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Building Community

Social media and the new conversations of e-commerce. Building Community. 3rd Annual Visa E-Commerce Summit Toronto, On. Thomas Purves, April 22, 2007 More: http://thomaspurves.com. Social Media is Shifting the Landscape. Customers are getting smarter

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Building Community

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  1. Social media and the new conversations of e-commerce Building Community 3rd Annual Visa E-Commerce Summit Toronto, On Thomas Purves, April 22, 2007 More: http://thomaspurves.com

  2. Social Media is Shifting the Landscape • Customers are getting smarter • Capturing attention is getting harder • Costs of production are dropping but also reducing barriers to entry • For e-commerce, constant innovation is key to survival • New Gatekeepers emerging: iTunes, google etc. • Network effects matter (more than ever) … how strong is your community?

  3. Building Community… If, right now, all of your customers could be having a great big conversation with each other… Photo by denkrahm http://flickr.com/photos/station_nord/10340948/

  4. …needs only to answer one simple question What might they say? NewMindSpace Pillow fight Flash Mob NYC Photo by presta http://flickr.com/photos/presta/101334755/

  5. Three Stages of Community

  6. Basic Stuff: Blogging, Flickr account etc. • Costs: People time, all other costs insignificant • Positive ROI of executive blogging (200k/year)

  7. Dell: Peer-Promotion Standard Corporate Blogging, nowadays a no-brainer.

  8. Dell: Peer-Promotion New Trends, video segments and user-generated video (If BYO don’t forget to make it linkable, embedable)

  9. Dell Peer-Support

  10. You Customers might provide even better support than you can Great, so long as you don’t mind quite how they phrase it. http://www.dellcommunity.com/supportforums/

  11. Dell: Peer-Production It turns out, the kids are crazy for Linux. (but consider, how representative is the audience?)

  12. NCIX.com • NCIX managing Many, many SKU’s • User community helps maintain product info, upload images, post reviews, discuss and recommend hardware • Active users rewarded with “points” as recognition and redeemable for product

  13. Threadless.com

  14. The power of co-creation • SkinnyCorp and Threadless • Entirely community-centric model • From Sorta Awesome to Crazy Awesome in just a few years • Other lessons: sellT-shirts “Crazy Awesome” “Crazy Awesome” “Sorta Awesome” Photo by Brian Oberkirch, by way of Davidcrow.ca

  15. Create Something to Talk About Disruptive Marketing: The Specialized Angel 1,125 blog posts 260k google hits 53 facebook group members http://www.flickr.com/photos/kwc/127795364/

  16. Social Experiments: Specialized Rider’s Club • Over 10,000 members in 5 months (all demographics) • Premium membership: $50 • Combines online + offline experiences. • Metrics are an issue • Connects dealer network as well as riders. • 100% positive feedback Chris Matthews, Specialized’s Marketing Guru

  17. Specialized Rider’s Club • Value to Community • Find rides in your area • Socialize with fellow riders • Learn about the sport • Post pictures, journal entries, rider and bike profiles • The secret: letting customers talk to each other Sample Ride Profile Page

  18. A Great Story Will Tell Itself • I’d never heard of “Blendtech”, but how could you *not* want to see what happens with iPod in a blender, or: • hockey pucks • Light bulbs • Glowsticks? • Ipod in a blender: 3.3 Million views • I really want this blender

  19. Openess is key to findability • Kayak.com • Mashing up travel data • Standards, APIs, and data accessibility allow for sometimes great stuff • Thesematic web is an ecosystem

  20. Email is for old people New media Trends to Watch • The consumer controls the format, the channels • Email is dying, static web content is dead already • RSS goes mainstream, feedburner gives you metrics, is the glue for everything • Social presence: status updates, twitter, jaiku, plazes

  21. Looking Ahead: Social Presence as a Marketing Channel Conceptual Vision of Twitter as a Marketing Channel . What realtime status updates could drive value for your customers? • Key Early players in Social Presence: • Twitter.com • Jaiku.com • Facebook • Plazes, Last.fm • (this list will change) Source: Mad dog in the fog http://www.mdoeff.com/blog/2007/03/21/the-future-of-twitter/

  22. Darth Vader is already Twitting(why aren’t you?) “One of those stupid little floor polishing droids almost just tripped me. The Death Star R&D department will pay dearly for this” - darthvader

  23. Social Media, Not Just for Marketing Anymore Internet Web 2.0 Communities includingend customers,stakeholders, public Extranet Intranet Channel 2.0 Communities includingbusiness & channel partners, etc Enterprise 2.0 Communities ofemployees.

  24. Do! • Support open standards (microformats, rss, mashability) • Love your 1% • Be authentic • Take a chance, let your community run with it. • Be awesome Photo credit: shiny red type http://flickr.com/photos/shinyredtype/169168887/

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