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RECRE A TIVITY. A mobile game t o inspi r e c r e a tivity in the mid s t of y our bu s y li f e. I t ’ s ha r d t o s t a y c r e a ti v e and get o v er c r e a ti v e blocks. RECRE A TIVITY all o w s y ou t o find and sha r e inspi ra tion.
RECREATIVITY Amobilegametoinspirecreativityinthemidst ofyourbusylife It’shardtostaycreative andgetovercreative blocks RECREATIVITYallowsyoutofind andshare inspiration We’re busyandbeingcreative canbeintimidating Usersrespondtoworkwithworkoftheirownchoice Receiveandprovidecreativefeedback Respondwithyourveryowncreations Discoverworkthat inspiresyou See the evolution of ideas Receive prompts for inspiration MEDIUM-FI PROTOTYPE GAME TESTING PAPERPROTOTYPING INITIAL IDEATIONS USER RESEARCH ALEX CONSTANT, ANGELA LIU, SHAHAF NURIEL, JANETTE SIU, DAVID SWASON |CSE441SPRING 2013 https://www.cs.washington.edu/education/courses/cse441/13sp/project_files/recreativity/