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Reflect on managing exam stress, discuss practical examples, review progress, support vulnerable students, and participate in social media challenges.
Conquering exam stress WEEK 1 ENTERING THE ZONE WEEK 2 PUTTING YOU FIRST WEEK 3 TAKING CONTROL WEEK 4 BECOMING EXPERTS top tips for students and by students
WEEK 4 BECOMING EXPERTS • Becoming experts • Review
becoming experts The Resilient Tutor Group Managing Exam Stress: Becoming experts Approximate Time: 2 x 20 minutes Materials: Reflectionlog/journal Aim/Outcomes: To summarise learning and understanding of how to manage exam stress through practical examples Activities Exam stress forum Students discuss exam stress-related problems and give advice. This could be a group activity with each group focusing on one problem and feeding back Becoming experts Individually, students complete the sentences in their learning journal/log. This exercise then constitutes a plenary for the previous sessions’ learning, allowing you to gauge understanding and learning of all students. Riseabove.org.uk Signpost this well organised and resourced website (created by young people for young people) for your pupils to explore Focus students Ensure that you are checking the learning and understanding of students who have been identified as vulnerable from previous sessions and taking appropriate action where there are issues or concerns. Ensure that you continue to hold these students in mind and encourage them in their attempts to manage stress and improve their own wellbeing.
becoming experts My best mate always seems to have done loads more work than me. It’s making me stressed out. – Sam During exams I get freaked out by the first question if I can’t answer it, and then I get stuck. – Niamh How do I make sure to leave enough time to answer all the questions in the exam? – Harry Sometimes in exams I break out in a cold sweat and start breathing really fast. I’m starting to panic that it will happen this time. – Jas I get a headache nearly every day. I keep thinking about what my parents will say if I don’t get the right grades. They’ll be so upset and disappointed. I’m finding it hard to focus and actually revise. – Nav I’m sure I’m going to fail, no matter how much work I do. What is the best way to revise? – Jack I’m struggling to manage my time and to fit all my revision in. It feels like there’s far too much to do. I keep forgetting to eat lunch. – Millie My exams are over but I’m so worried that I can’t sleep. I need to find out what I got but it won’t be for weeks! – Alex Exam Stress Forum
becoming experts If I see someone who needs to take a break from revising and relax, I can... If someone I know is stressing about planning their revision, I can... If my friend gets stressed in the middle of an exam, I would advise them to... When someone I know needs to get help with their revision planning, I can... Becoming Experts
becoming experts How to ace an exam Dealing with exam stress Riseabove.org.uk by young people, for young people
becoming experts The Resilient Tutor Group Becoming experts: Review Approximate Time: 20 minutes Materials: Original student starting point proformas Reflection log/journal Class feedback on what they said they needed from the introduction session Aim/Outcomes: To summarise learning and understanding of how to manage exam stress and review individuals’ starting points • Activities • Give students time to review what they wrote at the beginning of these sessions. What if anything has changed or improved? • Are they able to tick off more things on their check list? If not why not? What happened? • If students have kept a reflection journal throughout these sessions then they should take time to look back and evaluate their own learning and progress in managing exam stress. • Focus students • Ensure that you are checking learning and understanding of students who have been identified as vulnerable from previous sessions and taking appropriate action where there are issues or concerns. • Support these pupils in particular to acknowledge where progress has been made and positive changes have been brought about to enhance their confidence and self-esteem. • Ensure that you continue to hold these students in mind and encourage them in their attempts to manage stress and develop their own wellbeing. • Review their checklist and be alert to any possible causes for concern. Are they feeling confident about revising effectively and managing their stress and anxiety over the Easter holidays?
conqueringexam stress before Visible signs: Feelings: after REVIEW before after I have shared this information with: Signature:
WEEK 4CHALLENGES Make a simple revision/support/resilience plan for the Easter Holidays Ask for help to do this if you need it Week 4: Social Media ChallengeShare a quote from one of your new exam stress experts!Tweet us your reply @HeadStartNewhamDon’t forget to hashtag #HSNewhamchallenge