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2013 vs. 2012 Cats on TR. Table of Contents. Preface /Notes …………………………………..……. Page 3 2013 In Numbers ……………………..…….......…Page 4 Overall TR Results …………………….………………….Page 6 Overall Results by Type of Insulin …………………Page 15 Zoom on Bovine PZI ……………………………..……..Page 24
Table of Contents • Preface/Notes …………………………………..……. Page 3 • 2013 In Numbers ……………………..…….......…Page 4 • Overall TR Results…………………….………………….Page 6 • OverallResults by Type of Insulin…………………Page 15 • Zoom on Bovine PZI ……………………………..……..Page 24 • Zoom on ProZinc ……………………………………..……Page 26 • Zoom on Hypurin …………………………………..………Page 28 • Zoom on Lantus ……………………………………….…….Page 30 • Zoom on Levemir ………………………………..………..Page 34 • Zoom on Canininsulin …………………………………….Page 36 • Zoom on NPH ………………………………………………… Page 38 • Appendix ………………………………………………………..Page 40
Preface/notes • This document isbased on the tracking of cats with logs set up in Names & Numbers on DCC in 2012 and 2013 (Data collection through 31.12.2013) • The number of logs for 2013 isdifferentfromthatfound in the 2013 New Membershipstatistics as thatonlytakesintoaccount the activity of memberswhojoined in 2013; included in 2013 TR logs are memberswhojoinedbefore 2013 but did not set up a log till 2013 and thosewith more than one log up • Cats who have gone OTJ and thenrelapsed are counted in the OTJ figures, and as a new log/TR cat whenthey go back on insulin • Exception: Puddin/Lisa wasonly OTJ for 28 days, sois not included in the OTJ statistics • Seeappendix for cats concerned • Cats who switch insulin are included in the last insulinusedonly as one of the purposes of the trackingis to following the number and percentage of cats per insulinwho do – or do not – go into a dietcontrolledremission • A table of such cats maybefound in the Appendix • « Active Cats » refers to Cats that are OTJ or stillfollowed on forum (Total logs – GA and MIA cats) • 2012 figures includethree cats whowent OTJ and one whowent GA in 2013, as well as thosewhowent MIA during 2013
2013 in a few numbers …… 72logs set up by membersfrom12different countries in 2013… a 31%increase vs. 2012 55Active cats at the end of 2013 25cats whowent OTJ using6 differentinsulins
……but 2013 isalso Only 46% of cats starting TR in 2013 went OTJ… a drop of 22,2 points vs 2012 (base Active Members)
Number of logs started • A strong and encouragingincrease (16) in the number of logs started in 2013 vs. 2012…. If to note, total DCC membership rose by 52.4% over the sameperiod
Status of Cats • While in total numbers, more cats went OTJ in 2013 than in 2012, a lessoptimisticviewthough, when the percent of cats going OTJ isexamined…. The percentage of cats going OTJ isdropping and the percentage of cats still FD has sharplyincreased • Some 2013 Cats willhopefullybecome OTJ in 2014…. And somewillbecome MIA/GA… so over the followingmonths, thesepercentageswillevolve
Zoom on Active Cats • At the end of 2013, thereis an increase of 30,9% in the number of logs started vs. 2012, and of 71.9% in Active members (a percentagewhichwillcertainly have dropped by end 2014 due above all to MIAs over time) … However, the % of cats thatwent OTJ is not keeping pace – only 4 more cats went OTJ in 2013 than in 2012 – an increase of 19% • Overall, on the base of Active Cats, thereis a drop of 22 pts in the % of cats that are OTJ in 2013 vs. 2012: only 45,5% vs. 67,7%
Seasonality • AsidefromFeb-April, no clearseasonality trends in terms of membersstarting logs • Note: the high number of logs started in October 2013 includes 5 membersbrought over from YDC
Geography/ 2012 • While N. Americaaccounts for just over half of all logs set up in 2012, the US onlyaccounts for 44% - low vs. the total number of membersfrom the US • Verystrongpresence for the UK
Geography/ 2013 • An increase in membersfrom the US setting up logs vs. othermarkets in 2013 • The appearance of South Americans • The samenumber of UK membersstarted logs (16) – but a lowershare due to the increase in total logs • FewerEuropeans and few Europen countries represented vs. 2012
Insulinused: Nb of Cats • Lantus is the mostusedinsulin in both 2012 and 2013 • A switch though for otherinsulins: • Use of PZI – whether Bovine, ProZinc or Hypurin – droppedsharply in 2013: in the case of Hypurin the drop canbelinked to good results for cats on Caninsulin in the UK which has meantthatitis no longer suggested (unlessresults on Caninsulinmerit) thatmembers move to it • Good increase in use of Levemir as good resultswith the few membersusingitled to more switching to its use: Levemirhas only been used as the first insulin for one cat • Increased use of Caninsulin for the reasonmentionedabove
Insulinused: Percent of Total • In terms of the percent of cats using a giveninsulin, use of Lantus, Caninsulin and Levemir has increasedsubstantially • To note the verysharp drop in Hypurin cats: 22% of 2012 logs and only 3% of 2013 logs… • The use of PZI unsulin (US PZI and Hypurin) droppedfrom 51% to only 17% of cats…. With Lantus and Levemirnowaccounting for 50%
Status per Insulin 2012 • In pure numbers, Lantus had the best success in 2012 with 7 cats usingit OTJ • Lantus isfollowed by Caninsulin and Hypurin. • US PZI (bovine or ProZinc) results are quitemedicore • Levemirwasonlyused by 2 cats, and NPH by 1 • A highnumber of MIAsamongstHypurin cats
Status per Insulin 2013 • A change in 2013 as Caninsulinbecomes the veryclear « success story » of the year – 12 cats went OTJ on itwhileonly 4 remain FD (includingPuddin/Lisa whowas OTJ for 28 daysbeforeneedinginsulinagaindue to thyroid issues). • Lantus drops to second place… above all the number of OTJ cats on itissurpased – by 2 to 1 – by the number of cats thatremain FD.... With the samenumberdropping off forum • With one exception Levemir has been a replacement insulin – oftenfor longer term FD cats, whichmayexplainitslow OTJ number – the only cat to go OTJ on itstarted TR on itwhennewlydx’d
% of Total Cats OTJ/Insulin • In terms of the percentage of cats who have gone OTJ , Lantus has lostitssuccess leader status to Caninsulin… whichaccounted to close to half of all cats thatwent OTJ in 2013 • Hypurin didwell in 2012 … but has dropped back in 2013 as it has dropped out of use by cats on forum • No cats have gone OTJ on Bovine PZI in the last twoyears (if few cats have usedit) Reminder % total logs
% Active Cats OTJ / Insulin • A look at the % of Active Cats (removing MIA, whosestatusisunknown, and GA from the total figures) provides a more accurateway to look atsuccess rates • The total number of Active Cats using the insulindoes, however, need to betakenintoaccount - a 100% success rate for Levemir or NPH in 2012 or Hypurin in 2013, whenthereisonly 1 Active Cat, is not significant…. • Overall, the strong performance of cats usingCaninsulinisconfirmed • Again, the strong drop in success rates for Lantus cats in 2013 vs. 2012 isunderscored
OTJ Index Active Cats • Anotherway to betterunderstand the performance of differentinsulinsis to look at an index calcuated by dividing the % of Active cats OTJ on the insuin vs. the % of Active cats usingthatinsulin • For example, if 4% of Active Cats are on insulin X, and 8% of OTJ cats are on insulin X, the index is 4%/2% or 200 • An index over 100 meansthat a relatively high proportion of cats on thatinsulin are going OTJ : a higherpercentage of cats usingthatinsulin are going OTJ vs. the percent of cats using the insulin • Again, caution needs to beusedwhenonly 1 Active cat isconcerned
OTJ Index Active Cats (Cont.) • Takingintoaccount the only 1 active cat on Levemir/NPH in 2012 and 1 on Hypurin in 2013, once againCaninsulinprovesitself to be the mostsuccessfulinsulinusedwith TR eitheryearwith an index of 127 in 2012 and 165 in 2013 • Despite good results in terms of pure numbers, Lantus underperformswith indices under 100 bothyears – cats are going OTJ on it, but not in proportion to the number of cats on Lantus • US PZI insulins (both Bovine and ProZinc) have verylow indices – no cats have gone OTJ on Bovine PZI over the last 2 years (if few have useditand ProZinc has a low – and decreasing index • Interesting to note is the index of 132 for NPH in 2013 – with 5 active cats using the insulin • Caninsulin and NPH – usuallyconsidered « to beavoided » insulins have the best sucess rates …. The US PZI insulins on which TR isbased, are the least successful in getting cats OTJ
2013 Bovine PZI Cats • Onlytwo 2013 Active cats on BCP at the end of 2013, bothremain FD • Mandy/Lisa was OTJ from Jan-Aug 2013 (afterbeingdx’d in Dec 2012)
2013 ProZinc Cats • One cat went OTJ on ProZinc in 2013: Bubba, a a cat whowas OTJ (on Lantus) sinceFeb 2011, and came out of remission due to steroids • The last 3 cats all are end of 2013 arrivals, post veryinfrequently and are receivinglittle if any help on forum
2013 Hypurin Cats • A huge drop in the number of cats on Hypurin in 2013 • One quick success story • One memberwhois no longer involved on forum, and whoswitchedfromCaninsulin to Hypurin only a short time beforeleaving
2013 Lantus Results • 2013 OTJ rates for lantus are down sharply vs. 2012….. • 2012 : • 7 Lantus Cats OTJ • 37% of Total Lantus Cats (15 Cats) • 70% of Active Lantus Cats ( 10 Cats) • 2013: • Again 7 Cats OTJ…. But thisnumberrepresentsonly • 24% of Total Lantus Cats (29 Cats) • 33% of Active Lantus Cats (21 Cats)
2013 Lantus Cats • Taking a closer look at the FD cats, there are some possible explanations…… • Several are quite long term FD cats (and arrivedtowards the end of the year): Tomas, BooBoo, Jesse • Members have not (or could not) alwaysfollowTR closely in terms of testing, optimal dosing times: Harlem, Jefferson • Several are not very active on forum, so not receiving on-goingadvice: Atreyu, Mikey, Raven, Winston, Jesse…… though a question iswhythey are not more active. • One, Little Bit, switched to Levemir in Jan 2014 (if wasdoingverywell on Lantus at the time withseveral 80 or sohourruns)
2013 Levemir Cats • Heightenedinterest in Levemir in 2013 led to more cats moving to it • Many are longer term FD, explaininglow OTJ rates to date • Carl/Beth moved to Levemir in Nov 2013 • Baby/Elana isverywellregulated, withruns of 40-50 hours • JJ, the only OTJ cat, wasnewlydiagnosed and switchedfrom NPH starting TR on Levemiralmostimmediately
2013 Caninsulin Cats • Excellent results for Caninsulin – the mostusedinsulin in 2013 behind Lantus • Of the remaining FD cats: • Mandy isdoingverywellwithextended durations – but has somehealthproblems • Sukiisalsodoingwell, if not 100% regulated • Streepje and Cloe (sameowner) are not beingdosedconsistenly, whichisaffectingresults
2013 NPH Cats • Excellent results for anotherfaster acting insulinalso: NPH • Alex when OTJ in May 2013, and has neededinsulinagainsince 30.12 followingsurgery to remove a tumour • Bandit is about to move to Levemir
Appendix:Total Overall Figures since NWO (Stayed & New Cats)Cats who have switchedInsulinCats who have relapsed
Cats who have changedInslulin • Cats are included in last insulinusedonly in the statistics
OTJ cats who have relapsed • Cats are included in OTJ statistics and re-entered as new logs whenrelapsed