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Tech-Prep Grant Program. Technical Assistance Workshop. Definition of Tech-Prep Program of Study. A Tech-Prep program of study is a career and technical education credit-based transition program.
Tech-Prep Grant Program Technical Assistance Workshop
Definition of Tech-Prep Program of Study • A Tech-Prep program of study is a career and technical educationcredit-based transition program. • It provides secondary students with a seamless education from secondary to postsecondary education by permitting students to complete college courses in a collegiate program of study during high school.
Definition of Tech-Prep Program of Study • Students enrolled in a Tech-Prep program of study earn college credits for a coherent sequence of three or more courses they complete during high school as a result of a written commitment between a secondary and postsecondary institution called an articulation agreement.
Contents of a Tech-Prep Program of Study • Combines, at a minimum, two years of secondary education (e.g., junior and senior years) followed by a minimum of two years of postsecondary education.
Contents of a Tech-Prep Program of Study • Utilizes curricula that strengthens academic, and career and technical knowledge and skills that align with programs of study offered at community colleges and four-year colleges and universities.
Contents of a Tech-Prep Program of Study • Provides academic and technical preparation for careers in one of 16 broad industry areas called career clusters such as: • Health Science • Information Technology • Education & Training • Law, Public Safety & Security, and • Business, Management & Administration http://www.nj.gov/njded/voc/clusters/
Contents of a Tech-Prep Program of Study • Builds student competence in career and technical courses and in core academic subjects (Mathematics; Science; Reading; Writing; Communications; Economics; Arts; History and Geography) through applied, contextual and integrated instruction.
Contents of Tech-Prep Program of Study • Activities are coordinated by consortium members who pool resources, and provide multiple opportunities to students for the purpose of achieving a common goal.
Contents of a Tech-Prep Program of Study • Provides teachers, administrators, and counselors with professional development activities that support the goals of Tech-Prep and promote “best practices.”
Contents of a Tech-Prep Program of Study • Utilizes work-based and worksite learning experiences when appropriate and available.
Contents of a Tech-Prep Program of Study • Leads to a two-year certificate or industry-recognized credential, or an associate degree or baccalaureate degree in a career major that leads to high skill, high wage employment.
Eligibility Requirements • OPEN TO TECH-PREP CONSORTIA IN NEW JERSEY consisting of a: • secondary school district; • community college; and • four-year university or college.
Eligibility Requirements • This grant is available to secondary school districts that operate existing state-approved career and technical and/or Tech-Prep programs of study that did not receive Tech-Prep funds in the last grant period.
Eligibility Requirements • Only secondary schools may serve as lead agencies for the grant. • The total number of Tech-Prep grants will be divided equally between the two regions in New Jersey.
Eligibility Requirements • Each lead agency whose grant is funded in year one of the multi-year program will be eligible to apply in year two and year three of the program pending attainment of stated goals and objectives. • Tech-Prep grant begins September 1 and ends August 31 of every year.
Eligibility Requirements • The terms and conditions of the grant contracted in year one must be followed throughout the multi-year grant. • Programs of study contracted in year one of the grant cannot be changed without permission from the NJDOE.
Eligibility Requirements • Retain a copy of the original Tech-Prep Grant Program application. Not all information included in the original application will be included in subsequent NGO’s.
Application Submission • The Application Control Center must receive an original and four copies of the complete application NO LATER THAN 4:00 p.m. ON WEDNESDAY, APRIL 18, 2007—WITHOUT EXCEPTION.
Reporting Requirements • The lead agency will submit fiscal and program interim and final reports (consult Grant Recipient’s Manual for Discretionary Grants). http://www.nj.gov/njded/grants/discretionary/management/
Project Requirements • Lead agencies must: • Identify consortium partners. • Provide the names of the two programs of study to be developed or modified over the multi-year grant. School districts cannot develop or modify apprenticeship programs. • Provide the name of the career cluster(s) in which they are organized (Health Science, Education & Training, Business, Management & Administration, Law, Public Safety & Security, and Information Technology).
Project Requirements • Lead agencies must submit: • Names of the college programs to which they are aligned, and their corresponding CIP CODES. • Occupational program approval letters from OVTCIP for the programs of study lead agencies are modifying, or submit the information from the state website http://www.nj.gov/njded/voc/pubvoc.htm.
Project Requirements • Lead agencies must: • Develop or modify two programs of study (one each year) that include a coherent sequence of at least three or more career-technical courses for which students earn college credit; and • Modify curricula for at least three academic subjects such as: Mathematics; Science; Reading; Writing; and Communication. School districts can modify one academic subject each year, ormodify three academic courses in year three of the grant.
Project Requirements • Lead agencies must: • Implement the program of study developed in year one in year two of the multi-year grant program. The same rule applies for year two of the program. • Both programs of study must be implemented and approved by the NJDOE by year three of the grant program.
Project Requirements • Lead agencies must: • Develop and align curricula with program curricula offered by partnering postsecondary institutions for which students will earn articulated credit or dual credit.
Project Requirements • Lead agencies may: • Adopt college curricula, and a master prepared teacher can teach the college courses on the high school campus, or • Adopt curricula developed by national non-profit organizations.
Project Requirements • Supplemental college courses (e.g., core courses) can be offered to students after school or during the summer for concurrent credit.
Project Requirements • Lead agencies must: • Develop articulation agreements with 2-year and 4-year postsecondary institutions which must be dated, signed by chief administrators, and submitted to OVTCIP with Tech-Prep occupational program approval materials by July 13, 2008.
Project Requirements • Lead agencies must: • Apply for occupational program approval for programs of study developed in year one by July 13, 2008 and, in year two, by July 12, 2009. • Submit VEDS every year for Tech-Prep students enrolled in all Tech-Prep programs in your school.
Project Requirements • Applicants must submit a three-year plan for the Tech-Prep Program and describe the three-year plan in the Project Abstract and Project Description. • In the Goals, Objectives and Indicators Section, list all proposed project goals and objectives, and the performance indicators (goal outcomes) listed under each goal in the NGO. You may also include additional performance indicators that you develop.
Project Requirements • All project directors and Tech-Prep coordinators must attend project-related meeting including staff development opportunities offered by OVTCIP, OVTCIP conferences, and Task Force Meetings.
Certifications/Licensures • High school teachers must hold the certifications and/or state licensures necessary to teach the programs. Include applicable documents when submitting the application. • If the school will provide paid and unpaid SLE, include a list of certified teachers who will supervise students.
Developing the Project Plan • Section 2.2.2: Developing the Project Plan provides applicants with questions around the eight major themes of the NGO that will help applicants develop a Tech-Prep program of study.
Developing the Project Activity Plan For The First Year of The Grant
Goals, Objectives & Performance Indicators • Goals are mandated by the grant. • Objectives are developed by applicants. • Performance Indicators are goal outcomes and are listed under mandated goals in the NGO.
Developing The Project Activity Plan • Look at the goal and performance indicators, and develop objectives, and implementation activities to ensure successful goal outcomes. • Determine the person or persons responsible for conducting the activity.
Developing The Project Activity Plan • Determine what documentation will be present for state review to indicate that the implementation activities have been completed. • Determine the reporting period by which the implementation activities will be completed.
Goals • Goals relating to the eight major themes: • Goal 1: To extend the 2+2 TP model to include articulations with 2-year and 4-year degree granting institutions, and improve articulation and transfer systems at postsecondary 2-and 4-year degree granting institutions to promote a smooth transition for students from secondary to postsecondary education.
Developing Implementation Activities Goal 1: • Develop implementation activities that will result in successful goal outcomes. What steps will you complete to: • develop an advisory board, and a curriculum committee? • resolve transitional problems? • develop articulation agreements with postsecondary partners?
Goals • Goal 2: To develop marketing and recruitment efforts to promote the new Tech-Prep program of study, and develop a plan to sustain the Tech-Prep program of study
Developing Implementation Activities Goal 2: What steps will you complete to: • develop marketing and recruitment efforts? • develop career exploration opportunities for students, and career plans? • secure the buy-in of administrators, counselors, and teachers? • develop a plan to sustain the program after the multi-year grant is over?
Goals • Goal 3: To develop new programs of study or modify existing programs of study in one or more of five career clusters (i.e., Health Science; Information Technology; Education and Training; Law, Public Safety and Security; or Business Management and Administration) to provide students with opportunities to earn college credit for a coherent sequence of three or more courses in a career cluster.
Developing Implementation Activities Goal 3:What steps will you complete to: • develop curricula with postsecondary partners? • integrate New Jersey Core Curriculum Standards into the curricula? • obtain and integrate business and industry standards into the curricula? • strengthen the Tech-Prep program through contextual and integrated instruction?
Developing Implementation Activities • Add an implementation activity under Goal 3 that states: The method of curricula dissemination will be determined by the NJDOE.
Goals • Goal 4: To provide all students with opportunities to enroll in Tech-Prep programs of study including offering program services appropriate to the needs of special populations. **Special Populations: special populations include individuals with disabilities; economically disadvantaged; individuals preparing for non-traditional fields; single parents, displaced homemakers; individuals limited English proficiency.
Developing Implementation Activities Goal 4: • What steps will you complete to: • recruit and serve special populations? • provide preparatory services to students?
Goals • Goal 5: To provide students with structured learning experiences, or implement teaching practices in school that will help students connect the knowledge and skills they learn in school to real-world contexts through applied academics and contextual teaching.