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The New Ipad. By : José Andrés Morocho. What is an Ipad ?.
The New Ipad By: José Andrés Morocho
WhatisanIpad? • TheIpadisessentialaniphonebutbetterdevelope, itsformislike a table, itisreallysmall and itsweightis 680 gr. Itoffers a new serviceforthosewhohaveit, it can downloadbooksfrom internet and itsbateryisbetterthaniphonesoripods.
Howitworks? • TheIpad as a revolutionary machine, has aninsidebatterythat can works 10 hoursdailywith a constantly use, itscapacitytosavethingsvaryfrom 16 to 64 Gbytes, obviouslyitaffectstotheprice.
WouldyoubuyanIpad? • As theprices are so high i thinkifyouwanttobuy a highintelegence machine liketheseyouhavetwooptions, theIpad and Iphonethose are thebesttechnologicaladvanced machines, themaindifferenceisipad looks more like a computer and itsbatery can workslongerbutitisnot a phone as anihone. • So ifsomeonewanttobuyone of those i thinkthebestoneistheIphonebecauseyouhavetwo machines, a computer and a phone.
Do youthinkanIpad can replace a computer? • I thinkitcantreplace a computerbecause a computer has a lot more of memmorythananipad, thegames and softwares are lessexpensivefor a computerthanforaniphone