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HL7 Meeting - San Diego 2000

HL7 Meeting - San Diego 2000. HL7 Standards Development in Australia / New Zealand - an Update Klaus Veil - Chair, HL7 Australia. Who’s here?. Dick Harding Orders/Obs., CQ, Conf. John Hornsey CBHS, Pers. Mngmt. David Rowed CBHS, Patient Care Shahn Campbell CBHS (“HL7 sabbatical”)

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HL7 Meeting - San Diego 2000

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  1. HL7 Meeting - San Diego 2000 HL7 Standards Development in Australia / New Zealand - an Update Klaus Veil - Chair, HL7 Australia HL7 Int. Commitee Meeting, San Diego, 2000

  2. Who’s here? Dick Harding Orders/Obs., CQ, Conf. John Hornsey CBHS, Pers. Mngmt. David Rowed CBHS, Patient Care Shahn Campbell CBHS (“HL7 sabbatical”) Klaus Veil PAFM, Publishing HL7 Int. Commitee Meeting, San Diego, 2000

  3. Background Information • In Australia, standards are created by “STANDARDS AUSTRALIA (SAA)” - a government-supported organisation representing all stakeholders. • The Australian Federal Govt endorsed HL7 as the healthcare messaging standard in 1997. • HL7 has achieved widespread acceptance in Australia & New Zealand. HL7 Int. Commitee Meeting, San Diego, 2000

  4. SAA HL7 Working Groups HL7 Int. Commitee Meeting, San Diego, 2000

  5. Patient Administration • Patient Administration Standard AS4700.1: • Based on HL7 Chapter 3 and parts of Ch. 2. • Revised to match HL7 V2.4. HL7 Int. Commitee Meeting, San Diego, 2000

  6. Clinical Pathology • Pathology Orders and Results AS4700.2: • Based on parts of HL7 Chapters 4 & 7. • Revised to match HL7 V2.4. HL7 Int. Commitee Meeting, San Diego, 2000

  7. Registries Messages • Registry Messages AS4700.4. • Financial support from Aust. States (= $$$s!). • Areas targeted: • Cancer registers. • Notifiable diseases. • Currently in public comment. HL7 Int. Commitee Meeting, San Diego, 2000

  8. Drug Prescriptions • Drug Prescriptions (AS4700.3): • formal modelling approach. • 8 data entities with 76 transaction types • collapsed into 19 HL7 messages • New Zealand has adopted AS4700.3 as an NZ Standard. • Govt. sponsored/funded project to implement electronic prescriptions. HL7 Int. Commitee Meeting, San Diego, 2000

  9. Referral Messages • Referral Messages (AS4700.5): • Draft currently being circulated. • Publication planned for late 2000. HL7 Int. Commitee Meeting, San Diego, 2000

  10. Community Health • Australia has identified to HL7 that this area is currently not adequately covered in HL7 V2.3: • Patient identification (different names, DoB’s, DoD’s, etc.). • Patient legal status (in Mental Health). • Gender (also Mental Health). • ... HL7 Int. Commitee Meeting, San Diego, 2000

  11. Govt. Standards Policy • Recently the Australian Govt. released the “Health Online” policy document. • Stakeholder Focus: • Patients • Providers • Administrators • Technology focus: • EMR • InterNet HL7 Int. Commitee Meeting, San Diego, 2000

  12. Other Australian Developments • GEHR: an implementation of kernel with API is being funded by Govt. • GEHR model has been taken to CORBAMed. • Client Identification Standard AS4590 • Govt. Funding GP model & data set • Olympics! HL7 Int. Commitee Meeting, San Diego, 2000

  13. New Zealand Developments • HL7 well-established in NZ: • Central PMI accessed via HL7. • >60% of clinical pathology results are sent electronically using HL7. “Nothing To Report” HL7 Int. Commitee Meeting, San Diego, 2000

  14. Find out more about HL7 Australia at: http://www.HL7.com.au Thank You! HL7 Int. Commitee Meeting, San Diego, 2000

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