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Weather Around the World

Weather Around the World. Weather Fronts. Weather Fronts…. Weather Fronts. The boundary of air masses of different temperatures When 2 different air masses meet, they do not usually mix together, but crash into each other 4 Types of weather fronts: Cold fronts Warm fronts

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Weather Around the World

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Weather Around the World

  2. Weather Fronts

  3. Weather Fronts…..

  4. Weather Fronts • The boundary of air masses of different temperatures • When 2 different air masses meet, they do not usually mix together, but crash into each other • 4 Types of weather fronts: • Cold fronts • Warm fronts • Stationary fronts • Occluded fronts

  5. Cold Front • Cold Fronts: • Temperature is lower behind a cold front • Cold air pushes warm air higher • Precipitation (rain or snow) usually occurs at a cold front when warm air is pushed up • http://www.mesoscale.iastate.edu/agron206/animations/05_cnWfronts.html

  6. Warm Front • Warm Front: • Warm air pushes up higher as it passes colder air • Clouds are seen high in the sky • Rain is possible when the warm air over the cold air cools and condenses.

  7. Stationary Front • Stationary front: • Cold front and a warm front meet and they don’t move • Usually has the same weather as a warm front-high clouds with some chance of rain once the warm air cools and condenses.

  8. Occluded Front • Occluded front: • Occurs when a cold front overtakes a warm front • This happens because cold fronts move faster than warm fronts • Both fronts are moving in the same direction-the cold front catches up to the warm front

  9. Front Symbols

  10. Low Pressure/High Pressure Low Pressure (L): Air rises and cools • forms clouds because of condensation • Rain is likely • http://www.juicygeography.co.uk/downloads/flash/lowpressure.swf High Pressure (H): Air sinks and warms • Clouds disappear • No Rain • http://www.juicygeography.co.uk/downloads/flash/highpressure.swf

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