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Overview of Korean Activities at Maidanak. Myungshin Im (Seoul National University). Background. 1997: Collaboration talk started when Prof. Shuhrat Ehgamberdiev visited Korea to discuss collaboration. 2003.8: Prof. Sang-Gak Lee, Hyung Mok Lee, and Changbom Park, Hwankyung Sung visited
Overview of Korean Activities at Maidanak Myungshin Im (Seoul National University) The 2nd Maidanak User’s Meeting (UBAI, Tashkent, Uzbekistan)
Background 1997: Collaboration talk started when Prof. Shuhrat Ehgamberdiev visited Korea to discuss collaboration 2003.8: Prof. Sang-Gak Lee, Hyung Mok Lee, and Changbom Park, Hwankyung Sung visited Maidanak observatory. Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) was signed to provide 2 months/year access to 1.5m 2004 Summer: Dr. Mansur Ibrahimov, Abbas Aliev, et al. Visited Korea The 2nd Maidanak User’s Meeting (UBAI, Tashkent, Uzbekistan)
Key MOU Items • Annual contribution to the operating cost • 2 Month per year access to 1.5m • Provide a new observation equipment by 2005 • Consideration for a new telescope at Maidanak The 2nd Maidanak User’s Meeting (UBAI, Tashkent, Uzbekistan)
Activities 2006 August: Installation of SNUCAM (Seoul National University 4k x 4k CCD Camera) at 1.5m 2006 Fall: Scientific observations with SNUCAM began 2009 Summer: The 1st Maidanak User’s Meeting was held at Seoul National University The 2nd Maidanak User’s Meeting (UBAI, Tashkent, Uzbekistan)
Spectral Instrument 4k x 4k CCD Camera (SNUCAM) • Fairchild 4k x 4k, Back Illuminated CCD chip • Cryogenic cooling (–108 C) • 5 position 4-inch filter wheel • Bessell UBVRI filters + H-alpha + SDSS ugriz (ARCSEC + KIAS) + Y + new filters • 18’ x 18’ field of view Scientific publications with SNUCAM : Please cite Im et al. (2010, JKAS, 43, 77) The 2nd Maidanak User’s Meeting (UBAI, Tashkent, Uzbekistan)
Successful Installation of SNU4kCAM (2006. 8) M31 M15 The 2nd Maidanak User’s Meeting (UBAI, Tashkent, Uzbekistan)
Limiting magnitude(1 hr, 5-sigma, Vega or AB) SDSS: u ~ 22.4, g ~ 22.6, r ~ 22.6, I ~ 21.7, z ~ 20.9 mag (50% complete; Abazajian et al. 2004) The 2nd Maidanak User’s Meeting (UBAI, Tashkent, Uzbekistan)
Scientific Programs • Standard star campaign (Sung, H. + Lim, B.) • Open cluster observations (Sung, H., Lee, S. G. ) • Exoplanet transit observations (Lee, S. G. + Kang, W., Yang, Y.) • Globular cluster observations (Lee, H. M.) • Extragalactic programs (Im, M. + Jeon, Y., Choi, C., Lee, I., Cho, Y., Ko, J., Kim, D., Hong, J.) The 2nd Maidanak User’s Meeting (UBAI, Tashkent, Uzbekistan)
Observation Campaigns • 2006. 8 (J. Ko, Y. Cho, M. Im) – Installation of SNU4kCAM + test observation of extragalactic field + M31 Microlensing • 2006. 10 (C. Choi & Y. Cho) – Deep z-band observation of high redshift quasar candidates + Supernovae follow-up observation • 2007. 6 (I. Lee, Y. Jeon, M. Im) – BRI imaging of AKARI NEP-Wide Survey field + Optical imaging of SNUQSO quasars • 2008. 8 (C. Choi, Y. Jeon, M. Im) – Re-installation of SNU4kCAM + Y-band imaging of extragalactic fields • 2009. GRB observations, Deep Imaging of SNUQSO quasars and high redshift quasar candidates • 2010. The 2nd Maidanak User’s Meeting (UBAI, Tashkent, Uzbekistan)
Programs for 2010 • Merging signature in Early-type galaxies and Type-1 quasars physical mechanism? • The is- and iz-band observations of z ~ 5.5 quasar candidates • Environment of supermassive black holes with M ~ 1010 M⊙ The 2nd Maidanak User’s Meeting (UBAI, Tashkent, Uzbekistan)
Merging Signatures • 73% of early-type galaxies (Tomer et al. 2009) • Early-type galaxies with optical-NIR color gradients (Ko & Im 2005; Duho Kim) • Host galaxies of luminous Quasars (Jueun Hong) : z < 0.15, MB < -22 (Tomer et al. 2009) The 2nd Maidanak User’s Meeting (UBAI, Tashkent, Uzbekistan)
Binary QSO at z=0.111(SNUQSO 2319+4032; Lee, Im, et al. 2010) 27.3” 110” Digitized Sky Survey Image The 2nd Maidanak User’s Meeting (UBAI, Tashkent, Uzbekistan)
Binary QSO at z=0.111 Maidanak 1.5m/SNUCAM (4 hrs) The 2nd Maidanak User’s Meeting (UBAI, Tashkent, Uzbekistan)
Binary QSO at z=0.111 Maidanak 1.5m/SNUCAM (4 hrs) The 2nd Maidanak User’s Meeting (UBAI, Tashkent, Uzbekistan)
Binary QSO at z=0.111 Tidal Feature Maidanak 1.5m/SNUCAM (4 hrs) 2009 September 20-22 The 2nd Maidanak User’s Meeting (UBAI, Tashkent, Uzbekistan)
? Quasars at z ~ 5.5 • No BH with 1010 M⊙ at z ~ 6 • But, BH with 1010 M⊙ at z ~ 5 • BH with 1010 M⊙ are emerging at z ~ 5.5 Critical Era for understanding SMBH growth • But, very few z ~ 5.5 QSOs are known SDSS AKARI Im et al. (2010) Shen et al. (2007) The 2nd Maidanak User’s Meeting (UBAI, Tashkent, Uzbekistan)
Not many QSOs at z ~ 5.5 so far • Because r-drop out technique cannot be applied to z ~ 5.5 QSOs • Too much stellar contamination Chiu, K. et al. (2006) The 2nd Maidanak User’s Meeting (UBAI, Tashkent, Uzbekistan)
New Filters – is (ishort) and iz z=5.5 z=6.5 z=7.0 is iz Y The 2nd Maidanak User’s Meeting (UBAI, Tashkent, Uzbekistan)
Expected number • Over 4000 deg2 (UKIDSS LAS area), z_AB < 20 mag, • 30 quasars at 5.2 < z < 5.8 • 90 quasars at 4.7 < z < 5.2 The 2nd Maidanak User’s Meeting (UBAI, Tashkent, Uzbekistan)
Publications (2007 ~) • SCI publications: 6 • SCIE publications: 2 (JKAS) • Others: 1 (PKAS) • Master’s thesis: 2 • Conference presentations: ~20 • GCN Circulars: a few The 2nd Maidanak User’s Meeting (UBAI, Tashkent, Uzbekistan)
Desired improvements • Internet access • Efficient data transfer method • Stable power supply • Regular cleaning/coating of the mirror • Efficient communication • Infrastructure improvements (building, etc) The 2nd Maidanak User’s Meeting (UBAI, Tashkent, Uzbekistan)
Concluding Remarks • SNUCAM on the Maidanak 1.5m is a powerful imaging tool • Unique filters • Improvement of the facility more use by Korean astronomers The 2nd Maidanak User’s Meeting (UBAI, Tashkent, Uzbekistan)
Thank you The 2nd Maidanak User’s Meeting (UBAI, Tashkent, Uzbekistan)