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American Revolution Edition

American Revolution Edition. Question 1 - 10. “ When in the course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them… ”. Answer 1 – 10. Who was Thomas Jefferson?. Question 1 - 20. He declared the American Colonies to be in

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American Revolution Edition

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  1. American Revolution Edition

  2. Question 1 - 10 “When in the course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them…”

  3. Answer 1 – 10 Who was Thomas Jefferson?

  4. Question 1 - 20 He declared the American Colonies to be in “Open and avowed rebellion.”

  5. Answer 1 – 20 Who is King George III?

  6. Question 1 - 30 “Of more worth is one honest man to society than all the crowned ruffians who ever lived.”

  7. Answer 1 – 30 Who is Thomas Paine?

  8. Question 1 - 40 “We fight, get beat, rise, and fight again.”

  9. Answer 1 – 40 Who was General Nathaniel Greene?

  10. Question 1 - 50 “ I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty, or give me death!”

  11. Answer 1 – 50 Who is Patrick Henry?

  12. Question 2 - 10 The Primary Author of the Declaration of Independence.

  13. Answer 2 – 10 Who is Thomas Jefferson?

  14. Question 2 - 20 These two founding fathers helped Thomas Jefferson edit and revise the Declaration of Independence.

  15. Answer 2 – 20 Who are Benjamin Franklin and John Adams?

  16. Question 2 - 30 This group of Americans joined the fight for independence, hoping it would lead to the end of slavery.

  17. Answer 2 – 30 Who are African Americans?

  18. Question 2 - 40 This British General was responsible for their surrender at Yorktown; he was so ashamed, he played sick to avoid taking part in the ceremony.

  19. Answer 2 – 40 Who was Lord Charles Cornwallis?

  20. Question 2 - 50 He penned the words, “These are the times that try men’s souls.”

  21. Answer 2 – 50 Who is Thomas Paine?

  22. Question 3 - 10 After waking to see cannons pointed at their face, the British evacuated some 9,000 troops from this New England City.

  23. Answer 3 – 10 What is Boston?

  24. Question 3 - 20 Ho, Ho, Ho. Washington’s Victory at this New Jersey city was a wonderful gift for the Continental Army.

  25. Answer 3 – 20 What is Trenton?

  26. Question 3 - 30 A huge American victory in the wilderness of New York, this battle convinced the French to join the fight for independence.

  27. Answer 3 – 30 What is the Battle of Saratoga?

  28. Question 3 - 40 Guerrillas proved very useful in frustrating British commanders, and kept the fight for independence alive in this colonial region.

  29. Answer 3 – 40 What is The Southern region?

  30. Question 3 - 50 This was the site of the most crushing defeat for the Continental Army; had General Howe pressed his advantage the war for independence might have been lost.

  31. Answer 3 – 50 What is The Battle of New York?

  32. Question 4 - 10 This 1776 document persuaded thousands of colonists to support independence.

  33. Answer 4 – 10 What is Common Sense?

  34. Question 4 - 20 The purpose of this document was to persuade King George III to peacefully resolve disputes with his American Colonies.

  35. Answer 4 – 20 What is the Olive Branch Petition?

  36. Question 4 - 30 This document was written to explain colonial separation from Great Britain to the world.

  37. Answer 4 – 30 What is The Declaration of Independence

  38. Question 4 - 40 Britain agrees to recognize American Independence; The United States take possession of all lands east of the Mississippi River between Canada and Florida; The United States agrees to encourage the return of all rights and properties to the Loyalists.

  39. Answer 4 – 40 What is the 1783 Treaty of Paris?

  40. Question 4 - 50 “The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot… will shrink from the service of their country,” during this.

  41. Answer 4 – 50 What is The Crisis?

  42. Question 5 - 10 July 4, 1776

  43. Answer 5 – 10 What is the date the Declaration of Independence was signed?

  44. Question 5 - 20 The name for the three-way continental system for exchanging slaves, rum and sugar.

  45. Answer 5 – 20 What is The Triangular Trade route?

  46. Question 5 - 30 This document had to be revised to cut out a section on slavery before it could be approved.

  47. Answer 5 – 30 What is the Declaration of Independence?

  48. Question 5 - 40 George Washington’s strategy to win the war after the Battle of New York

  49. Answer 5 – 40 What is hit-and-run tactics and avoid major battles?

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