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Dr. Stelios Thomopoulos , Dr. Vassilios Kountouriotis & Ms Eftichia Georgiou

TOPIC FCT 7 – 2014: law enforcement capability topic 4: pan european platform for serious gaming an training ROLE IN THE PROPOSAL: COORDINATOR SMI2G MEETING, JANUARY 23-24, 2014 | BRUSSELS. Dr. Stelios Thomopoulos , Dr. Vassilios Kountouriotis & Ms Eftichia Georgiou

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Dr. Stelios Thomopoulos , Dr. Vassilios Kountouriotis & Ms Eftichia Georgiou

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Presentation Transcript

  1. TOPIC FCT 7 – 2014: law enforcement capability topic 4: pan european platform for serious gaming an trainingROLE IN THE PROPOSAL: COORDINATOR SMI2G MEETING, JANUARY 23-24, 2014 | BRUSSELS Dr. SteliosThomopoulos, Dr. VassiliosKountouriotis & MsEftichia Georgiou NCSR “DEMOKRITOS”: Integrated Systems Lab PatriarhouGrigoriou & Neapoleos AghiaParaskevi 15310 Athens, Greece

  2. Proposal Idea Law enforcement capability topic 4: pan european platform for serious gaming an training • Creation of a Pan European platform for serious gaming and training based on the interactive, immersive crowd behaviour modelling, simulation and 3D animation platform iRescuedeveloped in the context of the FP7 projects TASS & PERSEUS • Partners sought: • Human behaviour analysts: Sociologists, Psychologists, Anthropologists, … • Human dynamics experts • Cognitive, emotional and linguistic attributes and controls experts • Game scenario experts • HMI experts • Law enforcement agencies • Training experts

  3. ISL Interactive 3D Immersive Locative Games ISL Innovation portfolio https://vimeo.com/69793682

  4. Contact Information CONTACT INFO • For further information, you may contact: • Dr Stelios Thomopoulos scat@iit.demokritos.gr • Dr.VassilisKountouriotisb.koutnoutiotis@iit.demokritos.gr • Ms Eftichia Georgiou efgeorgiou@iit.demokritos.gr • National Center for Scientific Research “Demokritos”. • +30 210 6503153 +30 210 6503150 +30 210 6503216

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