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NAM-Endorsed Skills Certification for Manufacturing Education

Join our Learning Network to accelerate the integration of nationally portable skills credentials into for-credit programs, advancing a 21st-century career and technical education model for success. Attend webinars focusing on industry and faculty engagement, curriculum alignment, and more. The program supports TAACCCT grant applications.

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NAM-Endorsed Skills Certification for Manufacturing Education

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Certification Learning Network February 2, 2011

  2. Agenda • Welcome and Introductions • Goals of the Learning Network • National Updates • Supporting Responses to the TAACCT Solicitation for Grant Application • Site Updates • Webinar Schedule

  3. Welcome and Introductions

  4. Impacting Manufacturing Education Across the Nation 31 States 790 Community Colleges 9,027,561 Students

  5. Through deployment of the NAM-Endorsed Manufacturing Skills Certification System, The Manufacturing Institute:Will impact80% of Community Colleges……enrolling77%of Community College students……benefitting84.1%of manufacturing employment

  6. Goals of the Learning Network

  7. Goals of the Learning Network Accelerate integration of nationally portable, industry-recognized skills credentials into for-credit programs of study, advancing a 21st century career and technical education model for success Facilitate professional development to support capacity building for states advancing the NAM-Endorsed Skills Certification System

  8. Learning Network Design Webinars and/or conference calls focused on sharing both challenges and promising practices in various areas, such as: • Industry Engagement; • Faculty Engagement; • Developing Advanced Manufacturing Career Pathways; • Aligning Curriculum with Certifications; • Administrative Issues; • Leveraging Developmental Education; and, • Emphasizing/Integrating STEM skills

  9. Tools to Accelerate Deployment institute.nam.org

  10. Tools to Accelerate Deployment “Quick Start” Implementation Guide: • High school to community college • ABE/bridge programs to for-credit • Continuing education to for-credit • Pre-apprenticeship to apprenticeship • Community college to four-year institution

  11. SupportingResponses to the TAACCCT Solicitation for Grant Application

  12. Funds are to be used for: • Expanding and improving eligible institution(s) ability to deliver education and training programs that can be completed in 2 years or less; • Education for workers who are eligible for training under the Trade Adjustment Assistance for Workers program; • Preparing program participants for employment in high-wage, high-skill occupations; and, • Targeted population: workers who have lost their jobs or are threatened with job loss as a result of foreign trade.

  13. Proposals will be prioritized that: • Provide replication of evidenced based strategies; • Demonstrate commitment to using data to continuously assess the effectiveness of the strategies to ensure ongoing improvement; and, • Provide accessible online learning strategies (in compliance with SCORM).

  14. Aligning Manufacturing Education to the NAM-Endorsed Skills Certification System • National Data • List of Critical Data “Inputs” to Consider • Overview of National Manufacturing Employment • Program Design Recommendations • Roadmap for Implementation • Access to Tools and Lessons Learned • Participant Recruitment – Leveraging the Dream It. Do It. Network

  15. Site Updates

  16. 2011 Schedule of Webinars Webinars will be from 12:00-1:30 p.m. Eastern Time February 16 March 23 April 20 May 18 June 15 July 20 August 17 September 21 October 18 November 16

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