2011 operating framework MN
Strategic Objectives 4 - 6 4. Deliver quality health and health and health services efficiently 5. Identify health needs better and Respond creatively 6. Balance collaboration and competition in the delivery of health services SMART TARGET (xi) Ensure the national LTC milestones and targets are delivered in line with the 2008/09 – 2010/2011 operating framework MN/DR/MW SMART TARGET (xii) Ensure the framework to deliver quality provider service complies with national requirements on state of readiness for FT compliance and separation of PCT provider arms where appropriate by 2010 WG SMART TARGET (xiii) Services demonstrate Year on year improvement in providing The full range of 2014 development standards in the NSF for Children, YP & Maternity Services EDS SMART TARGET (xiv) year on year increase in joint commissioning and investment in children’s services as measured in the Child Health Mapping survey EDS SMART TARGET (xv) Ensure year on year improvements to high secure patient care and security as demonstrated through national targets and other measures
Strategic Objectives 4 - 6 4. Deliver quality health and health and health services efficiently 5. Identify health needs better and Respond creatively 6. Balance collaboration and competition in the delivery of health services SMART TARGET (xvi) All strategic plans are impact assessed in accordance with equality legislation - ongoing SA
Strategic Objectives 7 - 9 7. Improve the efficiency of health services and VFM 8. Secure the necessary skills and lead by example 9. Work closely with partners to ensure delivery of health service objectives. SMART TARGET (i) Ensure and maintain year on year strategic focus for NHS NW until 2011 MOVED TO GOVERNANCE ENABLER SMART TARGET (i) The NW NHS will increase commissioner and provider capability and capacity in organisational development and lead by example by 2010 - DC SMART TARGET (i) To establish an effective engagement process to ensure NHS NW delivers its vision MOVED TO COMMS ENABLER SMART TARGET (ii) Embed process based planning approaches into the strategic and operational frameworks for the NHS in the NW by April 2009 AR/SH SMART TARGET (ii) Undertake a review of the organisation’s ability to fulfil its duties by October 2008 SB SMART TARGET (ii) Earn a reputation as a leading influencer on health opinions and aspirations SH/AH/SA SMART TARGET (iii) Agreed metrics demonstrate the NW effectiveness as Leaders by April 2009 DC/JC SMART TARGET (iii) Significant progress made against NHS toolkit standards on sustainable development by December 2009 KA SMART TARGET (iii) By 2010 develop systems and processes to enable partnership and JV work across organisations and boundaries SH/AB/WG/AH/CM/JC MOVED TO ACADEMY ENABLER SMART TARGET (iv) All commissioners across the NW have effective world class workforce and education by April 2009 MOVED TO WORKFORCE ENABLER SMART TARGET (iv) Ensure all strategic plans are impact assessed in terms of equalities in accordance with national directives and equalities legislation (internally and externally focused) MOVED TO E&D ENABLER SMART TARGET (iv) Maintain a top 3 position in the HCC use of resources score. Ongoing. MOVED TO FINANCE ENABLER SMART TARGET (v) Utilise ‘health Impact’ and other assessment methodologies to optimise VFM in new and existing investments MOVED TO CIG ENABLER SMART TARGET (v) Improve the A4C representation of BME employment at all levels across all NHS NW organisations so that BME staff numbers mirror the local population. MOVED TO E&D ENABLER Healthier Horizonz
Strategic objectives 7-9 continued 7. Improve the efficiency of health services and VFM 8. Secure the necessary skills and lead by example 9. Work closely with partners to ensure delivery of health service objectives. Ensure PCTs understand, utlise and deliver a long term market development strategy that meets future Needs by August 2009 KM/AB/MC/AR SHA wide OD review by xxxx ‘Our Life’ Develop the OD agenda and action plan based on the rewvie by xxxx Defining the system by March 2010 KM/LE/AB/SS/AC/RB/LB X% increase in patients being offered meaningful choice and utilising choice by using key metrics by xxxxx ??/?? SHA assured that all PCTs have robust agreed contracts for x activity in place with All their providers (IS,C,MH Acute LA) by April 2009 (JC/MM/GR)
Strategic objectives 7-9 continued 7. Improve the efficiency of health services and VFM PCT role and responsibility of SM behaviours is understood, agreed and demonsrarted By April 2009 Align incentives and objectives Programme budgeting
Strategic Objective 10 10. Manage our reputation and communicate what we’re doing SMART TARGET (i) Create a clear Narrative for the NHS in the NW by March 2008 MOVED TO COMMS ENABLER SMART TARGET (ii) Year on year improvement in public opinion of the NHS through PCT surveys MOVED TO COMMS ENABLER SMART TARGET (iii) Develop PCT communications capacity and capability by 2010 MOVED TO COMMS ENABLER
Core Enabling Functions (1) FINANCE WORKFORCE GOVERNANCE SMART TARGET (iv) Maintain a top 3 position in the HCC use of resources score. Ongoing SMART TARGET (i) Ensure and maintain year on year strategic focus for NHS NW until 2011
Core Enabling Function (2) NPfIT LEADERSHIP ACADEMY WORKFORCE SMART TARGET (iii) Agreed metrics demonstrate the NW effectiveness as Leaders by April 2009 DC/JC SMART TARGET (iv) All commissioners across the NW have effective world class workforce and education by April 2009 CJ/CM
Enabler Matrix Groups (1) Equality and Diversity Communications and Engagement Capital Investment SMART TARGET (v) Improve the A4C representation of BME employment at all levels across all NHS NW organisations so that BME staff numbers mirror the local population. SA SMART TARGET (i) To establish an effective engagement process to ensure NHS NW delivers its vision SH/KW/SC SMART TARGET (v) Utilise ‘health Impact’ and other assessment methodologies to optimise VFM in new and existing investments KB/KA SMART TARGET (iv) Ensure all strategic plans are impact assessed in terms of equalities in accordance with national directives and equalities legislation (internally and externally focused) SA SMART TARGET (ii) Year on year improvement in public opinion of the NHS through PCT surveys IR/SH SMART TARGET (iii) Develop PCT communications capacity and capability by 2010 IR/SH SMART TARGET (i) Create a clear Narrative for the NHS in the NW by March 2008
Enabler Matrix Groups (2) Innovation and best practice Intelligence SMART TARGET (ii) NHS NW organisations have systems in place to embed innovation and new technology by 2012 CJ/MOG/LE SMART TARGET (i) Develop a regional Health intelligence function and resource with PCTs and other regional agencies where appropriate by April 09