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Building a Regional Strategy Plan (e.g. SEA Peoples) Kingdom Come! No Place Left! Finishing what others have started…. What will it take to reach every target group in the affinity & cluster in the next 10 years? Value :
Building a Regional Strategy Plan (e.g. SEA Peoples)Kingdom Come! No Place Left!Finishing what others have started… What will it take to reach every target group in the affinity & cluster in the next 10 years? Value: Each cluster leader is responsible for reaching the WHOLE affinity, but devises a strategy for his own cluster. We work as a team to reach the affinity, serve each other and celebrate each other’s successes.
What will it take to finish? Effectiveness • Helping every team that is engaging be effectively moving forward along the CPM Continuum. One year’s progress • 1-Unsure – unsure of how to proceed toward CPM or no plan From 22 to 9 • 2– Moving purposefully 0 to 1 – trying to consistently establish 1st generation believers & churches 56 to 39 • 2.5 - 0 to 1 with 1st gen believers/groups already 3 to 32 • 3– Moving purposefully 1 to 2 – Consistent 1st & some 2nd gen churches 18 to 18 • 4– Near CPM - consistent 2nd, some 3rd gen churches 1 to 1 • 5– Emerging CPM - consistent 3rd gen churches, some 4th 1 to 1 • 6– Sustained CPM - consistent 4th generation churches; multiple streams are started 0 to 2
ORGANIZATION Vision Our vision is a multitude from every language, people, tribe and nation knowing and worshipping our Lord Jesus Christ.
ORGANIZATION Mission Our mission is to make disciples of all peoples in fulfillment of the Great Commission.
Cluster Strategy Leader Role Organizational Mover Effectiveness Coach Vision (Treasure) Organizationresources Engagement Catalyst All of us are a team to reach the whole affinity and beyond.
Player Coach Role CLT strategist Team Strategy Leader Vision (Treasure) Effectiveness Coach Organization resources
What we are about? Vision: Our vision is a multitude from every SE Asian people knowing and worshipping our Lord Jesus Christ. Task: To engage every unreached SEA people group and city with an effective kingdom movement strategy by 2018 Motto: • Kingdom Come! No Place Left! Finishing what others have started AGLT role: Mind the gap • Generate what it will take to reach all • Equip and support personnel to succeed. Everyone’s part: Live the kingdom as we expand the kingdom • Love the King sacrificially • Humble learners • Abiding in Christ in prayer • Acting on His Word • Love others selflessly • Authentic: Transparent / truth • Proactive in right relationships • Family spirit • Obey the King’s commission expectantly • Faithful in high value activities that multiply disciples & churches: Church Planting Movements • Persistently pursuing fruitfulness to finish the task • Full of faith in the Spirit for a ready harvest
Strategy Plans Overview • 3 year Strategy Plan • With 6-12 month goals • Goals and progress are re-visited at every AGLT meeting (each 3 months) • Tracking in Two Areas: • ENGAGEMENT • EFFECTIVENESS • AIM: To engage every unreached SEA people group and city with an effective kingdom movement strategy by 2018 • End-vision for cluster • Mobilize personnel • Equip for CPM • Empowering support • Fervent Prayer • Frequent Evaluation
1. END-VISION FOR CLUSTER:What are we about? • Identify the scope of the remaining task in the cluster and prioritize engagement • AIM: That every unreached people group and city is engaged with an effective CPM strategy by 2018 • Identify: Total number of unreached PGs and Cities including Diaspora • Evaluate: Current progress toward CPM in each • Are they engaged? • Are they engaged by an effective strategy? • Evaluate where each engaged target is on the CPM Continuum • Prioritize targets through an end-visioning process • Which targets are tier 1 priority, then tier 2, and so on • See text box • Develop a plan for engagement with effective CPM strategies by 2018 • Whether by your organization or other partners • TIER 1 – Three years • 19 Cities over 500K to target in 3 years • 54 UPGs over 50K to target in 3 years • All currently engaged targets to receive effective training and support to take significant steps across the CPM continuum • CLUSTERS help us make the end-vision manageable • TIER 2 • UPGs 20-50K • TIER 3 • UPGs 20K and below
What will it take to finish? Engagement • Tier 1: UUPGs over 50K, UCities over 500K • 2009: 70 2010: 58 5/2011: 45 • Tier 2: UUPGS between 20,000 & 50,000 pop • 2009: 69 2010: 64 2010: 54 • Tier 3: Under 20,000 population 372 Now 301 • BY . . . • National Partners / NSCs • Seriously-adopting churches – Embracing Churches • Long-term IMB personnel • GCCs & internationals We must maintain the sacrificial ethos of the final generation! We must not lose sight of finish line.
What will it take to finish? Effectiveness • Helping every team that is engaging be effectively moving forward along the CPM Continuum. One year’s progress • 1-Unsure – unsure of how to proceed toward CPM or no plan From 22 to 9 • 2– Moving purposefully 0 to 1 – trying to consistently establish 1st generation believers & churches 56 to 39 • 2.5 - 0 to 1 with 1st gen believers/groups already 3 to 32 • 3– Moving purposefully 1 to 2 – Consistent 1st & some 2nd gen churches 18 to 18 • 4– Near CPM - consistent 2nd, some 3rd gen churches 1 to 1 • 5– Emerging CPM - consistent 3rd gen churches, some 4th 1 to 1 • 6– Sustained CPM - consistent 4th generation churches; multiple streams are started 0 to 2
2. MOBILIZE PERSONNEL & RESOURCES:What & who do we need to get there? • Identify which resources are most effectiveor essential to reach each target • Guided by the question: “What will it take to reach all target groups in this cluster in the next 10 years?” • In order of priority, partners are mobilized with an eye toward their • Teachable, faithful, sacrificial spirit • Giftedness / ability to engage that target • Mobilize appropriate resources • Goal of all workers: win and train national believers to follow Jesus and fish for men • Our organization– recognize that this will be limited • NSC – national SCs from within a cluster • Widespread, viral national SC trainings throughout the cluster • Catalytic NSC training and NSC training in conjunction with training of IMB SCs • AG cross-cultural SCs– e.g. Filipinos to Indonesia; Burmese to Thailand • 110:3 Volunteer Movement (USA)– non-national churches and students • Rapid engagement by students, churches, volunteers • Trained effectively in the same CPM methods to engage • CPM-minded GCCs
3. EQUIP for CPM:How do we train them? • Equip all personnel (both within & without our org) to engage targets with effective CPM strategies and plans • Language and culture acquisition • Incl. Apprentice program • CPM strategy & tools • 2 year plan to train ALL company personnel in current CPM strategy • All personnel receive on-going training • Personal / spiritual / relational development • Address women’s issues to empower this half of the affinity (see next slide) • Seamless integration by training team and cluster leadership • Especially integrating the training of org and national personnel together when possible • On-going leadership trainingof nationals, especially for the apostolic phase (higher level ministry training)
What about wives/moms??? • Be a helper suitable to your husband in fulfilling the assigned ministry you’ve been given (Gen 2:18; Prov 31:23) • E.g. MAP goal – “CPM facilitator” • Do home life well! (Prov 31; Titus 2:3-5) • Spend some ministry time outside the home each week (Prov 31:20), including acquiring language/culture • At least 1-2 hours. Husbands free up your wives!
4. EMPOWERING SUPPORT of all personnel:How will we support those we train? (See Mentorvision) • Provide enabling support for all who are equipped • Mentor-vision: effective training of supervisors and loving, strategic mentor-vision by supervisors • Supervisors are not overloaded but able to truly support those they supervise • This include mentoring in the supervisor’s location and supervisee’s location • AGLT & CSLs to give additional, timely attention to those close to CPM • Goal: over the next 2-3 years, establish 1-2 CPMs in each cluster as a model for how CPMs can develop (9-18 CPMs) • AGLT & Cluster Leadership to give help to teams at each stage of the CPM Continuum to move them over the tipping point • AGLT & Cluster Leadership to give timely assistance to those close to CPM to get them to CPM as an encouragement to the whole cluster • Financial & logistical support of CPM plans • Recognizing, however, that most CPMs do not require much funding
5. FERVENT PRAYER:How type of fervent, strategic prayer is needed? • Fervent prayer for the lost, for the workers and for the kingdom to come • Trying to develop an effective, non-cumbersome prayer strategy • Affinity Prayer Advocate and Cluster Prayer Advocates • Teams will incorporate this into their own structure • Humbling ourselves before God in desperate prayer • Mobilizing fervent prayer by worldwide partners • Mobilizing national believers to do the same
Quarterly Dashboard Tracking: • # of people to hear gospel • # of evangelistic invitations • # of believers you cast vision to for T4T-type training • # of professions of faith (by gen) • # of baptisms (by gen) • # of training groups (by gen) • # of people in training groups • # of outreach groups (by gen) • # of new churches (by gen) • Total churches (by gen) 6. FREQUENT EVALUATION of progress:How do we know if we are getting there and make adjustments? • Quarterly Evaluation: • Develop a dashboard of key CPM progress indicatorsto monitor on a frequent basis • Develop a more exhaustive diagnostic assessment on a yearly or biannual basis • Accountability at each level • Count-down to effective engagement with CPMs: • CSLs to develop a count-down time-line to engagement with effective CPM strategies (goal 8-10 years) • CSL submit a yearly revised count-down time line that outlines two things: • Total engagement (8 year goal) • Count-down to effective CPM development (benchmarks) • Team countdown to engagement of all sectors • All of the above resources potentially count toward effective engagement
Stages of the CPM CONTINUUM (Quarterly Dashboard Evaluation for Progressing toward CPM) • Quarterly Dashboard Tracking: • # of people who heard the gospel • # of evangelistic invitations • # of believers who received vision-casting for T4T-type training • # of professions of faith (by gen) • # of baptisms (by gen) • # of training groups (by gen) • # of people in training groups • # of outreach groups (by gen) • # of new churches (by gen) • Total churches (by gen) 6– Sustained CPM (consistent 4th generation churches; multiple streams) 5 – Emerging CPM (consistent 3rd gen churches, some 4th) 4– Near CPM (consistent 2nd, some 3rd gen churches) 3– Moving purposefully 1&2 – 1st & some 2nd gen churches 2.5 - 0 to 1 with 1st gen believers/groups already 2– Moving purposefully 0-1 – 0 to 1st generation (believers & churches) 1 – Unsure
6. FREQUENT EVALUATION of progress:How do we know if we are getting there and make adjustments? • Quarterly Evaluation: • Develop a dashboard of key CPM progress indicatorsto monitor on a frequent basis • Develop a more exhaustive diagnostic assessment on a yearly or biannual basis • Accountability at each level • Count-down to effective engagement with CPMs: • CSLs to develop a count-down time-line to engagement with effective CPM strategies (goal 8-10 years) • CSL submit a yearly revised count-down time line that outlines two things: • Total engagement (10 year goal) • Count-down to effective CPM development (benchmarks) • Team countdown to engagement of all sectors • All of the above resources potentially count toward effective engagement
Coaching Teams Toward Effectiveness 6– Sustained CPM (consistent 4th generation churches; multiple streams) 5 – Emerging CPM (consistent 3rd gen churches, some 4th) 4– Near CPM (consistent 2nd, some 3rd gen churches) 3– Moving purposefully 1&2 – 1st & some 2nd gen churches 2.5 - 0 to 1 with 1st gen believers/groups already 2– Moving purposefully 0-1 – 0 to 1st generation (believers & churches) 1 – Unsure THE CPM CONTINUUM • Make a call on each team (1-6) • How do you help them get to next 1-2 stages on CPM Continuum? • Iron-on-Iron consulting • Use 4 fields & continuum; obstacles? • What 2-3 things would it take to move each team forward each year? • Training, interaction, intervention • CPM consultations: supervisor +2-3 CPM specialists • Pick a team closest to CPM. How can you help them move forward? • Pick a team with difficulties. How can you help them move forward?