1. The Art Studio@PV Grant Overview
2. Purpose
To connect students to their school and to their community through the arts
3. Key Features Career pathway sequence linked to English courses/curriculum.
Three-part emphasis: studio work, art exhibition, and public artwork.
Ongoing connections to working artists and postsecondary education
Mentorships, job shadowing, and internships for students.
4. What Needs Does It Address? Lower achievement in reading and writing among some groups of students
Student-expressed desire for a program to prepare them for a career in the arts
Student-expressed feelings of lack of connection to adults at the school
5. Grant Goals Goal 1: Improve student literacy skills, and narrow the achievement gap
Goal 2: Develop a career pathway program in the arts
Goal 3: Develop connections to adults at school and to the community
6. Planned Activities Create two new courses
Campus Art (11th grade)
Community Art (12th grade)
Integrate technology as a tool for teaching and learning
Bring in working artists as mentors
Provide internships and job shadowing
Weave in service-learning activities
7. Campus-Specific Activities Work on changing school schedule to allow longer periods of class time for art
Create integration between art and English courses
Use innovative instructional strategies
Provide academic support to students who are struggling in reading and writing
8. Funding Four-year Specialized Secondary Grant from CA Department of Education
$290,000 from May, 2006 through June, 2010
9. SSP Leadership Team Grant Coordinator Reta Rickmers
Art Teachers Nancy Ritcher
Sue Christensen
Cindy Hopkins
English Teachers Christina Fisher
Julie Rix
PV Administration
Counselor Mary Carlson
District Rep Janet Brinson
CUSD Grants Liz Metzger
SLC Director Eric Nilsson
Professional Artist Gregg Payne
10. For More Information
Reta Rickmers
Pleasant Valley
High School