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A Software Platform for Nanoscale Device Simulation and Visualization

Google: " nanofem platform". A Software Platform for Nanoscale Device Simulation and Visualization. Marek Gayer and Giuseppe Iannaccone ACTEA 2009 - Conference on Advances in Computational Tools for Engineering Applications

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A Software Platform for Nanoscale Device Simulation and Visualization

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  1. Google: "nanofem platform" A Software Platform for Nanoscale Device Simulation and Visualization Marek Gayer and Giuseppe Iannaccone ACTEA 2009 - Conference on Advances in Computational Tools for Engineering Applications Notre Dame University, Faculty of Engineering, Zouk Mosbeh, Lebanon, July 15 – July 17, 2009

  2. Goals of NanoFEM platform • Create software platform for Technology CAD device simulation based on FEM • Should be flexible & modifiable (research) • Interactive features: Geometry, meshing and visualization with user interface • Separation of IT (software) and physics • Ability to run simulations on remote servers • Able to run on Windows, Linux, Mac OS X • Extendible; users should be able to develop for the platform writing own modules • Performance

  3. Finite Element Method • Finding solution for Partial Differential equations for evaluation of characteristics (e.g. potential) • Discretizes continuum (i.e. modeled object) into finite number of elements – e.g. triangles, tetrahedron • Characteristics are determined in the nodes of the element • Solving of linear systems • Complex to design and implement, solid mathematical and informatics understanding required for high performance

  4. 3D Finite Element Mesh • Suitable discretization of continuous domain to simple volume cell elements • Partial differential equations (PDE’s) can be replaced by system of non-linear algebraic equations • Very complex to create code to generate FEM mesh on arbitrary structures • Mesh need to be at least Delaunay mesh • Tetrahedrons

  5. Related solutions / approaches • Commercial codes(Synopsis, Silvaco, etc.) • Disadvantages: limited extendibility, modifications • Free codes 2D, 3D: • Archimedes, nextnano • Free Meshers - NETGEN, Tetgen • Existing simulation frameworks • Gmsh, Calculix, Salome Platform, Orcan, • Finite Element Solvers • FEniCS/DOLFIN, Libmesh, Getfem++, Rheolef, Tahoe, OOFEM.org, OFELI

  6. Transistor modeled in NETGEN

  7. Gmsh – Mesh of transistor + Postprocessing (tutorial dataset)

  8. Components of NanoFEM platform • SALOME 3.2.6 supports limited number of OS’s => • Developed as a VmWare image with: • Debian Linux 3.1 (codename Sarge) • SALOME 3.2.6 • FEniCS/DOLFIN 0.7.1 • MeshAPI – lib. for our FEM module/component • Component and additional codes for SALOME • KDevelop for development • Additional tools (Krusader, …) • Running on VmWare Server 1+ or Workstation 6+ • Eventual distribution by providing this VmWare image

  9. NanoFEM platform modelling approach • Salome Platform • MeshAPI with DOLFIN/FEniCS

  10. SALOME platform (LGPL) www.salome-platform.org • SALOME(LGPL) is a free software that provides a generic platform for Pre and Post-Processing for numerical simulation. • Interactice geometry modelling, meshing • Very good user interface (Qt4) • Visualization (2D and 3D graphs) • Can use Python scripting to replace or assist GUI: all functionalities are also accessible through the programmatic integrated Python console • Modular architecture, we can create own modules • Components can run on remote servers (CORBA) • Exchanging data: MEDMEM API, .HDF, .MED • Much more powerful then any other open source finite element component/software we found

  11. SALOME platform modular architecture

  12. FEniCS/ DOLFIN – (L)GPLwww.fenics.org • Free finite element library and solver • Supports both direct and iterative solvers (LU, Krylov solvers) • Uses PETSc and uBLAS libraries for systems of linear/nonlinear equations => high performance linear algebra • Automatic generation of finite elements, evaluation of variational form assembly of matrices for FEM – linear systems • Support for general families of finite elements, (Lagrange, BDM, RT, BDFM Nedelec and Crouzeix-Raviart elements) • No deeper knowledge about FEM method is needed to use and develop • Eigenvalue problems with SLEPSc • Simple and intuitive C++ object interface

  13. Our SALOME/DOLFIN bridge MeshAPI • Core – mesh, fields, groups • Linear-Nonlinear PDE classes • Selection from Krylov solver methods and preconditioners • XML material database (SAX parser) • Boundary conditions • Inherited MeshAPI based solvers • Wrappers for SALOME platform

  14. MeshAPI – mesh, fields, groups • Reading Salome mesh from files .med files (MEDMEM API) • Processing mesh coordinates and connectivities • Processing groups of mesh (can be defined in SALOME editor) • Passing this information to DOLFIN (to build mesh in memory) • Providing core fields (such as Source, Flux, Potential, some visual debug fields) • Additional methods to work with mesh and fields • Control of storing of core and custom fields to .MED files • Clean code design in strictly object oriented C++

  15. Example of XML material database • <?xmlversion="1.0"encoding="UTF-8"?> • <materialDatabasexmlns="materials.xsd"> •   <materialname="Si"description="(100)[silicio]"> •     <parametername="dielectricConstant"description="CostanteDielettricarelativa"type="double"value="11.8" /> •     <parametername="longitudeMassForElectrons"description="MassaLongitudinaleelettrone"type="double"value="0.98" /> •     <parametername="transversalMassForElectrons"description="MassaTrasversaleelettrone"type="double"value="0.19" /> •   </material> •   <materialname="SiO2"description="ossidodisilicio"> •     <parametername="dielectricConstant"type="double"value="3.9" /> •   </material> •   <materialname="Air"description="Aire"> •   </material> • </materialDatabase>

  16. Storing materials and boundary conditions in MEDMEM mesh • Implemented by correct naming of groups, which are then read in code to retrieve materials and boundary conditions • Examples: bottomoxide[Si] metalplate1[dirichlet=1.0] • From SALOME mesh, we get ID’s of nodes and assign a group color number to them • From group number, we determine material, Dirichlet boundary conditions etc. These data are stored in numeric arrays [0..n] – n is number of groups

  17. MeshAPI/Linear-Nonlinear PDE • Classes allowing solving nonlinear and nonlinear PDE, using DOLFIN, allows to set preconditioners and Krylov methods: • Available Krylov methods: • cg - The conjugate gradient method • gmres - The GMRES method (default) • bicgstab - The stabilized biconjugate gradient squared method • Preconditioners: • none - No preconditioning • jacobi - Simple Jacobi preconditioning • sor - SOR, successive over-relaxation • ilu - Incomplete LU factorization (default) • icc - Incomplete Cholesky factorization • amg- Algebraic multigrid (through Hypre when available)

  18. MeshAPI based solvers • Using MeshAPI, one can easily, in few lines define DOLFIN solvers as classes inherited from cl. Dolfin • Behaviour that can be generalized and reused is already defined in Mesh API • It can be used in any current and future examples • There are 3 example solvers: • Poisson example from DOLFIN manual, but using Salome mesh • Poisson equation computed on partitioned group • Poisson equation computed on partitioned group with permittivity (Eps) • Non-linear Poisson equation computed on partitioned group with permittivity (not 100% done)

  19. Solving example – linear Poisson • Solving linear PDE: Poisson equation: • f(x,y,z) – source function (known), can be 0 • ε(x,y,z) – permittivity of material in given point • u(x,y,z)– potential, that we are computing

  20. Solving example – linear Poisson • Bi-linear and linear form of Poisson equation: • g(x,y,z)– Neumann boundary condition

  21. Converting equation to variational form • # The bilinear form a(v, U) and linear form L(v) for • # Poisson's equation. • # Compile this form with FFC: ffc -l dolfin PoissonEps.form • element = FiniteElement("Lagrange", "tetrahedron", 1) • v = TestFunction(element) • u = TrialFunction(element) • f = Function(element) • g = Function(element) • eps = Function(element) • a = dot(grad(v), grad(u))*eps*dx • L = v*f*dx + eps*v*g*ds • # This generates 5239 lines, 191.359 characters

  22. Main solving routine in C++ • #include "PoissonEps.h“ • #include "LinearPDE.hxx" • int SC::PoissonEps::solve () • { • Source f (mesh); • Flux g (mesh); • DirichletFunction u0 (mesh); • DirichletBoundary boundary(mesh); • DirichletBC bc (u0, mesh.dolfinMesh, boundary); • Eps eps (mesh); • PoissonEpsBilinearForm a (eps); • PoissonEpsLinearForm L (f, g, eps); • SC::LinearPDE pde (a, L, mesh.dolfinMesh, bc); • pde.setupKrylov (mesh.krylovMethod, mesh.krylovPc); • Function solution; • pde.solve(solution); • mesh.nodePotential.init (u); mesh.nodeSource.init (f); mesh.nodeFlux.init (g); • mesh.resetFieldsToWrite(); • Field<double> *fields[] = {&mesh.nodePotential, &mesh.nodeSource, &mesh.nodeFlux, NULL}; • mesh.addFieldsToWrite (fields); • }

  23. Dirichlet boundary in C++ • class DirichletBoundary : public SubDomain • { • MeshAPI &mesh;public: • DirichletBoundary(MeshAPI & meshInstance) : mesh(meshInstance) • { • } • bool inside(const dolfin::real* x, bool on_boundary) const • { int index = mesh.getGroupNumberFromCoordinates(x); MaterialFunction *nodeMaterial = mesh.materialFunctions[index]; return nodeMaterial->materialData == NULL; } };

  24. Dirichlet values in C++ • class DirichletFunction : public Function • { • MeshAPI &mesh;public: • DirichletFunction(MeshAPI& meshInstance) : mesh(meshInstance), Function(meshInstance.dolfinMesh) • { • } • dolfin::real eval(const dolfin::real* x) const • { • int index = mesh.getGroupNumberFromCoordinates(x); MaterialFunction *nodeMaterial =mesh.materialFunctions[index]; • return nodeMaterial->dirichlet; • } };

  25. Source function in C++ • class Source : public Function • { • MeshAPI &mesh;public: • Source(MeshAPI & meshInstance) : mesh(meshInstance), Function(meshInstance.dolfinMesh) • { • } • dolfin::real eval(const dolfin::real* x) const • { • return 0; • } };

  26. Neumann boundary conditions C++ • class Flux : public Function • { • MeshAPI &mesh;public: • Flux(MeshAPI & meshInstance) : mesh(meshInstance), Function(meshInstance.dolfinMesh) • { • } • dolfin::real eval(const dolfin::real* x) const • { • return 0; • } };

  27. Defining permittivity in C++ • class Eps : public Function • { • MeshAPI &mesh;public: • Eps (MeshAPI& meshInstance) : mesh(meshInstance), Function(meshInstance.dolfinMesh) • { • } • dolfin::real eval(const dolfin::real* x) const • { • int index = mesh.getGroupNumberFromCoordinates(x); MaterialFunction *nodeMaterial =mesh.materialFunctions[index]; • return nodeMaterial->permitivity; • } };

  28. Geometry modelling of transistor

  29. Automatically generated mesh

  30. Scalar map of the electric potential

  31. Scalar map of the electric potential

  32. Conclusion - 1/2 • NanoFEM platform is a new research environment for TCAD simulations of nanoscale devices. • Based on free LGPL components SALOME Platform and FEniCS/DOLFIN • We can concentrate only on developing of our MeshAPI and computational modules • Physicist/developers – independent • Simple definition of equations instead of programming

  33. Conclusion – 2/2 • Interactive pre- and post-processing • Automated meshing • Modules can run on remote servers • High performance • Standard formats - .MED and .HDF • .XML material database • Good extendibility and modularity

  34. Possible future effort for the NanoFEM Platform • More complex equations (drift, diffusion) • Compare performance with commercial • More modules with exchange of fields • Control of simulation flow and coupling • Tests of supervision (with scripting) • More complex boundary conditions • Run on native Debian and Windows

  35. Thank you for your attention. ??? Do you have any questions ?

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