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XML and the Push Model in Web-Based Management

XML and the Push Model in Web-Based Management. AT&T Research Labs, Florham Park, NJ, USA July 30, 2001 Claire Ledrich EURECOM Institute, Sophia-Antipolis Claire.Ledrich@eurecom.fr With the help of : J.P. Martin-Flatin. Outline . Problem statement The push model Web technologies

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XML and the Push Model in Web-Based Management

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  1. XML and the Push Model in Web-Based Management AT&T Research Labs, Florham Park, NJ, USA July 30, 2001 Claire Ledrich EURECOM Institute, Sophia-Antipolis Claire.Ledrich@eurecom.fr With the help of : J.P. Martin-Flatin

  2. Outline • Problem statement • The push model • Web technologies • JAMAP: high-level design • JAMAP: detailed design • Summary XML and the Push Model in Web-based management

  3. Introduction • The mgmt of IP networks and systems relies on the SNMP protocol and mgmt architecture • Why is SNMP still popular? • SNMP is not adapted to integrated enterprise management XML and the Push Model in Web-based management

  4. SNMP: Strengths and Shortcomings • Strengths: • SNMP: successful because simple • Interoperability: compliance with IETF specifications • SNMP agents: few resources needed • Shortcomings: • MIB versioning • No distribution between managers • Scalability and efficiency issues: SNMP designed for small local networks • Bulk transfers • Not object-oriented. • Polling XML and the Push Model in Web-based management

  5. Outline • Problem statement • The push model • Web technologies • JAMAP: high-level design • JAMAP: detailed design • Summary XML and the Push Model in Web-based management

  6. The Push Model • Goals: • Save network bandwidth • Transfer some of the workload from the manager to the agent • Scalability issue: more agents, more management data • Publish-subscribe paradigm: 3 phases • publication • subscription • distribution XML and the Push Model in Web-based management

  7. Network Overhead with the Pull Model Manager Agent Get Request/oid= Get Response/oid= XML and the Push Model in Web-based management

  8. Outline • Problem statement • The push model • Web technologies • JAMAP: high-level design • JAMAP: detailed design • Summary XML and the Push Model in Web-based management

  9. Web-Based Management • Integrated management that relies on Web technologies • Many Web technologies are available: • HTML Forms • Java Servlets, Applets … • Java Serialization • Java RMI • Java IDL(Corba) • XML • HTTP • … • Why use Web Technologies ? • Have flexible, portable management platforms • Allow on-call administrators to manage the network • Reduce the cost of mgmt GUIs and their time to market • Make mgmt platforms more flexible and less costly • HTTP Simplifies firewall crossing XML and the Push Model in Web-based management

  10. MIME Multipart/Self-Describing Data • Reversed client-server model • The server sends an infinite response containing MIME parts: • Content type: to describe, in a MIME part, the type of management data transferred (information model and encoding) • The content type looks like this: • Content-type:“application/mgmt”; mapping:“rfc2571-to-XML”; version=“1.” MIME Message Header MIME Part Header MIME Boundary HTTP Header Data MIME Part Header MIME Boundary Data XML and the Push Model in Web-based management

  11. Three-Tier Architecture • Split Manager: • Split Management Server: • Data Collectors: collect data and apply rules • Notification Collectors: collect notifications • Event Manager: collects events and correlates them Mgmt Station Mgmt Server Agent Data Server XML and the Push Model in Web-based management

  12. Outline • Problem statement • The push model • Web technologies • JAMAP: high-level design • JAMAP: detailed design • Summary XML and the Push Model in Web-based management

  13. EventManager JAMAP High-Level Design Management Station Agent SubscriptionApplet PushDispatcher Servlet NotificationDispatcher Servlet RuleEditorApplet MappingApplet HTTP Server EventNotificationApplet Collectors HTTP Server HTTP Server PushedDataCollectorServlet & NotificationCollectorServlet EventManagerServlet HTTP XML and the Push Model in Web-based management

  14. Communication Path for Data Agent Management Station EventNotification Applet Schedule Repository Push Scheduler PushedDataFormatter PushDispatcher Event Manager Data Collector EventHandler EventHandler DataLogger PushedDataFilter EventCorrelator PushedDataAnalyzer EventSink PushForwarder XML and the Push Model in Web-based management

  15. Communication Path for Notifications Agent Management Station EventNotification Applet NotificationGenerator NotificationFormatter Notification Dispatcher Event Manager Notification Collector EventHandler EventHandler NotificationLogger NotificationFilter EventCorrelator PushForwarder EventSink XML and the Push Model in Web-based management

  16. Example of a Distributed System EventManager Collector Collector Collector Network Management Service Management Agent Agent Agent Agent Agent Agent Agent XML and the Push Model in Web-based management

  17. Outline • Problem statement • The push model • Web technologies • JAMAP: high-level design • JAMAP: detailed design • Summary XML and the Push Model in Web-based management

  18. The Agent Servlet Configuration Distribution Notification Table Schedule repository Data Subscription NotificationGenerator PushScheduler From Management Station Formatter Notification Subscription XML OutputStream Serialized Java OutputStream To Collector XML and the Push Model in Web-based management

  19. GUI for Data Subscription XML and the Push Model in Web-based management

  20. The Data Collector Servlet From Dispatcher Distribution Configuration UnitCollector Thread Rule saved and compiled dynamically RuleEditor Serialized Java Handler XMLHandler From Management Station PushedDataFilter Register new rule UnitDistributor Rule saved under new name, recompiled And put into production DataLogger Mapping PushedDataAnalyzer PushForward Consumer Serialized Java OutputStream To EventSink XML and the Push Model in Web-based management

  21. The Notification Collector Servlet From Dispatcher Distribution Configuration Thread UnitCollector Rule saved and compiled dynamically RuleEditor Serialized Java Handler XMLHandler From Management Station NotificationFilter NotificationLogger UnitDistributor Not implemented yet Mapping PushForward Consumer Serialized Java OutputStream To EventSink XML and the Push Model in Web-based management

  22. GUI for Rule Edition XML and the Push Model in Web-based management

  23. GUI for Rule Mapping XML and the Push Model in Web-based management

  24. The Event Manager Servlet From PushForwardConsumer Thread UnitCollector EventLogger Serialized Java Handler To ManagementStation EventNotification Applet EventMailer PushForward Consumer EventSink Fatal Critical EventCorrelator Warning Information XML and the Push Model in Web-based management

  25. GUI for Event Notification XML and the Push Model in Web-based management

  26. Outline • Problem statement • The push model • Web technologies • JAMAP: high-level design • JAMAP: detailed design • Summary XML and the Push Model in Web-based management

  27. Summary • JAMAP is a research prototype, not a full-fledged management platform • Focus: communication model and distribution aspects • Implements the WIMA architecture defined in J.P.’s Ph.D. thesis • JAMAP is platform-independent tested under Solaris 5.8, Windows 2000, IRIX 6.5, Linux RedHat 6.2 • JDK 1.2.2 and JDK 1.3 • HTTP/1.0 and HTTP/1.1 XML and the Push Model in Web-based management

  28. Contributions • Distribution of the platform to support multiple agents, data collectors, and notification collectors • Implementation of a new design for the event manager and notification handling • Support for XML as a means for representing management data • JAMAP is now completely information model-independent • Encapsulate numerous data in one MIME Part • New design for the rule edition and the mapping between rules and incoming data/events • Reduction of the network overhead and reduction of the CPU and memory overhead of the pushed data analyzers running on the data collectors XML and the Push Model in Web-based management

  29. Future Work • Implement a remote Data Server to store all information (Data Logs and Event Logs) • Scalability: test JAMAP with management data from a real network How many agents can be supported ? • Performance evaluation: measure latency and network overhead • Implement templates for Spatial and Spatio-Temporal Rules XML and the Push Model in Web-based management

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