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Towards an improved European Infrastructure for reactive trace gas monitoring within ACTRIS Christian Plass-Duelmer, Stefan Reimann, S. Gilge, A. Werner, C. Hoerger, the ACTRIS Team. WP4: Trace gases networking: Volatile organic carbon and nitrogen oxides. EMEP. WMO/GAW. CCL.
Towards an improved European Infrastructure for reactive trace gas monitoring within ACTRIS Christian Plass-Duelmer, Stefan Reimann, S. Gilge, A. Werner, C. Hoerger, the ACTRIS Team
WP4: Trace gases networking: Volatile organic carbon and nitrogen oxides EMEP WMO/GAW CCL Data Quality Objective Meas. Guidelines Qualtity Assurance Data Reporting WCC / QA-SAC AMOHA FP5 project ACTRIS-VOC/NOx Activities Integration/Harmonization Funding
Reactive Gases Development of concepts, drafts, dissemination, revisions in ACTRIS NA4 Community Work shop Ispra, Oct 2011, Work shop Hohenpeißenberg, June 2012 Several bi-lateral meetings ACTRIS-GAW Community GAW VOC Expert Group, York, Sep 2012 WMO/GAW Meeting, Geneva, Feb 2013 ACTRIS-EMEP Community EBAS Data workshop, Oslo, May 2012 EMEP TFMM , May 2011, May 2013 ACTRIS-AQUILA Community Cooperation in method development, Participate in RR and intercomparisons
How do stations measure? Status Stations – Measurement Techniques and QA/QC See www.actris.net wp4Documents/StationQuestionnaires VOC NOx Air Inlet X X Sampling X Preconcentration X Instrument X X Operation, Maintenance X X Data acq. And processing X X QA/QC, documentation X X Data submission X X Sketch of system X X Chromatograms X
DQO of ACTRIS and GAW What are the recommendations? How can the stations improve? VOC Draft Measurement Guidelines • See www.actris.net wp4Documents • Rational and objectives • Data Quality Objectives • measurement set-up and sampling • measurement instruments • calibration • QA and QC • data evaluation • uncertainty • data submission NOx
ACTRIS Round Robin Experiments Two Legs - ACTRIS 1 /2 NO: synthetic mixture ppm in N2 How good are the calibration standards at the stations? NO, relative deviation from NPL reference value
VOC-round robin: 1ppb NMHC in N2 (expand. combined uncertainty, k=2) isoprene
VOC-round robin: 1ppb NMHC in N2 (Numbers = % deviations, green < ACTRIS DQO) Deviation < ACTRIS DQO Deviation < GAW DQO Dev. < uncertainty, > GAW DQO Dev. > uncertainty, > GAW DQO
What is the quality of ambient measurements? VOC whole air intercomparison during round robin experiment
Deviations from Reference values for one station (orange: VOC in N2, green: VOC in air) FID-C-Response as diagnostic tool (blue: lab-standard, red: ACTRIS VOC in N2) Lab-Stand
14 NO/NO2 instruments sampling from a common manifold at Hohenpeissenberg, Nov, 12.-16., 2012 • 10x CLD with PLC/BLC or Mo converters, 1x LIF, 1x DOAS, 1x CAPS, 1x CRD • initial calibration at the beginning of SBS via manifold • zero gas, synthetic mixtures, ambient air, and spiked ambient air
Performance of patricipating instruments in air: <20% of data outside DQO, >50% of data outside DQO
Improve quality, disseminate knowledge, Increase data availability expand network • round robin VOC + monoterpenes + side-by-side NOx – stations got feed-back and questions - waiting for station answers • learn about superior techniques, problematic techniques – input for Measurement Guidelines and QA, distribute in community, improve • upcoming OVOC intercomparison with GC-MS/FID and PTR-MS instruments at Hohenpeissenberg in October • papers on RR and comparisons-results • next version Draft Measurement Guidelines – ACTRIS + GAW community – Cross-link with IAGOS, PEGASOS, iLeaps, AQUILA - finalize in GAW Reports • station audits • EBAS data reporting feed-back (data evaluations) Acknowledgement The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Union Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreement n° 262254.