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IHCC Prep Grade Week 6 Agenda & Obj. 10/7-10/11. Monday: Novel Study Determine a theme or central idea of a text and analyze in detail its development… Analyze how complex characters… develop…
IHCC Prep Grade Week 6 Agenda & Obj. 10/7-10/11 Monday: Novel Study10.5.2.2 Determine a theme or central idea of a text and analyze in detail its development… Analyze how complex characters… develop… Tuesday-Wednesday: Comprehension/Novel Study10.5.2.2 Determine a theme or central idea of a text and analyze in detail its development… Analyze how complex characters… develop… Thursday10.7.7.7 Conduct short as well as more sustained research projects to answer a question… solve a problem… Friday: Grammar & Writing10.7.10.10 Write routinely over extended time frames… and shorter time frames… for range…
Daily Writing: You’re Hired! 10/07/13 Choose one prompt to respond to and explain with detail: • You’ve been hired to lure tourists into your town/city by writing a travel brochure. Write about your town, making it sound as thrilling and scenic as you can. • You’ve been hired to convince others to attend your favorite movie, or play, or game (sports included). Write a commercial to entice others to buy a ticket.
Monday: Voices & Values • Show me Journal title: HIML 5 Summary & Reactions & Quotes • Preview Migrant Child to College Woman pg. 96. • Individually read and on a separate piece of paper, answer vocabulary check and reading check (pg. 104-107). Read #9 & #10 carefully! • Raise your hand and I’ll collect it and work on the discussion questions on page 108 in your journal. • Journal title: Overcoming Obstacles
Daily Writing: Sleepy 10/08/13 Explain with detail: Imagine that you pulled an all-nighter. Now you’re in first period and you can barely stay awake. Write a narrative in the first person (using the pronoun “I”) about why you stayed up all night, how you feel now, and what you’re doing to stay awake in class. Planner: • Due Friday: Read HIML Chpt 6 Summary, Reactions & Quotes
Tuesday: V&V and Context Clues • Migrant Child to College Woman pg. 104 • Vocab #7 • #9 & #10 • At your table, discuss questions at the end of Migrant Child to College Woman (pg. 108). • Popcorn read He Was First on pg. 110. In pairs, finish vocabulary and reading check. • Pair with the best score AND who works together the best, gets a Larson’s HW pass.
Daily Writing: Courage 10/09/13 Choose one to respond to and explain with detail: • “Never be afraid to love/Never be afraid to just be/Just cast away the chains of doubt/Have the courage to be free.” From Open Your Eyes, You Can Fly by Vanessa Williams • “Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen. ~Winston Churchill Planner • Due Friday: Read HIML Part II Chpt 2 Summary, Reactions & Quotes • AND any other chapters we’re able to get through today…
Wednesday: Hole in my Life • Hand in He Was First (pg. 110) vocabulary and reading check. • Listen to Hole in My Life audio! • Reflect as you listen and follow along.
Daily Writing: Forgive 10/10/13 Choose one prompt to respond to and explain with detail: “Always forgive your enemies - nothing annoys them so much.” ~Oscar Wilde “Genuine forgiveness does not deny anger but faces it head-on.” ~Alice Duer Miller Planner: Due tomorrow: Finish reading Part 2 (through pg. 118) and write a summary, your reactions, and an analysis of at least 2 interesting quotes. Vocab Chpt 3 Part A & B (what you don’t get done in class).
Thursday: Vocabulary • Go over vocab context clues quiz. • I’m going to continue to build on these vocab words. Next quiz will have some of these, AND chapter 3 words • For the words you got wrong, do a VARK exercise according to your learning style (pg. 17).
Thursday: Vocabulary • Notebook title: Chapter 3 Part A Vocab • Read the context clues on pg. 21 (cover up the dictionary meanings below!). • For each underlined word, write the word and what you THINK it means based on context clues. • When you’re done: • Check your definitions with the dictionary definitions and highlight the ones you got wrong. • Finish activities on pg. 22-24 • Move on to Part B and do the same thing (through pg. 29). • Note book title: Chapter 3 Part B Vocab
Daily Writing: What is… 10/11/13 Choose one prompt to respond to and explain with detail: • What is something that really bugs you? • What is something that really makes you angry? • What is the best advice you ever received? Planner Due Monday: • Write in your journal at least 3 times next week during break. Journal title: My Holiday
Friday: Hole in My Life • Show me Part 4 & Vocab 3 A. • Part 4 Summary & Reactions and quotes. • I’m giving you more time today, so DISCUSS first and write later. • After reading the story yesterday, have you made more connections? Explain! • Play hot seat?
Hot Seat Designated “hot seat” in front of the room. 2 minutes to ask the seated person any question in a rapid-fire succession. The hot seat member is allowed to say “pass” for any too personal questions — avoid asking anything too personal, as it can ruin the fun. Sample questions: “What would you do if you won the lottery?” “If you could meet and have dinner with any person who ever lived, who would it be and why? What would you ask that person?” “What three words would you use to describe yourself?” Questions can be funny, too, such as: “What was your most embarrassing moment?” “What was your proudest moment?” “What was the silliest thing you’ve ever done?”