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Paramedic Program Credit of Prior Learning Non-credit to C redit Pathways. Workforce & Economic Development. Identifying the Need.
Paramedic Program Credit of Prior LearningNon-credit to Credit Pathways Workforce & Economic Development
Identifying the Need • As reported by Dr. David Ward in a population trend study of the North Central Region of Wisconsin "The cohort of individuals over the age of 65 will comprise 30.2% of the region's population by 2030 versus 21% for the state as a whole". • Based on Wisconsin Department of Labor 2010 Projected Employment Growth for 10 years (in the Northern Region of WI), Ambulatory Health Care Occupations are expected to increase by 26.6%.
Identifying the Need • As detailed in the Wisconsin Technical College System Client Reporting System Program Detail Report for the fiscal year 2010-2011, twenty-six (26) Nicolet College District students received paramedic education from a neighboring district. Other districts were not assessed for possible NATC students.
Identifying the Need • An increase in full-time paid paramedic services in our district to 5 services warrants a need for both initial and ongoing educational services. We currently have approximately 50 full time paramedics employed in our district.
Problem • Many paramedic prospective students in our district have full time jobs/careers. Therefore, a traditional offering of the material in the core course does not meet many of their needs. • We don’t have enough full-time jobs in our district for students who would receive an associates degree in this field.
Problem • We have worked with other technical colleges to bring the paramedic program to our students, but there are low enrolments and completion rates due to the traditional format of course offerings. • The structure of most credit paramedic programs places the core course in the first year and the general education courses in the second year of the program.
Problem • The industry standard does not require a degree, but rather the paramedic certification which is obtained from the completion of the core curriculum and passing the national registry exam. • Many of the ambulatory services within our district are part-time/paid on-call services. However, they are looking to improve the services by requiring higher levels of certification by the ambulance staff members.
Problem • The traditional paramedic credit program development would most likely not be approved as it does not meet the standard needs assessment measures. • However, that does not diminish the actual needs of our district residence and volunteer/paid on-call ambulance services.
The Solution • We looked at the requirements to receive accreditation to offer a paramedic program. • They require the agency/school meet several criteria, but non of the criteria require the program to be credit baring. • We contacted our WTCS Education Director (Timothy Weir) and discussed the concept of a non-credit program related to paramedic.
The Solution • The next step was to meet with the Department of Heath Services in Madison to see if they would support the idea. • After laying out the district needs, we received their full support to proceed. • We also received support from WTCS to proceed with the project.
Non-credit Paramedic Program Development • We needed to create a flexible part-time program that could be taken on the road and offered weekends and evenings. • This would allow individuals who have a career in another field to attend the program to meet the needs of their local volunteer/paid on-call service.
Non-credit Paramedic Program Development • We then needed to chunk the existing state-wide curriculum to allow for a flexible format to offer the course of study, while maintaining the rigor of the program.
Non-credit Paramedic Program Development • Please see the outline example of a portion of the chunked curriculum. • We are in the accreditation process at this time and hope to start offering the program sometime next academic year.
Next Steps beyond the Program • We may find a select group of students over the course of the non-credit program offering who wish to obtain a credit barring certificate, diploma, or degree. • This is where we would use the non-credit to credit pathways model for this potential program and other non-credit training.
Credit for Prior Learning • Our College uses traditional methods to award credit for prior learning (AP 2.04).
Transfer of Credit • When students want to transfer credits from a nationally or regionally accredited institution of higher education to a certificate, diploma, or degree program at Nicolet, College staff conduct a credit evaluation.
Transfer of Credit • Students must apply for admission. • Nicolet will grant transfer credit only for courses that apply to the student’s certificate, diploma, or degree program at Nicolet. • Credits are accepted for transfer courses when course content is confirmed to be comparable.
Advanced Standing with Credit • Advanced standing with credit may be granted when it is determined that an individual’s expertise is equivalent to the competencies in one or more courses in a certificate, diploma, or degree program. Recognition of advanced standing is an effort to minimize duplication of competencies attained from previous education, life, or work experience.
Advanced Standing with Credit • To be eligible for advanced standing, a student must first be officially accepted into a certificate, diploma, or degree program at Nicolet. The student should then contact their academic advisor in the Welcome Center for directions and assistance with the procedure. • Credits earned through this process do not count toward the minimum number of credits students must earn at Nicolet (see Maximum Amount of Credit for Prior Learning).
Advanced Standing with Credit • Guidelines for the following options for obtaining Advanced Standing credit can be found in the Nicolet College Catalog: High school coursework, written or performance examination results, national examinations, work experience, registered apprenticeships, and experiential learning.
Non-Credit to Credit Pathways • Take existing non-credit offerings which are developed in WIDS to credit rigor along with documented competencies, PATs, etc. and transfer them into a credit course that mirrors the non-credit courses. • Find an existing certificate, diploma, or degree to place the credit course in.
Non-Credit to Credit Pathways • If non-exists, use the Individualized Technical Skills (ITS) AAS degree to create one to meet the student’s needs. • This is an additional piece of the Career Pathways model. It also allows for just in time training/education and allows our Colleges to be more nimble in meeting the needs of business and industry.
Partnerships • Our College is in the process of forming articulation agreements and frontend partnerships with various four (4) year UW institutions for this model and the use of the ITS AAS degree.
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