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Test Information Distribution Engine (TIDE) (Required for DTCs, Recommended for STCs). TIDE. Objectives. Understand the role and purpose of TIDE in supporting student success and achievement. TIDE. Overview. Definition: Test Information Distribution Engine
Test Information Distribution Engine (TIDE) (Required for DTCs, Recommended for STCs)
TIDE Objectives • Understand the role and purpose of TIDE in supporting student success and achievement.
TIDE Overview Definition:Test Information Distribution Engine • Available through the OAKS Portal Purpose: • To provide authorized users with access to: • User Information • Add new users or modify existing accounts • Student Information • New this year: Student Information and Student Settings combined in a single tab • View/Edit student test settings for a student • Search for students • Student Restrictions • View/Edit or Add restrictions for a student • Upload restrictions for a batch of students • Upload Paper-Based Writing Test Orders
TIDE User Information User Roles and Access • OAKS users (DSA and lower) are associated with a district and/or institution(s). • Current district/school roles are: DSA, DTSA, STC, TA, TT, District Report Viewer, and School Report Viewer. • Important: For 2012-13, heightened password security Add/Modify User Accounts • Add users • View/edit users • Upload users
TIDE Add Users • District users: select a role, district and institution from the drop-down menus. The district and institution lists will automatically update after you select a role from the drop-down menu. • Note: While this page can be used to add a new user to TIDE or to add a District/Institution to a user’s profile, no other user attributes may be modified on this page. Those changes must be done using the Upload Users feature.
TIDE View/Edit Users • Select a role, district, and institution from the drop-down menus. The district and institution lists will automatically update after you select a role from the drop-down menu. • Click the [Edit] button for a user whose information you want to view and update. You will be directed to the Edit User page. You can only update the user’s first name, last name, and phone number. • If you need to re-associate the user with a different district or institution, you will need to follow the process outlined in the Upload User section. • Select a role, district, and institution from the drop-down menus. The district and institution lists will automatically update after you select a role from the drop-down menu.
TIDE Upload Users Upload a group of users to TIDE or modify profiles for existing users • TIDE accepts uploads of user information in CSV (ASCII) format. • CSV files can be opened/edited using spreadsheet applications such as Microsoft Excel or a notepad application • Add Users to Multiple Institutions • Enter users on separate lines in the upload file – one line for each institution • For the first institution, enter “ADD” as the action
TIDE Passwords New This Year • Passwords must have a minimum of eight characters including one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, and one number. • Passwords will be encrypted. If users request their password they will be emailed a link rather than the actual password. Links will expire in 24 hours. • All passwords will be reset on October 1. All users will need to request their password the first time they log in after October 1. Users will be prompted to change their password after logging in for the first time. • Users will be prompted to select and answer a security question the first time they log in after October 1.
TIDE Requesting a Password • When logging in for the first time this year, state- and district-level users will need to enter their email address in the username box and then click “Request Password.” • Users will receive an email with a link that is good for 24 hours. Clicking on the link will allow them to log in. They will be prompted to change their password after logging in. • School-level users will be sent an email with a link when they are added to the system. If the link expires before they log in, they can follow this procedure to request a password.
TIDE Student Information • New this year: Student Information and Student Settings are combined in a single tab. • Search for a group of students (e.g., by grade or school) or for an individual student (e.g., by first name, last name, or SSID) • Once the search is complete a student table is generated
TIDE View/Edit Students • All users can view student settings. • Users can only update test settings if their role in TIDE permits. Note: Only DSAs and DTSAs can update Restricted Resources
TIDE Student Settings • Color Choice • Language • Print Size • Computer-Based Read Aloud • Suppress Score • Item Types Exclusion • Print on Request • Modification Codes • Accommodations and Accommodation Codes New This Year • ELPA Exclusions
TIDE Upload Student Settings Can Batch Upload: • Color Choice • Language • Print Size • Accommodations • Computer-based read aloud • Suppress Score Cannot Batch Upload: • Item Type Exclusion • Print on Request • ELPA Exclusions
TIDE Student Restrictions • View and edit test restrictions for students within a district and/or institution. • Test restrictions prevent students from testing in a specified subject. • Note: if a student transfers schools or district, his or her test restriction settings will not be reset.
TIDE View/Edit Restrictions • Select the district and/or institution from the list(s) and click [Search]. To narrow the search, select an enrolled grade, or enter a student's SSID, first, or last name. • Each row displays information for students, including test settings and accommodations. Each row also contains an [Edit]button.
TIDE View/Edit Restrictions • TIDE accepts uploads of student restrictions in CSV (ASCII) format. • CSV files can be opened/edited using spreadsheet applications such as Microsoft Excel or a notepad application.
TIDE TIDE: Paper Writing (DTSAs and DSAs only) • Orders may be placed by uploading a pre-code file for multiple students or by editing individual student settings. • Pre-code files must include the following fields: • SSID(required) • DOB(required) • Teacher Name (optional) • Class Period (optional) • District-level users can export order information to Excel. • For students that are testing in Braille, the District must be sure to order both a paper Writing booklet via TIDEand a Braille form fromODE.
TIDE Do’s and Don’ts Do’s • Use the LEP flag for those students who will take the ELPA. • Use student test settings to assign system features and restricted resources to students by test subject (e.g., language, zoom, print-on-request). • Use student restrictions function to manage student access to specific assessments in OAKS Online. • Use the order function to place orders for the winter and spring Writing Performance Assessments.
TIDE Do’s and Don’ts, cont’d Don’ts • TIDE users must notshare their TIDE log-in information and passwords, even with other authorized TIDE users. • DTSAs or DSAs must notset the item print-on-request restricted resource for students without a documented need (e.g., IEP, 504 Plan, or other district documentation)
TIDE Promising Practices • The district uses the Student Restriction function to restrict students who are designated to take OAKS Extended from accessing the Online test. • The district applies student test settings for students by test subject to ensure that students have appropriate access to OAKS Online. For students with IEPs or 504 Plans, the district consults the student’s plan before applying test settings to ensure compliance with the student’s plan.
TIDE In a Nutshell • TIDE is available through the OAKS Portal • Use TIDE to manage user accounts, student test settings, and order Writing tests
OAKS Online Online Resources • OAKS Online User Guides • OAKS Portal (includes Training Site and Practice Tests) http://www.ode.state.or.us/search/page/?=391 http://www.oaks.k12.or.us
TIDE Acorns for Storage • What are the functions available through TIDE? • How can district users use TIDE to manage appropriate student access to OAKS Online?
Objectives • Understand the role and purpose of Score Reports in supporting student success and achievement. • Understand changes to the Online Reporting System and how to use the interface.
Overview • Definition:Online Reporting System • Available through the OAKS Portal • Purpose: • To allow districts and school staff and teachers to identify strengths and weaknesses and improve teaching and learning by providing: • Aggregate performance data for districts, schools, teachers, and classes • Scores for individual students • The ability to print student reports to distribute to families • The ability to view performance trends • The ability to create and view reports for custom rosters • Aggregate and student level performance strand data • Aggregate level performance data on content standards
New Features for 2012-2013 • New features in ORS on November 6, 2012: • Eligibility-Based Reporting: ORS now bases participation reports on students who are eligible to take the test (as defined by student’s attributes in TIDE). • Summary Participation Counts: In Plan and Manage Testing, users can get frequency data for the number of students who have completed each test in their school or district. • Test Administrator (TA) Participation Reports: In Plan and Manage Testing, users can see the test statuses for students based on their most recent test session.
Other Changes to Reports • Batch printing of Individual Student Reports is now available from the Student Listing page. • Pagination is removed from the Export feature—all records will now export in a single file, even if displayed on multiple pages. • The values on the Summary Statistics report and the % Completed By Opportunity values are based on all students who tested, even if the students go on to take another opportunity. • Users can create data files for all available grades in Retrieve Student Results. • OAKS High School reports are now based on four years of score data instead of three.
Score Reports: Subject Performance • District users can see performance data for the district and its schools; school users see data for a school and each teacher; etc. • The distribution of students across performance levels is displayed graphically to allow easier comparison • between groups • Users can view the data for subgroups by choosing • an option from the “Breakdown By” dropdown
Score Reports: Navigation Users can explore the data in various ways to answer questions they have of the performance reports and identify strengths and weaknesses. The icon indicates that data can be further explored. When users click the icon, they see a control panel that will let them select whether they want to see more or less group detail, more or less content detail, or if they want to see a trend for a particular piece of data.
Score Reports: Navigation, cont’d By choosing more or less group detail, users can see data for schools, individual personnel, classes, or individual students. The buttons on the control panel will update to identify the data the user is accessing. This will help users answer “who” questions. For example: Who is struggling in algebra?
Score Reports:Navigation, cont’d By choosing “Trend” or “Current” users can choose whether they want information on the current year performance of a student, group of students, school, or district or if they want a historical trend of that performance. This will help users answer “When” questions. For example, Has this group of students struggled in mathematics in the past?
Score Reports:Data and Tools • Users can access these data and tools: • Longitudinal Reports • Rosters of students with scores • Ability to create custom rosters • Ability to view all aggregated data for custom rosters • Printable family-friendly student reports • Ability to print and export pages • Ability to print and export student responses to Writing Performance Assessment (for individual students or groups of students)
Student Listing Report • Users can see a list of all of the students belonging to a roster, teacher, or school. • As with aggregated reports, users can filter the list by the students’ demographic characteristics using the “Breakdown By” feature.
Score Reports:Student Report Score Reports provide family-friendly student reports and other data and tools.
Test Management Center Features • Plan and Manage Testing • Participation report—filters can be used to see the test statuses for individual students • Results can be viewed onscreen or exported to Excel
Test Management Center Features • Plan and Manage Testing Filters in Step 3: Get Specific • Find students who have or have not completed a specific test opportunity based on their proficiency. Helpful for prioritizing which students may or may not need to test again. • Find students whose opportunity will expire within a certain number of days. Helpful for identifying students who need to complete their opportunity soon before it expires. • Find students who are on their first, second, or third opportunity who have a given test status. Helpful for finding students who have paused tests or have reported results. • Find students’ test status based on their most recent test session. Search by TA name, session ID, or within a specific date range. Helpful for checking the status of students who tested together.
Test Management Center Features • Summary Statistics • View statistics on how many students have tested at each opportunity
Test Management Center Features, cont’d • My Testing Windows (via Summary Statistics) • Set a schedule of testing windows to organize when students will test • Available to TT, TA, STC, and DTSA Users through the Summary Statistics page • Planning tool only. Does not limit actual test administration dates.
Retrieve Student Results • Download student results for a selected group (by School, District, Teacher, or Roster) • The system creates a data file of all students’ scores from the selected administration • This file appears in your Online Reporting “Inbox” • Data file is designed to be read in spreadsheet programs (Excel) and statistical software packages
Student Search • Allows users to look up information for any student that exists in the Online Reporting System (based on your user role access) • Enter either the student’s SSID OR the first or last name of a student • The student results will show a list of students that matched your search (for name based searches)
Test Management Center Updates • Summary Participation Counts • Test completion frequencies by district, school, and opportunity all in one CSV file • Displays the number of students associated with the school or district, the number who started an opportunity, and the number who completed an opportunity • Plan and Manage Testing – New Search Filter • Search for student test participation information by TA name, session ID, or a particular date range. The student will appear only in their most recent test session for a given test.
OAKS High School Scores • Reporting OAKS High School Scores • High school students can have scores from grades 9, 10, 11, or 12. • Aggregated scores for High School students are based on grade 11 students’ highest OAKS High School score from the past four years. • Ex: If a grade 11 student demonstrated proficiency while in 9th grade, that is reflected in the current aggregated reports • Aggregated data corresponds to that administration’s grade 11 students only • Grade 9, 10, or 12 students who take the High School tests will appear in individual student rosters. However, aggregated comparison scores incorporate only grade 11 students.
Rules for Transfer Students • Data for students moving schools midyear: • Scores travel with students transferring between Oregon schools midyear • If a student transfers to a school midyear, his or her scores are now associated with the new school in the Online Reporting System • If a student leaves a school midyear, his or her scores are no longer associated with the originating/previous school in the Online Reporting System • Scores do not travel with students who transfer or move to a non-Oregon school • If a student transfers from an Oregon public or charter school to a private or parochial school that does not conduct OAKS testing, the student’s scores remain with your school. • If the student moves to another state, his or her scores remain with your school. • Scores do not travel with students who drop out or otherwise leave Oregon public/charter schools entirely • This does not change how AYP is calculated for schools
Rules for Transfer Students • Data for students moving schools between years: • If users wish to see their current students’ scores from previous years and previous schools, they can choose the “Scores for my current students” view on the home page of Score Reports.
Do’s and Don’ts • Do’s • Use the enhanced help features to learn about the new online reporting system and how to make best use of it • Use data from Score Reports along with other information on student ability to identify areas of need and provided targeted instruction • Create custom rosters to track the progress of particular groups of students • Students in an intervention program • Use the data after checking your assumptions
Do’s and Don’ts, cont’d • Don’ts • Online Reporting users must not share their log-in information and passwords, even with other authorized Online Reporting users – Student Score Data is Confidential
Promising Practices • Create custom rosters to track the progress of a group of students in a particular program • Use trend reports to examine student data over time • Use participation reports to track which students have tested and which tests are nearing expiration
In a Nutshell • The Online Reporting System is available through the OAKS Portal • Score Reports provide the score data from previous years and include aggregate and student level reports • Test Management Center has students’ test participation data, including reports by TA or session ID, and summary reports for schools and districts
Additional Training Opportunities • AIR will present two live training sessions via WebEx once the 2012-13 Reporting System goes live on November 6: • Thursday, November 15 • 3:00 p.m. PT • Tuesday, November 20 • 9:00 a.m. PT