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Leadership & Management in a Changing World

Explore management trends, leadership tips, and workplace insights presented by Keith Woods, CEO at North Coast Builders Exchange. Learn the secrets to success in today's dynamic business landscape.

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Leadership & Management in a Changing World

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  1. Leadership & Management in a Changing World Presented by: K E I T H W O O D S CEO, North Coast Builders Exchange Senior Advisor on Chamber Trends, California Chamber of Commerce keith@ncbeonline.com

  2. Fun & Interesting Office Buzz Words

  3. Blamestorming When employees get together after a project fails to look for a scapegoat

  4. BMW’s Bitchers, Moaners and Whiners

  5. Adminisphere The upper levels of an organization where big, impractical and expensive decisions are made

  6. Bobbleheading The mass nodding of agreement by employees, even when the boss has a really bad idea

  7. Groups in California: • N.I.M.B.Y. Not In My Back Yard • N.O.P.E. Not On Planet Earth • B.A.N.A.N.A. Build Absolutely Nothing Anywhere Near Anything • C.A.V.E. Citizens Against Virtually Everything • S.C.U.M.M.I. Socially Concerned Until My Money’s Involved

  8. Presentation Overview 1.Management Thoughts & Trends 2. Workers and the Workplace 3. Leadership

  9. Management Thoughts & Trends

  10. All success is built upon exceeding expectations.

  11. When the rate of change on the outside of your organization is greater than the rate of change on the inside, the end is in sight. -Jack Welch (General Electric)

  12. An Organization Today Needs: Strategic Vision: ‘The ability to look ahead’ Peripheral Vision: ‘The ability to look around’ - Carly Fiorina (Hewlett-Packard)

  13. Whatever made you successful in the past won’t necessarily make you successful in the future. -Lew Platt (Hewlett-Packard)

  14. 7 Most Obscene Words in an Organization: “But we’ve always done it that way!”

  15. Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. -Albert Einstein

  16. Understand the Difference Between Management and Leadership • Management: Authority to tell people what to do • Leadership: Ability to get them to want to do it

  17. Basic Management Styles: • Autocrat • Democrat • Timely blend of both

  18. What Bothers Employees Most in Companies Today: • Indecision • “I don’t care what the decision is, just make one!” • Inconsistency • “Put a thermometer on your office door so we know if you’re running hot or cold today” • Re-active vs. Pro-Active Management • “It’s like the boss is playing Whack-a-Mole, sitting around waiting for some problems to pop up”

  19. Three Significant Trends Affecting Our Lives: • People are more demanding and less patient • They love new, fresh and different • Everyone is suffering from “Time Poverty”

  20. Top 10 ListWhat People Say They Expect To Do in the Coming Year: 6. Do some home improvement 1. Have more fun 2. Lose weight 7. Take a close-to-home vacation 8. Develop some new skills 3. Get organized 9. Spend more time with children 4. Protect my job 5. Look for a job • Save money, if possible

  21. Workers and the Workplace

  22. Desirable Employees • Smart & Energetic • Smart & Lazy • Dumb & Lazy • Dumb & Energetic

  23. “New Work Habits for a Radically Changing World”13 Ground Rules for Success in the Information AgeAn Employee Handbook Created by Price Pritchettwww.PritchettNet.com ~ 1 (800) 992-5922

  24. New Work Habits: 2. Commit fully to your job. 1. Become a quick-change artist. 3. Speed up. 4. Accept ambiguity and uncertainty. 5. Behave like you’re in business for yourself. 6. Stay in school. 7. Hold yourself accountable for outcomes. 8. Add value. 9. See yourself as a service center. 10. Manage your own morale. 11. Practice “Kaizen.” 12. Be a fixer, not a finger pointer. 13. Alter your own expectations.

  25. The Gallup Q-12(Key Points) Dimensions of a Great Workplace

  26. In great workplaces, employees are able to say: • I know what is expected of me. • I have the opportunity to do what I do best. • My opinions seem to count. • My fellow employees are committed to quality work. • I have opportunities to learn and grow.

  27. Leadership

  28. The Secret to Leadership Success: “See the ship through the eyes of the crew.” - Michael Abrashoff Naval Commander (As quoted in Fast Company)

  29. The attitude of a leader is contagious and will infect everyone around him or her.

  30. “Molasses Points” in Your Organization (Things that slow you down): • Find ‘em! • Fix ‘em!

  31. An Interesting Definition: “Bureaucracy is energy converted to mass.”

  32. Nothing ever gets done until there’s a “Maniac on a Mission.”

  33. There’s no limit to what can be accomplished if you don’t care who gets the credit.

  34. 7 Traits of a Great Leader • Integrity • Vision • Compassion • Consistency • Follow-through • Balance in your life • An ego that’s under control

  35. Lessons in Leadership A Leadership Primer by General COLIN POWELL Chairman (ret.), Joint Chiefs of Staff

  36. General Powell’s Advice: • Organization charts and fancy titles count for next to nothing • Question so-called experts; they often possess more data than good judgment

  37. General Powell’s Advice continued : • Leaders don’t hire based on resumes, degrees or prior titles; they look for people with honesty, energy, and a drive to get things done. • If you need to have a “yes-man” working for you, one of you is redundant.

  38. T E A M T - Together E – Everyone A - Accomplishes M - More

  39. “You can’t talk your way out of problems that you behaved your way into.” -Stephen Covey

  40. Words of wisdom from a farmer, when describing the need for change: If the horse you’re riding dies… get off!

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