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Blessed Sacrament Mother’s Guild Newsletter. MARCH 26 TH , 2012. FROM THE DESK OF MRS. MAGNUSSON. Thank you…all! Now let’s drink and eat!.
Blessed Sacrament Mother’s Guild Newsletter MARCH 26TH, 2012 FROM THE DESK OF MRS. MAGNUSSON Thank you…all! Now let’s drink and eat! Wow, we still have half a year left and more fun to come. But I would like to take this opportunity to say "Thank You" for all we have achieved. Again, this year we have welcomed and appreciated so many new volunteers. As we continue, to strive for an outstanding fund raising year, we are so very grateful for all our volunteers. We would not be as successful without all of you. We also ask that you continue to support the upcoming events so they too, will be as successful. Sincerely, Joanne Rubano Mother’s Guild President Dear Parents, I hope you are enjoying the beautiful early spring. While we welcome the pleasant weather, it makes it more difficult for students to concentrate on their school work and home assignments. Please continue to assist us keeping them on task. Thank you for your cooperation with our new Progress Report System. Once we get these new technologies in place, it will make life easier for all of us. However, please bear in mind that IRIS (Immediate Response Information System) is the emergency message tool, whereas the SIS (Student Information System) is to obtain grades and report cards. I would like to take this opportunity to wish you and your families a Blessed Easter and a wonderful Easter Break. When we return we will be ready for State Tests, Scoring tests and First Communion.
Blessed Sacrament Mother’s Guild Newsletter MARCH 26th, 2012 Pg.2 ONGOING BSS FUNDRAISERS Supermarket Gift Card Program GIFT CARDS available Mon, Tues, Thurs and Fri 8-10 in the school. Please come through the main entrance. Also, twice a month after each mass. Campbell’s Soup Labels and Box Tops for Education Labels and box tops can be sent in through the school to the Mother’s Guild mailbox. Please mark envelope “Campbell’s Soup Labels” or “Box Tops”. You can also bring them to church as there are collection boxes in the back of the church. $$$DINE OUT- FOR BSS$$$ Invite your friends and family and help us turn FUN into FUNDS! Mark your calendar for our upcoming fundraising events: APRIL TBA….. Here are our past earnings-Eggers- $48.78 Manor House- 20% give back --gave us back $420.00 to our school! WOO-HOO!. Vendor Meeting- $275.00 CHILI’s- is still chilin on giving us their amount for now- so we will let you know when we know. FIVE BELOW- (hopefully our earnings are ABOVE 5- but we have not heard yet!) JIMMY MAXX- Still waiting…. Thanks Izz Marani for organizing these great events for us all! MEETING SET-UP & THEMES! Those attending our monthly Guild meeting should arrive at 6:30 p.m. Please be reminded this is our Nomination Meeting and we urge all to attend. The Thank You Cocktail Reception will begin at 7:30 p.m. immediately following the Guild meeting. This will be held in the Gym.Last class mom mtg. April 24 @ 7:00 please arrive early so we may start on time and we can get to the monthly meeting on time. BSS WEBSITE The school website is www.blessedsacramentschoolsi.com. Please check site often for updates, as well as this newsletter will be posted on it also. You can print the newsletter at your convenience. If you have newsletter entries, please contact Kerry Falcone. You can also friend us on Facebook. Feel free to contact Patricia Hughes at HAPPYHUGHES511@AOL.COM if you have any questions or suggestions. 2010-2011 Standing Committees Helping hands- Please contact Jeanne Helbock (718) 448-4014 or Laura Mahoney (718)494-6981 if you know a family in need. Wake Committee- If you become aware of a death in the family of one of our students please notify Laura DiSpirito 718-494-3505 for pre-k-3, and Dawn DiGeorge for grades 4-8 @ 718-876-5190 Attendance is Christine Miuccio & Denise Benson 50/50 Julie Aquafredda & Dawn Minogue Campbell’s Soup Michelle Meagher S.I. Federation of Catholic Schools Judy Trimarchi & Karen Petersen $$$$$$ MOTHER’S GUILD DUES $$$$$$$ Mother’s Guild dues remain $10.00. Dues can be paid at the Meetings. Please see Genice Alvarado. You may also send it through school with your child. Please mark the envelope with your child’s/children’s names and grade with your payment so it can be properly recorded.
Blessed Sacrament Mother’s Guild Newsletter MARCH 26th 2012 Pg.3 UPCOMING CALENDAR EVENTS BSS BOOSTERS! For Two dollars a booster you can have something special/a name in “lights”, printed in the upcoming newsletters. Here are your March Booster’s: *HAPPY 9TH BIRTHDAY TO RYAN MANUELIAN ON APRIL 4TH! LOVE TIMMY, MOM AND DAD *HAPPY HALF BIRTHDAY TO DILLON FALCONE ON APRIL 4TH! LOVE ANNIE, MOM, AND DAD! 3/26 MOTHER’S GUILD THANK YOU COCKTAIL RECEPTION/MEETING /NOMINATING COMMITTEE VOTING 6:45PM PCMR *Candle Sale Ends 3/27Titan League Mtg 8pm PCMR 3/29 Mtg. with Finance Council re:Tuition Increase 3/30 Pizza Day 4/2 Book Fee Due 4/3 Cupcake Day 4/4 NO CCD 4/5 Holy Thursday and Start of Easter Break through and return on 4/16 4/17 ELA Tests Gr 4,6,8 4/18 ELA State Tests Gr 4,6,8 4/20 Pizza Day/Report Cards/Check Website for Newsletter 4/23 Mother’s Guild Mtg7:30pm/Last Class Mother’s Mtg. 7pm/ Group I Rehearsal 12:15 4/24 Group II Rehearsal 12:15/ Titan League Mtg. PCMR Officer nominations/ Scoring ELA FASHION SHOW NEWS Well, Chairladies Sue Tornello, Kim Bellotti, Jodi Sullivan, Wendy Sercia, Linda Travers, Kim Ropiak, Lisa Bifalco, and Jenn Allen, you out-did yourselves this year! What a great event! From the décor, the food, the prizes, and the fabulous fashions with gorgeous models showing them off…it was a night to remember! (And let’s not forget to mention the goodie bag…it was such a nice bonus to the night when I got home and opened up that bag with such GREAT free goodies! )Thank you for all of your time and effort. It really paid off! BLOCK PARTY NEWS The 2ND ANNUAL BSS/SETON KIDS BLOCK PARTY is scheduled for Monday June 20th. Fun Events for all! Anyone interested in donating their time or have “block party resources” please see KERRY FALCONE or any Mother’s Guild board member.
Blessed Sacrament Mother’s Guild Newsletter MARCH 26th , 2012 Pg.4 • Miscellaneous Items • *News from Federation of Catholic School Parents: • Each year the Federation sponsors scholarships for 8th grade students. One 8th grade boy and one 8th grade girl from BSS will be chosen from eligible BSS students to receive scholarship money. Eligibility requirements are: Mother must be an active member of Mothers' Guild (dues paid and attended 4 meetings, up to and including April); student attending a Catholic School in September; have not received any other scholarship and in good standing with school administration. Each family is asked to contribute $10 towards the funding of the scholarships. If you haven't already sent in, please send $10 in an envelope marked "Federation Scholarship" by March 31st. Thanks so much - your support is greatly appreciated. • Last class mom mtg. April 24 @ 7:00 pls to arrive early so we may start on time and we can get to the monthly meeting on time. • *Grandparents Day is on the calendar for May 8, due to a calendar conflict it is on May 15. • Notice have gone home in the backpacks. THE $$$$ will be due APRIL 4th (not April 9th). Please note. • Mother/Son Bowling May 19th, 6-8 @ Showplace, info to follow in backpacks. • Installation Dinner - May 30 @7:00 invites to follow in backpacks. This is a great way to say adieu to the present committee and a great way to welcome the new 2012-2014 one! • This Months Highlights and Thank You’s • Congratulations to our 2nd graders who received their First Reconciliation this month The Staten Ireland St. Patrick’s Day Parade was Sunday, March 6! An impressive turnout was there this year!!! Children who walked received either a bonus on their religion score or free h.w pass- and the respect of all of their peers. Thank you for your dedication! * • ______________________________________ • UPCOMING MASSES OF BSS FAMILY MEMBERS • Dolores Macri (Mother of Diana Antonaros) April 11th 7am • Thorleif Olsen (Father of Lisa Hughes) March 26th , 7am The Blessed Sacrament Mothers Guild functions under the patronage of the Holy Family. Under their guidance, we look forward to working with you to make this a successful and rewarding year for our children. _______________________________________Pastor Monsignor Peter G. Finn Parish House 442-1581 Principal Mrs. Linda Magnusson School 442-3090 Ass’t Principal Mrs. Beverly D’Angelo School 442-3090 President Joanne Rubano 442-3818 Vice President Patricia Hughes happyhughes511@aol.com Recording Sec. Kerry Falcone KERRYFAL@gmail.COM Corresponding Sec. Kathy Manuelian kmanuelian2003@yahoo.com Treasurer Genice Alvarado gen211963@aol.com
!! SIGHTS OF MARCH BSS GIRL POWER AT PARADE!!! BSS BOY POWER AT PARADE!!! 2ND GRADER TIMMY MANUELIAN To see the wonderful recognition the 3rd and 4th graders received for their fundraising clickhere… http://www.silive.com/northshore/index.ssf/2012/02/blessed_sacrament_students_tak.html 8TH GRADE GIRLS AND THEIR MOMS AT THE MOTHER DAUGHTER BREAKFAST BSS MODELS BACKSTAGE AT THE FASHION SHOW! DR. SUESS DAY IN PRE-K!