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American Revolution

Learn about the crucial decisions, battles, and figures of the American Revolution's early years, including Congress choosing a leader and conflicts with British troops. Explore the significance of Hessians, Canada conquest, and pivotal moments in 1776.

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American Revolution

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  1. American Revolution Part 1

  2. Congress chooses a leader • Very important decision-multiple choices: Arnold, Gates, Washington, Lee. Regions wanted the general from their area. • Not obvious choice: limited command (greatest was 1200 men), only a colonel in militia, would lose more than won. • Plus’: patience, self-discipline, courage, felt assured around him.

  3. Hessians • German mercenaries. • Americans very upset by this-was a war between England and colonies, not foreign soldiers fighting for pay. • Good soldiers but could not be relied upon fully. Would fight and run if battle was not going their way. • Came for profit, not principal. • Horseman legend.

  4. Canada conquest • October 1775, wanted to turn French in Canada on the British. • If won, Canada would be 14th colony. • Pros/Cons? • Went against idea of many of fighting defensive war, now we are going on the attack. • 2,000 men led by Gen’s Montgomery and Arnold attacked Quebec. Lost. Mont killed, Arnold wounded • Men ran off hoping to find friends with F.Canadians. Didn’t and had to return defeated.

  5. 1776 • Big year. • British leave Boston March • Declaration of Independence • Common Sense published-Thomas Paine • British occupy N.Y. Battle vs Washington (win) • Nathan Hale is hung (one life to give) • Dec 26, Washington crosses the Delaware

  6. Whigs and Tories • Whigs-opposition faction in Britain (rebels) • Tories-Loyalists • Early Civil War

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