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Unit 4. 最新英美报刊选读 _Unit 4 Finance and Economy. Finance and Economy. 最新英美报刊选读 _ Unit 4 Finance and Economy. Passage 1. Editorial: The Economic Summit. Background Information. Warming-up Questions. Organization Analysis. Language Features. Detailed Reading. Post-Reading.
Unit 4 最新英美报刊选读_Unit 4 Finance and Economy Finance and Economy
最新英美报刊选读_ Unit 4 Finance and Economy Passage 1 Editorial: The Economic Summit Background Information Warming-up Questions Organization Analysis Language Features Detailed Reading Post-Reading
最新英美报刊选读_ Unit 4 Finance and Economy Background Information Group of 20 (G-20) 二十国集团,或G-20 ,是一个着重解决全球经济问题国际机构。20国集团成员——19个主权国家,包括世界上最大的工业体以及新兴经济体,加上欧洲联盟——代表着大约世界上三分之二的人口,90%的全球国民生产总值,80%的国际贸易值和95%的黄金储备。较之“八国集团”(G-8),20国集团囊括了更多的世界工业化经济体。
最新英美报刊选读_ Unit 4 Finance and Economy Background Information Group of 20 (G-20) 追溯其历史,20国集团成立之初主要是为了应对上世纪90年代末的亚洲金融危机。 20世纪90年代,鉴于亚洲金融危机的严重程度,以美国、英国为首的老牌的世界经济 强国“日益认识到,关键的包括中国在内的新兴市场国家没有充分纳入全球经济核心的 讨论和治理中”。因此,先后有22个国家(“22国集团”或“G-22”)和33个国家(“33国 集团”),以特设的形式参加了各次G8峰会。在此基础上,1999年20国集团(G-20) 作为一个较长期的,相对稳定的国际经济组织宣告成立了。
最新英美报刊选读_ Unit 4 Finance and Economy Background Information Group of 20 (G-20) 通常情况下,出席年度会议的是各成员国财政部长和中央银行行长,再加上世界银行和国际货币基金组织的高层领导。另一个特殊成员---- 欧洲联盟即欧盟,由欧盟轮值议会主席和欧洲中央银行派代表参加会议。2008年11月,为应对全球信贷危机,各国政府首脑也参加了在华盛顿举行的G-20“紧急会议” 。 2008年的华盛顿会议被许多观察家看作是布雷顿森林体系II的序幕,其召开标志着一个新的国际金融框架即将开始。2009年4月G-20伦敦会议达成的成果进一步向世人展示出20国集团在当今并将在今后更长的一段时间内对世界经济的复苏和发展发挥其积极的作用。
最新英美报刊选读_ Unit 4 Finance and Economy Background Information Group of 20 (G-20)
最新英美报刊选读_ Unit 4 Finance and Economy 八国集团 Group 8 (G8) 所谓八国集团,指的是八大工业国美国、英国、法国、德国、意大利、加拿大、日本,加上俄罗斯。严格地讲,它并非一个严密的国际组织,俗称为“富国俱乐部”。在8个国家里,除俄罗斯之外的7个国家是核心成员国,也就是以前的七国集团 (G7)。 20世纪70年代初,在第一次石油危机重创西方国家经济后,在法国倡议下,1975年11月,美、日、英、法、德、意六大工业国成立了六国集团,此后,加拿大在次年加入,七国集团(简称G7)就此诞生。1997年俄罗斯的加入使得G7转变为G8。
最新英美报刊选读_ Unit 4 Finance and Economy Background Information 美国雷曼兄弟公司 (Lehman Brothers Holdings ) 雷曼兄弟公司,美国第四大投资银行,是为全球公司、机构、政府和投资者的金融需求提供服务的一家全方位、多元化投资银行。雷曼兄弟公司成立于1850年,总部设于美国纽约市,地区性总部则位于伦敦及东京,在世界各地设有办事处。雷曼兄弟被美国《财富》杂志选为500强公司之一。 雷曼兄弟公司雄厚的财务实力支持其在所从事的业务领域的领导地位,并且是全球最具实力的股票和债券承销和交易商之一。同时,公司还担任全球多家跨国公司和政府的重要财务顾问,并拥有多名业界公认的国际最佳分析师。 但是2008年中受到次级贷款风暴的影响,雷曼兄弟公司股价无量下跌,陆续裁员达六千人以上。 2008年9月15日,雷曼兄弟公司宣布申请破产申请破产保护,负债达6130亿美元,很可能结束158年的营运。 Source from: http://wiki.mbalib.com/wiki/Lehman_Brothers
最新英美报刊选读_ Unit 4 Finance and Economy Background Information New Century Financial Corporation 新世纪金融公司(New Century Financial Corporation)是美国一间知名的贷款公司,位于加利福利亚洲,成立于1995年,主业为次级抵押贷款,曾是全美国第二大次级贷款公司,已于2007年4月2日申请破产保护。 新世纪金融公司于2007年3月透露其经营的次级债坏账问题严重,而后其十几亿美元的市值迅速蒸发,几周内被迫申请破产。新世纪金融公司的轰然倒闭,揭开了2007年美国次级房屋信贷风暴的序幕。 Source from: http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki
最新英美报刊选读_ Unit 4 Finance and Economy Background Information General Motors Corporation 通用汽车公司(GM)成立于1908年,是全球最大的汽车公司,全球总部坐落在底特律的通用汽车文艺复兴中心,是成为全球汽车业的领导者。通用汽车公司迄今在全球33个国家建立了汽车制造业务,其旗下的汽车品牌包括:BUICK, CADILLAC, CHEVROLET, GMC, GM DAEWOO, HOLDEN, HUMMER, OPEL, PONTIAC, SAAB, SATURN 和VOLVO。 面对此次强大的金融危机,美国东部时间2009年6月1日早上,通用汽车公司正式向美国政府申请破产保护。据悉,美国政府将向重组后的通用提供总计达到300亿美元的援助。 Source From: http://www.motorlink.cn/corp/corp/openCycMain/100.html http://wiki.mbalib.com/wiki
最新英美报刊选读_ Unit 4 Finance and Economy Background Information Some figures we need to know Angela Merkel George W. Bush Barack Obama Gordon Brown
最新英美报刊选读_ Unit 4 Finance and Economy What an economic crisis means to ordinary people? Warming-up Questions • Higher prices of living expenses including those of food, clothing, housing and transportation (Higher inflation rate) • Fiercer competition with lower salaries • Higher unemployment rate • Harder job-hunting even for college graduates • Bear Market at stock exchange markets • Deepened unequal distribution of wealth– The rich get richer and the poor poorer. • Higher potential of social instability and upheaval
最新英美报刊选读_ Unit 4 Finance and Economy Organization Analysis
最新英美报刊选读_Unit 3 Education and Health Organization Analysis Para.1 Introduction The five Ws Para.2 Major achievements 峰会的主要成果 The economic summit has fell short. Para.3-8 “Where they fell short” 峰会的失败之处 Para. 9 Editor’s visions 作者的建议 Para. 10 Conclusion A lot more need to be done.
最新英美报刊选读_ Unit 4 Finance and Economy Organization Analysis Part I Introduction (Para.1) What: a “summit meeting” When: on “Thursday” Who: leaders of “the world’s top 20 economic powers” Why: “the global economy imploding” For what: “to fix the global financial system and restore growth” Editors’ comments: “They fell short”
最新英美报刊选读_ Unit 4 Finance and Economy Organization Analysis Part II (Para.2) Major achievements of this summit meeting The leaders pledged to a. fight protectionism b. help developing countries—1 trillion for loans and trade guarantee c. crack down on tax heavens d. impose stricter financial regulations on hedge funds and rating agencies Editors’ comments: “more than usual” “ necessary though insufficient”
最新英美报刊选读_ Unit 4 Finance and Economy Part II (Para.2) Major achievements of the summit meeting
最新英美报刊选读_ Unit 4 Finance and Economy Organization Analysis Part III (Para.3-Para.8) The places “where they fell dangerously short” 1. (Para. 3-6) Disagreement about stimulus spending/ additional fiscal stimulus --The Europeans leaders: refusing deficit spending not giving in --The U.S. President: warning not to count on American consumers alone -- Editors’ comments: being relieved, but not the time or the issue on which to hold back taking on the fight (against the Europeans)
最新英美报刊选读_ Unit 4 Finance and Economy Organization Analysis 2. (Para. 7) Disagreement about the idea of financial regulations and that of a global regulator: -- The European leaders: comprehensive cross-border regulation -- The U.S. President: domestic regulation 3. (Para. 8) Some compromises “more transparency and better early-warning systems for systemic risks” -- Editors’ comments: showing suspect
最新英美报刊选读_ Unit 4 Finance and Economy G-20 London Summit in Newspaper Headlines
最新英美报刊选读_ Unit 4 Finance and Economy G-20 London Summit in Newspaper Headlines
最新英美报刊选读_ Unit 4 Finance and Economy G-20 London Summit in Newspaper Headlines
最新英美报刊选读_ Unit 4 Finance and Economy G-20 London Summit in Newspaper Headlines
最新英美报刊选读_ Unit 4 Finance and Economy What’s happening outside the conference room?
最新英美报刊选读_ Unit 4 Finance and Economy What’s happening outside the conference room?
最新英美报刊选读_ Unit 4 Finance and Economy What’s happening outside the conference room?
最新英美报刊选读_ Unit 4 Finance and Economy Organization Analysis Part IV (Para.9) Editors’ visions To make progress, the world’s wealthy nations must a. come to a common understanding of the causes of the current crisis b. come to a common vision of the future role of financial markets c. write new rules and regulatory regimes d. work out regulations that are both transnational and binding Part V (Para. 10) Conclusion Editors’ comments: “it will take more than was done in London”
最新英美报刊选读_ Unit 4 Finance and Economy The happy family of G-20 London Summit
最新英美报刊选读_ Unit 4 Finance and Economy Wordle of G-20 London Summit
最新英美报刊选读_ Unit 4 Finance and Economy Language Features 美国报纸社论及其语言特点 美国报纸的评论体系大体上包括社论(Editorials)、社论版对页 (Opposite Editorial,缩写为Op-Ed)、专栏文章(Columnists)和读者来信(Readers’ Opinions)四种主要形式。 其中,社论,又称社评,是报纸或杂志的声明、言论或文章,用以表达其编辑、编审委员会或出版者针对近期发生的某一政治、经济、文化以及民生事件的意见或看法。它不仅提供实时信息,更重要的是必须发出报纸自己的声音以体现自身的立场,解释问题、引导舆论,使读者在其引导下能够做出判断。由于社论中的观点往往代表着该报刊的风格和立场,又被看作是报纸的灵魂。
最新英美报刊选读_ Unit 4 Finance and Economy Language Features 通过分析本篇社论 “The Economic Summit”,我们基本可以看出美国报纸社论在语言方面的一些显著特点。 1. 从写作角度上讲,社论写作注重以大众读者的角度为立足点,设身处地地提出问题或质疑,以便引起共鸣。如,大量的第一人称的使用。 “In normal times we don’t expect ...” ; “…we were relieved to see…”; “we fear…”; “we suspect…”等。 2. 从词汇运用角度上讲,社论的遣词造句独具匠心,处处显示其明确的立场。 1)心理或情感类动词的使用。如: “expect”, “be relieved to see”, “fear”, “suspect”, “watch”等。 2) 判断类或修饰类副词的使用。如: “certainly”, “dangerously”, “historically”, “rightly”, “fiercely”,“apparently”等。 3)一系列表示“应该”的命令式情态动词的使用。如: “cannot”, “should” “have to”, “must”, “need”等。
最新英美报刊选读_ Unit 4 Finance and Economy Language Features 3. 从句子结构和句式类型上,本篇社论通篇运用了大量的简单句,即使有复合句,也是相对简单的状语从句或宾语从句。如: “In normal times we don’t expect a lot from summit meetings.” “But he apparently decided that a battle would be too destructive.” “They fell short.” “When both sides grumble about the result, rather than praise it, you will know that progress is being made.” “As host, he had to.”等。 4. 从句子类型上,社论文章大量地使用陈述句,特别是Be引导的判断句式。如: “They fell short”; “Where they fell dangerously short was their refusal to …”; “…rich countries are the only ones that have the resources to do what is needed.” “Inflation is not the danger Europe faces today.”
最新英美报刊选读_ Unit 4 Finance and Economy Detailed Reading Passage Reading Understanding Sentences Word Study
最新英美报刊选读_ Unit 4 Finance and Economy Understanding Sentences • The meeting certainly produced more than the usual photo ops and spin– and its participants did not go away yelling at one another as they have in the past. (Para. 2) Translation 当然,此次峰会的成效远远不止于产生了一些具有纪念意义的照片和(各大媒体)粉饰太平似的大肆鼓吹—至少同以往的会议相比,与会者们没有大呼小叫,互相指责,甚至中途离场。 Comments “Yelling” here is used as a non-infinite verb acting as the adverbial to the predicate of the sentence, i. e., “go”. The use of the present participle signifies that the two actions—”go” and “yell” are carried out simultaneously. 1.He dashed out of my room shutting the door behind him. 2. My mother used to stay in this armchair reading her favorite novel at the teatime. Examples
最新英美报刊选读_ Unit 4 Finance and Economy Understanding Sentences 本文当中类似的用法还有: (Para. 4) “European leaders…made clear going into the meeting that…” (Para. 7) “The Europeans came to the meeting stressing the need for …”
最新英美报刊选读_ Unit 4 Finance and Economy Understanding Sentences 2. Where they fell dangerously short was their refusal… (Para. 3) “Where” introduces a subject clause. Likewise, such connectives as what, who, whoever, wherever, how and whether can introduce subject clauses. Comments Examples 1. How he made his fortune is still unknown to all. 2. Whether we should accept his proposal is utterly up to the chairman. 3. To her dismay, whatever she says is of no significance to him any more.
最新英美报刊选读_ Unit 4 Finance and Economy Understanding Sentences 3. “…rich countries are the only ones that have the resources to do what is needed.” (Para. 3) 此句中值得注意的语法现象是what引导的定语从句,也可以理解 为相当于all that引导的定语从句。 Comments Examples 1. What I need is not your money but your understanding. 2. What should be done immediately is that we review the procedure carefully.
最新英美报刊选读_ Unit 4 Finance and Economy Understanding Sentences 4.…the President will have to take on this fight soon.(Para. 6) In this sentence, what does “this fight” refer to ? Question -- “European leaders…made clear going into the meeting that they were not going to give in on that issue.” -- “President Obama has rightly warned the Europeans that they cannot count on American consumer alone to drive a global recovery.” -- “But he apparently decided that a battle would be too destructive.” Clues “This fight” refers to the disagreement about the percentage of the fiscal stimulus or stimulus spending each part, namely, the USA and the EU should be responsible for respectively. Comments
最新英美报刊选读_ Unit 4 Finance and Economy Understanding Sentences 5. To pull out of the current crisis, it will take a lot more than was done in London.(Para. 10) Comments 此句中than作为关系代词引导的是定语从句。 Examples • The prince had spent much more money than was intended to be spent, which annoyed the king much. • 2. The love you give your son is far more than is enough. You will spoil him.
最新英美报刊选读_ Unit 4 Finance and Economy Word Study 1. expect v. (Para. 1) 1) to think that something will happen预料,预计 Many investors expect that the economy will recover soon. We are expecting his reply to arrive before dawn. As expected, the concert was a great success. 2) (often progressive) to be waiting for someone or something to arrive 期盼, 等待 My mother is expecting visitors to our house this evening. She is expecting. (比喻用法:怀孕) 3)to think that it is right or reasonable that something should happen 认为理应发生,要求 As the eldest son in his family, he is expected to set a positive example to his siblings. Customers expect quality service.
最新英美报刊选读_ Unit 4 Finance and Economy Word Study n. expectation 预料,期望,指望,意料 Contrary to my expectations, he rejected my offer. Many college students admitted that it was hard to live up to parents’ expectations. The success of the performance exceeded all our expectations. His performance is far beyond our expectations.
最新英美报刊选读_ Unit 4 Finance and Economy Word Study 2. yell (Para. 2) vi.to shout, scream, cheer or utter in a loud or piercing way (因生气、害 怕、激动或疼痛等)叫喊,叫嚷,大声抗议或埋怨,大声呐喊欢呼 yell with pain We yelled for our team. She likes yelling at her puppy when she is in bad mood. n. 1) a loud piercing cry, as of pain, anger or fear 叫声,喊声 Laura let out a yell. 2) (AmE) a loud noise that a group of people make as a way of showing support of someone or a sports team (指为运动队助威的)加油声 There was a strong yell of triumph for the Los Angeles Lakers.
最新英美报刊选读_ Unit 4 Finance and Economy Word Study 3. batter (Para. 2) • v. • 1) to hit something very hard repeatedly; beat heavily 连续猛打,重击 • Huge waves battered the little ship the whole night. • The raindrops battered against the windows. • 2) (usu. passive) to make someone or something suffer or become weak; to • subject (a person, an opinion, or theory) to harsh criticism; attack 使受重 • 创,打击 • The team’s confidence was heavily battered by the defeat. • When first put forward, Copernicus’ theory was severely battered by the Catholic churches. • to subject (a person, esp. a close relative living in the same house) to repeated physical violence 毒打,虐待 • He is accused of battering his wife and children.
最新英美报刊选读_ Unit 4 Finance and Economy Word Study battered (Para. 2) • adj. • 1) abused 受虐待的,憔悴的 • The battered wife finally committed suicide. • 2) old and damaged 破旧的,撞坏了的 • In his late years, he was often seen hanging around in his battered old car. • having experienced a lot of difficulty 受到重创的,经历困难的 • The project is aimed to help restore the economy of the battered towns in the earthquakes.
最新英美报刊选读_ Unit 4 Finance and Economy Word Study 4. commit v.(Para. 2) 1) to make someone agree or promise to do something使同意,使承诺 The agreement committed them to full responsibility for this project. The professor is heavily committed to (doing) his research work. 2) to say that you will use available things or people for a particular purpose 调拨,投入 The rich countries have agreed to commit 1 trillion dollars to help the developing countries.
最新英美报刊选读_ Unit 4 Finance and Economy Word Study 3) to do something illegal or morally wrong 犯罪,犯错误 It is reported that the famous singer committed suicide last night. The study aims to find out what induces people to commit crimes. It is normal for a teenager to commit such mistakes. 4) to decide to have a permanent relationship with someone 决定确立永久关系 She refused his proposal, saying that she is not ready to commit. Men are believed to be harder to commit himself to one relationship than women.
最新英美报刊选读_ Unit 4 Finance and Economy Word Study n. commitment 承诺;拥护;义务,责任;决心 It is too late for him to realize that to fulfill his commitments seems impossible. This country failed to demonstrate its commitments to the Kyoto Protocol. Heavy work commitments have driven him exhausted. Apparently, her laziness and lack of commitment have led to her failure.
最新英美报刊选读_ Unit 4 Finance and Economy Word Study 5. stimulus n.(Para. 3) things that encourage something to happen, develop, or improve 促进因素, 刺激物 Light is a stimulus to plants’ growth. The substance seems rather sensitive to this type of stimuli. Her words of praise were a stimulus for me to work harder.
最新英美报刊选读_ Unit 4 Finance and Economy Word Study 6. issue n.(Para. 4) • a subject that people discuss or argue about 议题,争论点,(尤指)社会或政治等问题 • Mercy killing has always been a controversial issue worldwide. • Public education is inevitably one of the biggest issues the new government has to deal with. • The subject of cloning raises complex ethical issues. • 2) a magazine that is published at a particular time (期刊的)期,号 • The spring issue of this fashion magazine has been a great success. • 3) official giving 发放,颁发 • She is still waiting for the issue of her study permit by the Canadian Embassy.
最新英美报刊选读_ Unit 4 Finance and Economy Word Study • issue v. • to announce something or give it to people officially 颁布,发放,公布 • The authority has issued warnings that the price for the oil would rise soon. • He was issued a medal for his bravery at the battle. • 2) to officially make something available for people to buy or use 发行 • It is the responsibility of the central bank of the country to issue the currency. • The magazine is issued on a monthly basis.