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Effective Career Guidance Process - Karriereverktøy.no

Karriereverktøy.no is the most widely used professional careertool in Norway, offering career guidance and management solutions. Developed by psychologist Arne Svendsrud, it focuses on exploring interests, possibilities, making reflective choices, and developing career management skills.

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Effective Career Guidance Process - Karriereverktøy.no

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  1. Karriereverktøy (Careertools) Sandefjord vgs 030419 Arne Svendsrud arne.svendsrud@karriereverktoy.no www.karriereverktoy.no Karriereverktoy.no

  2. Arne Svendsrud • Psychologist, owner and developer at Karriereverktøy (Careertools) • Developed most of the professional careertools that are being used in the career guidance field in Norway today • https://karriereverktoy.no/ , Karriereverktøy (Careertools) Norske Karriereferdigheter (Norwegian Career competencies) Jobpics, Structured Career Interview (SCI) Asperger Workplace Interview (ASWI) ADHD Workplace Questionnaire Karriereverktoy.no

  3. Karriereverktøy(Careertools) (KV) • Developed by Arne Svendsrud - Karriereverktøy AS https://karriereverktoy.no/ • The most widely used professional careertool in all sectors in Norway • Among these are: schools, career guidance centers, vocational rehabilitation, NAV, etc. Karriereverktoy.no

  4. Teoretical foundation Karriereverktoy.no

  5. What is not a good career guidance process? • A good career choice is not a matter of testing personality, current skills, etc. • Because there are basically all kinds of people in all kinds of educations and vocations regarding personality traits, values and so on (the exception is intelligence). Karriereverktoy.no

  6. What is a good career guidance process then? • Adapting to change – Savickas • Careers can not be predicted. Only explained in retrospect - Career learning - Developing interests and skills - Krumboltz Karriereverktoy.no

  7. To understand what an effective career guidance process is – you need to know the psychological processes behind decisionmaking Karriereverktoy.no

  8. System 1 Karriereverktoy.no

  9. System 2 17 x 24 Karriereverktoy.no

  10. What is an effective career guidance process then? • The battle against system 2 shutdown • Attempting to keep the process as concious and reflective as possible(system 2) Karriereverktoy.no

  11. Karriereverktøy – Norwegian career management skills Karriereverktoy.no

  12. The headings in Career guidance: Know your Possibilities Know yourself Choice Karriereverktoy.no

  13. RIASEC • Realistic (R -Praktisk) • Investigative (I -Teoretisk) • Artistic (A -Kreativ) • Social (S -Sosial) • Enterprising (E -Foretaksom) • Conventional (C -Systematisk) Karriereverktoy.no

  14. Hva er Karriereverktøy? Karriereverktoy.no

  15. Karriereverktøy - a learning management system (LMS) for career guidance and career management Karriereverktoy.no

  16. Karriereverktoy.no

  17. Stage 1: Exploreinterests Karriereverktoy.no

  18. The Interest interview as a career guidance method • Language creates reality • By interviewing the coachee – interests and a language on the interests are co-constructed Karriereverktoy.no

  19. Task: Interest interview • Look at the sheet • Read the descriptions • Mark the ones that you feel suits you Karriereverktoy.no

  20. Stage 2: Explorepossibilities Karriereverktoy.no

  21. Career information can kill interests or develop interests Karriereverktoy.no

  22. Careerinformation that works • The mission in thecareerguidanceprocess is to getthe relevant careerinformation – and make it relevant with and for thecoachee. • Criteria for relevance: • Relevant for thecoachee • Specific for thecontext • Information onthenextstep • Long term possibilities • By «sifting» and reflecting, theinformation is made relevant and contextualfor thecoachee Karriereverktoy.no

  23. Task: find relevant career information 1 • Find a vocation that a familiar coachee you wants information about. • Go on Youtube or Google and find a video or written information that you believe is good, relevant, contextual and a good learning source for that particular coachee. • Why is it good? And why is it relevant? Karriereverktoy.no

  24. Task: find relevant career information 2 • Find an education that a familiar coachee wants information about. • Go on youtube or google and find a video or written information that you believe is good, relevant, contextual and a good learning source for that particular coachee. • Why is it good? And why is it relevant? Karriereverktoy.no

  25. Stage 3 Make the choice Karriereverktoy.no

  26. How to make a career choice that is reflective ? - as a better alternative to a automatic, unreflected and system 1 based choice Karriereverktoy.no

  27. Decision matrix • Compare the alternatives against decision criterias • The decision criterias are a combination of «practical» criterias and values Karriereverktoy.no

  28. Task: What are your decicion criterias? Karriereverktoy.no

  29. Task: What are the decision criterias for a coachee you know? Karriereverktoy.no

  30. Task: What are the decision criterias for a group of coachees you know? Karriereverktoy.no

  31. Stage 4 Work & Career management (Career management skills) Karriereverktoy.no

  32. Karriereverktøy – Norwegian career management skills Karriereverktoy.no

  33. Career CompetenciesCareer competencies are the knowledge, attitudes and skills you need for making career choices, manage school, studies, workroles and career througout life in the context of constant change(Arne Svendsrud, 2017) Karriereverktoy.no

  34. Karriereverktøy – Norwegian career management skills Karriereverktoy.no

  35. Norwegian Career management skills are used for mapping the Critical career competencies and derive learning goals which become the focus in the career coaching process Karriereverktoy.no

  36. Digital Workbook in Karriereverktøy are used to work with the learning goals and develop career management skills Karriereverktoy.no

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