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Translingual Information Management

Translingual Information Management. Stephan Busemann Language Technology Lab German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence. LT L AB O VERVIEW. DFKI‘s Language Technology Lab has 20 researchers and software engineers from 8 countries

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Translingual Information Management

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  1. Translingual Information Management Stephan Busemann Language Technology Lab German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence

  2. LT LAB OVERVIEW • DFKI‘s Language Technology Lab has 20 researchers and software engineers from 8 countries • Language resources for German, English, French, Chinese, Japanese, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Dutch, Slavic Languages, ... • Three-stage approach • Develop and maintain reusable base technologies • Configure complex systems • Adapt or extend to build application systems

  3. BASE TECHNOLOGIES • Preprocessing (tokenization, POS tagging, morphology) • Shallow Parsing (statistical chunk parsing, FST grammars) • Several Techniques for Categorization (machine learning) • Deep Syntactic and Semantic Analysis (efficient HPSG parsing) • Shallow and In-Depth Generation • Several Techniques for Text Summarization (e.g. query-dependent) • Text-to-Speech for German, English

  4. THREE LINES OF COMPLEX SYSTEMS • Natural Communicationemail response management, speech interpretation and production, emotion in synthesis • Multilingual Authoring Supportterminology and grammar checking for controlled language, tools for annotation by metadata (and other structuring information), linguistic lookup • Information and Knowledge Managementmultilingual retrieval, information extraction, semantic-web infrastructure, automatic hyperlinking, open-domain question answering, report generation

  5. TEMSIS PARADIME SOME PROJECTS • Multi-lingual Extraction of Travel Warning Information • Cross-lingual Navigation • Cross-lingual Tourism Information • Multi-lingual Question Answering • Indexing of Commented Video Material (soccer games) • Multi-lingual Generation of Air Quality Reports

  6. SAMPLE APPLICATIONS • Deutsche Telekomquestion answering on tariff information • Dresdner Bankautomatic hyperlinking for structuring program listings and documentation • SAP AGcontrolled language checking • Interprice Technologiesdialogue system for e-commerce product search

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