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Staphylococcal Infections

Resistant to high salt conditions Many of the diseases of the skin Examples: pimples, boils, abscess, furnucle. Staphylococcal Infections.

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Staphylococcal Infections

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  1. Resistant to high salt conditionsMany of the diseases of the skinExamples: pimples, boils, abscess, furnucle • Staphylococcal Infections

  2. More deaths from this disease than any other in USinflammation of lung tissuemany causes (bacteria, viruses, fungi, helminths)violent chills, high fever, chest pain • Classic pneumonia

  3. Lives in cooling towers, air conditionersheadache, fever, diarrhea, vomitingcan lead to death • Legionnaires disease

  4. Central AfricaInflamed conjunctiva and corneaworms in skin and eye • Loaiasis

  5. most common infection seen in clinical practice6 million office visits/year in USUTI2nd • Urinary Tract infections

  6. Inflammation of kidneys • Pyelonephritis & Glomerulonephritis

  7. Outbreak in 1980s associated with super absorbent tamponsfever, severe drop in blood pressurered rash, can lead to death • Toxic shock syndrome

  8. A common STDProtozoanIntense itching and copious dischargeleading cause of spontaneous abortion in cattle • Trichomoniasis

  9. Flow of seed, “cupids itch”urethral drip in malescan lead to infertilityoften co infection with Chlamydia • gonorrhea

  10. STD and congenital formthree stages: incubation, primary – chancre, teritary - gummas • Syphilis

  11. Soft chancre on the genitals of males and femalesSyphilis give you a hard chancreAfrica, Caribbean, SE Asia • Chancroid

  12. Scanty watery discharge from penistingling sensation in penisinflammation of epididymis and sterility in malessterility in females and pregnancy outside of the uterus • Chlamydia infections

  13. STD, rare in USLesions on genitals, lymph nodes become large, painful, pus filled • LGV

  14. Simplex 1 – cold soresSimplex 2 – genital sores • Herpes

  15. STD caused by papillomvirusSexually active are at risk • Genital warts

  16. Attacks CD4 cells of immune system • AIDS

  17. Most common in children (5-15)inflamed throat, adenoidsacute sore throat, fever, headache • Strep throat

  18. Once a feared killer in USclub shaped organismdeath from suffocation of pseudomembraneMajor problem in Soviet Union • Diphtheria

  19. Inflammation and pain in earCommon in children • Ear infections

  20. More loss of work than any other diseaseubiquitous virussneezing, running nose, lots of mucus • Common cold

  21. Viral infectionrhinitis, pharyngitis, bronchitis • parainfluenza

  22. Viral respiratory diseasefirst reported in 2003fever, headache, body aches, respiratory symptoms • SARS

  23. Violent coughvaccine DTP • Whooping cough

  24. Viral infectionBoth genital and dermal formsCryotherapy • warts

  25. Called conjectivitis of the newbornOrganisms present in birth canalCan lead to blindness • Ophthalmia neonatorum

  26. Bacterial infection of the eyeconjectivitisvery contagiousyou may have had it • Bacterial conjunctivitis “pinkeye”

  27. Greek for pebbled or roughswollen conjectiva with pebbled appearanceLeading cause of preventable blindness

  28. Parasitic eye diseasecaused by roundworm – bite of black fly • Onchocerciasis “River Blindness”

  29. Causes by S. aureusSkin peels offLooks like you were dropped in hot water. • Scaled Skin syndrome

  30. Strep infectionErythrogenic toxin“skin turns red” Scarlet Fever

  31. Associated with deep wounds of war & frostbiteObligate anaerobe“snap, crackle, pop” sound • Gas Gangrene

  32. Similar to rubeola (measles)spots not raisedless severe • Rubella – German measles

  33. 1980 WHO announced it 1st appeared in 10,000 BCCortez introduced to had been eradicatedAmerica killed millions of AztecsEdward Jenner developed vaccine • Small Pox

  34. Lesions similar to smallpox“MOO”Used by Jenner to developed smallpox vaccine • Cowpox

  35. Very ancient disease – Egyptian mummiesghon complex on x-raysPPD test • tuberculosis

  36. Orthomyxovirusboth A & B formskilled millions in 1918-1919 • influenza

  37. Viral respiratory illnessSin Nombreorganisms shed in feces and urine of deer mouse • Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome

  38. Tooth decay, gum disease • Dental carries, periodontal disease

  39. Caused by paramyxovirusorchitis & parotiditisMMR vaccine • mumps

  40. Common bacterial infectionabdominal pain, fever, diarrheaundercooked eggs, chicken • salmonella

  41. Poor sanitation & sewage problemsuncooked shellfish, rotten fruit & veggiesvaccine available“Mary” • Typhoid

  42. Bacterial intestinal diseasespreads rapidly in overcrowded conditions with poor sanitationscontaminated food or waterless evasive than salmonella • shigella

  43. High incidence in AsiaContaminated shellfishrice water stools • Asiatic Cholera

  44. Enterotoxin, nausea vomiting, diarrheausually self limitingcommon in Japancontaminated fish and shellfish – undercookedraw oystersFluid filled blisters on arms & legs vibriosis

  45. Fatigue, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, jaundicepain in liververy contagiouslifelong immunity once you recover • Hepatitis A

  46. Often asymptomatic, jaundice, tiredSTD, exchange of body fluidsvaccine available: three subcutaneous injections • Hepatitis B

  47. Flu like, needle sticks,no vaccineusually mildhigh blood concentration of liver enzyme • Hepatitis C

  48. Can only infect individuals with hepatitis BIV drug usershigh mortality • Hepatitis D

  49. Flatwormsevere abdominal pain • Fluke infection

  50. Parasitic segmented wormsabsorb nutrients – want to loose weight?Can get several feet long • tapeworm

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