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Building Community Together

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Building Community Together

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  1. Building CommunityTogether Andrea King Head of Service, Prevention & Building Community Resilience

  2. Strategic Context Funding to Local Authorities and other statutory partners has reduced, and will reduce further We cannot continue to do ‘more with less’; we need to think and work together differently If we succeed we will: -‘help people to help themselves’ and - ‘help people to help each other’.......and.... then be able to focus our services on those who most need our help

  3. What does different look like? - Not doing things to people - Not doing things for people - But doing things with people Building on community resources, skills, experience and expertise Breaking down artificial barriers between our services Never assuming a ‘service’ is a solution

  4. Not forgetting the ‘must dos’ • Safeguarding and protection of the most vulnerable • Ensuring statutory compliance with assessment, quality assurance and timeliness measures • Ensuring our overarching corporate, health & well-being, community safety/PCC, LSCB/SAPB priorities are adhered to

  5. What do we learn from research? • ‘Strengths based or assets-based community development takes the view that local people have unique knowledge and skills; it builds on people’s strengths, stories, assets and skills rather than seeing people only through the prism of needs.’ Catalysts for Community Action, NEF (2010) • ‘Social capital...must be linked to economic capital...to change lives...community development should have some control over capital through vehicles such as community budgets.’ Defilippis (2001)

  6. The Evidence Base • The evidence base is international - Impact in Leeds – reduced CP plans by 50%; ‘good’ Ofsted outcome for the LA; improved CYP outcomes across the city. - Impact in Hull- schools reporting reduced exclusions, increased attainment, improved community cohesion. Schools rated ‘outstanding’. - Impact in Wokingham - Schools – closing the ‘gap’; all but one school topped excluding entirely; attendance increased from on average 20% to over 85%; attainment increased; exclusions reduced; CME re-integration. - 91% of offenders stopped offending (including PPOs) - Over 40% of adults entered employment (many for the first time in 3 generations) • - Significant improvement in emotional health and physical health – Tier 4 mental health placements avoided • - CP Plans reduced by 50%

  7. A vision for West Berkshirebased on what we already do well Systems change on the ground in our communities Systems change in our centralised statutory services Systems change through investment in ‘enablers’

  8. Transforming Communities Calcot Greenham Newbury town Building on a CC &Testing a community centre vision Building on a CC &Testing a community centre vision North Thatcham Mortimer (inc building a bridge to Burghfield) Lambourn (inc building a bridge to Hungerford)

  9. The building blocks • For every locality there’s an identified ‘anchor’ e.g. a VCFS provider, a school, a Children’s Centre – we would like a GP surgery • Everyone receives training – in localities this means members of the community and staff (side-by-side) – across the partnership • Each locality builds a plan for which they are accountable • Each locality receives a modest revenue grant – to provide responsiveness and momentum

  10. Systems change in our statutory services • Transforming child protection • Building on the new ways of working in Adult Social Care • Transforming mental health services for children (and ultimately adults too) • Training all school staff in school pilots investment programme (acting as ‘anchors’ where possible) • Intervening early with emerging health needs and promoting well-being • Reducing Domestic Abuse

  11. In practice this could look like How do I sustain this change? What are the risks? What’s the danger? What’s the harm? What help, if any, is needed from professionals or services? When has the situation or need been safer/easier to manage? Who or what made a difference? What do I need help with? Who are the significant people in this person’s life who can provide safety/support/ care? What are the needs, and the resources of the people immediately around me? How might they affect me/ my circumstances? What is the hope, the dream the aspiration and how might we get there?

  12. When will we see change/impact? After training and implementation • Within 6 – 12 mths reduced crime/ASB • Within 12-18 mths reduced recidivism, increased school attendance, engagement • Within 18-24 mths increased school attainment, reduced NEET, reduced referrals to statutory services (but increased contacts for advice) • Within 24-36 months reduced CP Plans, LAC, increased employment, reduced CYP and adults in CAMHS & CMHT services

  13. The stories • CYP on the cusp of Tier 4 mental health placements; avoiding placements, reducing needs • Adults fearful of accessing medical support, being supported by VCFS partners to do so and resolving long-term health needs • Persistent and prolific offenders; understanding the impact of their actions and being supported to address causal factors

  14. Questions • Public Health are funding the multi-professional training, we are keen to engage GP colleagues in that process • We particularly need GP support in Thatcham and Newbury • Who would like to get involved?

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