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Stay up-to-date with the latest school news and reminders from the Red Kites Team. From reading sessions to PE schedules, homework assignments, rewards, and SATs information, this is your go-to guide! Join us in fostering a love for learning and positive behavior. Click to know more.
Meet the Red Kites Team! Mrs Healy & Mrs Bloxham ably assisted by Mrs Hearn & Mrs Chapman
Reading • Your child will learn reading skills during Guided Reading sessions in class. • To encourage the children to read for pleasure we are celebrating reading each week in a ‘Reading Rocks’ assembly and once a month will take part in buddy reading. • These are skills which will then be practiced at home. We want children to enjoy reading and sharing books with you! • If you would like to hear readers on a Monday or Friday afternoon from 1:45, we would welcome your help.
PE • Monday– PE indoors (dance) • Wednesday – Games outdoors • PE kits needs to be in school everyday • Earrings need to be removed for all PE sessions.
Homework • Mathletics homework will be set on a Monday and children will have until the following Monday to complete it. • Spellings will be given out on a Monday –and they will be tested on the following Friday. • Learning logs will be set once a half term during the third week of each half term. Children will have two weeks to complete their learning logs. • Reading-please encourage your children to read daily and ask them to record this in their School Home Liaison Book as well as their bookmark.
Website http://www.monksrisboroughprimary.com/
Rewards and Sanctions Everybody at Monks Risborough believes in praising positive behaviour and hard work! • Golden tickets (values) • Star of the week and maths monster! • House points – each child has their own record • Postcards home • Stickers • Verbal praise
Rewards and Sanctions Good to be Green System • Verbal warning • Yellow card given • Red card given which results in a consequence
General Reminders • Uniform (names in clothes) • Water bottles • Book looks
SATS • Takes place over a period of two weeks in May. • Tests covered are: SPaG, Reading, Arithmetic and Reasoning papers. • Please ensure your children are in school over this period. • Teacher assessment is reported at the end of KS1. • Example papers can be found on • https://www.gov.uk/government/collections/national-curriculum-assessments-practice-materials