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SQL .Net Consultation Session 1 Dr. Gábor Pauler, Associate Professor, Private Entrepeneur Tax Reg. No.: 63673852-3-22 Bank account: 50400113-11065546 Location: 1st Széchenyi str. 7666 Pogány, Hungary Tel: +36-309-015-488 E-mail: pauler@t-online.hu. Content of Presentation.
SQL .Net Consultation Session 1 Dr. Gábor Pauler, Associate Professor, Private Entrepeneur Tax Reg. No.: 63673852-3-22 Bank account: 50400113-11065546 Location: 1st Széchenyi str. 7666 Pogány, Hungary Tel: +36-309-015-488 E-mail: pauler@t-online.hu
Content of Presentation • Dr. Gabor’s 7 commandments of learning English and their explanation • Basic information of the SQL-.Net English Course • Basic Definitions • Web-based applications • Client-server systems • ASP • ASPX • .Net • CLR • FCL • Namespace • Class • Object • References
Dr. Gabor’s 7 Command- ments Of LeaR ning English • You Do Not Have The Right To Be Silent! • Anything You Say Can Be Used Against You AS A Point Of Grade! • One Hungarian Word You Say = One Beer You Pay! • Know how to ask what you do not know! • Dictionary is drug for anybody! • Grammar sucks! • your accent sucks!
Explanation of Dr. Gabor’s 7 Commandments You do not have the right to be silent! • In every Session(Előadás) and Lesson(Gyakorlat) all students will be called in random sequence twice to tell his/her solution of a Practice(Gyakorló feladat) given 5-10 minutes before Anything you say can be used against you as a pointof grade! • Students performance will be evaluated upon the content of their speech and how fluently they can speak One hungarian word you say = one beer you pay! • People usually tend to learn English faster when they are alone 1000 kilometers away from home, where nobody speaks Hungarian, because stress and need for communication creates very fast learning • Conventional language lessons are ineffective, because you know that you can speak Hungarian any time and you are not forced to think in English • We recreate stress and forcing with beers you pay in case of ANY Hungarian communication (even between students). Dr. Gabor is the only person who can speak Hungarian in the classroom! Punishment beers will be consumed at semester-close party Know how to ask what you do not know! • Anytime it can happen with anybody that an unknown word comes up in conversation. You should learn how to ask for the meaning. You can stop Dr. Gabor any time and ask – in English! You will get the explanation in English – or in final case Hungarian. Dictionary is drug for anybody! • You can use on-line dictionary in classroom (http://dict.sztaki.hu/english-hungarian is recommended because of its high informatics content), but try ti minimize it, otherwise you will become dictionary-dependent (Szótárfüggő), and you will never learn how to speak or read fluently. Try to guess meaning of a word first from context (Szövegkörnyezet)! Grammar sucks! • Working in a real world, nobody cares about your grammar, as long as they understand what you are telling. I spent 3 years in USA and used 3 and a half tenses(Igeidő) from 12 you should learn for language exam. Even native Americans do not know them! Your accent sucks! • You should not worry about your accent. Chinese, Australian or African American people have even worse accent and they are still understood. What you should worry about how YOU will understand them: practice your ears listening CNN in the background!
Basic information of the SQL-.Net English Course 1 Aim of the course: • Introduce students creating web-based client-server applications in ASPX-.Net 2.0 environment with Visual Basic programming language using MS SQL 2005 database server, as components of MS Visual Studio 2005 package • Build active command of English in 1000 most important IT-related words to enable students successfully complete IT job interview in English • Help students to create ability of fluent English speaking necessary to complete medium-level oral language exam Preliminary requirements: • Basic level oral/written English knowledge, completing SANB301 Adatbáziskezelés 1 Duration of the course: • 10 weeks × (2×45min Sessions + 2×45min Lessons) = 40 contact hours Assignments necessary to complete the course: • 10 weeks × (2×1pts oral practices/Session + 2×1pts oral practices/Lesson + 3pts home assignment/Lesson +3pts written test/Lesson) = max.100pts total Missed sessions, tests and home assignments: • There is no any option to replace any missed assignments! Grading: • 0..59pts:Incomplete(1), • 60..69pts:Sufficit(2), • 70..79pts:Medium(3), • 80..89pts:Good(4), • 90..100pts:Excellent(5) Certificates of completion issued: • In case of grade higher than incomplete(1) received, students may request issuing written certificate of completion of the course or personal recommendation by phone to any headhunter company/ employer, detailing percentage preformance of the student
Basic information of the SQL-.Net English Course 2 Course materials: • All Sessions and Lessons have fully-electronic English-language course materials distributed to students weekly before Sessions on pendrive in MS Office 2003 PowerPoint format. Students receive 1-person license of using course materials and not allowed to redistribute any part of them in any media in any format Software & Hardware requirements: • Installation of MS Visual Studio 2005 on MS Academic License for Students, usage of own laptop is recommended for convenient environmental settings Time requirements of the course: • 40 contact hours and about 6 hours of autonomous home work/week Data of course provider: • Dr. Gábor Pauler, Associate Professor, Private Entrepeneur • Tax Reg. No.: 63673852-3-22 • Bank account: 50400113-11065546 • Location: 1st Széchenyi str. 7666 Pogány, Hungary • Tel: +36-309-015-488 • E-mail: pauler@t-online.hu Tuition fees of the course: • Attending the course is free of charge • Electronic course material necessary to attend the course costs gross 30000HUF/student • Invoice(ÁFÁ-s Számla) is issued on behalf of course provider for a recipient (Befogadó) name, location, tax registration number given by student. Invoice can be used to redeem (Visszaérítés) VAT(ÁFA) or reduce basis of income/corporate tax (jövedelem/vállalkozási nyereségadó alap csökkentés, „leköltségelés”) • Course material cost can be paid in 2 equal installments(Törlesztőrészlet) due to beginning of Session3 and Session4 • Any student can exit course before beginning of Session3 without any charge or fee • Cost of course material is reimbursed (Visszatérítés) to student only if Sessions are aborted by course provider’s failure. Any failure of attending the course on behalf of student (eg. sickness, medical treatment, accident, foreign travel, pregnancy, sicness/ death of family members or favorite pet) does not form valid cause of reinbursement Timing and location of the course: • Starts at Sept 18, 2008 held weekly Thursday, 6.00pm-7.30pm at Computer Lab 119, Building A, Faculty of Engineering, University of Pécs, 2nd Boszorkány str. H-7622 Pécs
Practice 1-1: Introduction of students Shortly, you will be called to introduce yourself in a max. 3 minute speech, like at the beginning of a job interview (max. 1pts): • Your name, age, permanent address of residence • Name and location of the primary/secondary school you attended • Your major(Főtárgy/Szak) in secondary school if there is any • Your grades of IT courses in secondary school • Level of oral/written English proficiency/language exam you currently have • Major, Specialization, Faculty of College/University you currently attend • Your grades in programming and database courses …and first I received D- from C# programming, but then I completed some extra evening classes with my teacher so, now I have A++…
Content of Presentation • Dr. Gabor’s 7 commandments of learning English and their explanation • Basic information of the SQL-.Net English Course • Basic Definitions • Web-based applications • Client-server systems • ASP • ASPX • .Net • CLR • FCL • Namespace • Class • Object • References
Basic Definitions 1 Web-based Applications (Webes alkalmazás): • Any softvare using HTML-based pages to communicate with users Their main advantage that they state minimal hardware/software and installation requirements at the user’s side (Web browser installed) and acessible through internet Their main disadvantage is that HTML was originally designed to show only pages with static content (Statikus weblap) (text, picture, tables) linked through hyperlinks, while modern applications require web pages to be dynamic (Dinamikus Weblap): their content and appearance highly customized based on: • The users current location on the net (eg. some ads are auto-transalated depending on language settings) • The users responses (eg. an electronic form can store data, check data, change its structure, show some output when you fill up) • The underlying database content linked to web page data controls (eg. MySQL+PHP, MSSQL+.Net) • Dynamic web pages are driven by extension codes (eg. PHP). Historically, they required incredible amount of manual coding thats why web development was slow and costly process (eg. compare time requirement and ease of creating an MS Access form with doing the same thing in PHP) Client-server application (Kliens-szerver alkalmazás): • A concept of distributing tasks performed and resorce consumption (memory, processor time) among a high-capacity server computer for centralized data processing, and numerous, relatively low capacity client computers linked through the web: • The main advantage of this solution against standalone applications (Önálló alkalmazás) that resources of a high capacity machine is not tied by single user while doing slow inputs • The main disadvantage of this solution that it is more difficult than standalone: • Client and server need difficult, multi-level communication protocol (eg. TCP/IP, HTTP, FTP) • Data on client and server should be periodically synchronized using versioning (Verziózás): similar type of a data created later both in server/client should overwrite data created former in a cross-refreshment process (eg. when you synchronize your mobile phone and Outlook adress list)
Basic Definitions 2 There are 2 strategies developing client-server applications: • Thick/Intelligent Client (Intelligens kliens): client is a higher-capacity hardware with pre-installed processing software performing 20-30% percentage of processing tasks instead of server: • It requires less frequent client-server communication sparing bandwidth • Relatively lower capacity of server is sufficient to provide clients The numerous clients are more complex increasing hardware-, software-, installation-, maintenance costs and reducing accessibility of the system from anywhere • Thin/Simple Client (Egyszerű/Minimalizált kliens): client is a minimal capacity hardware without pre-installed software (except Web-browser) and does not perform ANY processing, merely a remote Graphic User Interface, GUI (Grafikus Felhasználói Felület): • Clients can be very cheap and system can be fully used whereever you have a web-browser and internet connection • There is a need for high capacity server and higher bandwidth. In case of any disturbance in communication lines, the system becames inoperable. There are numerous high-risk, fast-pacing applications (airlines, cars, trains, etc.) where this is unacceptable The really big art in web-development is how to enable a simple web-client to perform more and more intelligent tasks, emulating of being an intelligent client at limited cost (eg. In a simple web browser you should access multiple, embedded forms, subtables, lookup tables of a relational database with complex table structure! The common shitty one database table-backed web-pages in MySQL+PHP made by low-skilled droids are NOT web-developement, merely web-design!!!) Active Server Page, ASP: • Server-side HTML-page hadler of a web application, based on thin client concept • It became obsolete, because it does not use .Net environment • And cannot use dynamic-content HTML pages Active Server Page Extended, ASPX: • The same as ASP – extended, using .Net environment • Can handle dynamic HTML pages using supervised codes • Enables thin clients behave as intelligent ones with LIMITED amount of manual coding
Practice 1-2: examples for thick and thin client applications (-------------------Practice 1-1. Should be performed here--------------------) Shortly, you will be called to introduce in 3 minutes 1 typical example of BOTH thick client and thin client application from your former experience or searching the web (1pts) • Please give reasoning (Indoklás) - based on current course material – why the given type of application should be thin or chick (hardware-, software-, installation-, maintenance costs, reliability, etc.) Example solution (partial, without reasoning): • Thick client: MetaTrader 4 http://www.metaquotes.net/files/mt4setup.exe • It is a FOREX (Foreign Exchange (Deviza)) trading client • Free download for clients of broker companies • One of the best written and easiest to use thick clients • With atomic-bomb safe installation • Thin client: HSBC netbank • https://www.us.hsbc.com/1/2/3/personal/online-services/personal-internet-banking/log-on • This is a highly skilled netbank client • Performing most tricky financial ser- vices: account history (Számlatörté- net), savings (Lekötés), inland mo- ney transfer (Belföldi átutalás), over- seas money transfer (Nemzetközi átutalás), paying utility bills (Köz- üzemi számlák fizetése), etc. • Requires only web-browser without any add-ins
Content of Presentation • Dr. Gabor’s 7 commandments of learning English and their explanation • Basic information of the SQL-.Net English Course • Basic Definitions • Web-based applications • Client-server systems • ASP • ASPX • .Net • CLR • FCL • Namespace • Class • Object • References
Basic Definitions 3 .Netframework: • Development environment (Fejlesztői környezet) for web-based client-server applications, using dynamic web-pages • Provides supervised coding interface of dynamic functionalities of web pages in Object-oriented programming languages, OOP (Objektum-orientált programozási nyelvek): Visual Basic, C, Java All supervised codes are translated into Intermedier Language, IL (Köztes nyelv). Machine code (Gépi kód) and executables (Futtatható állományok) of application are created from IL • Provides object class libraries (Objektum osztály könyvtárak) - structured cotainers of code - for web-development • Provides ancestor object (Ős objektum) of all supervised code objects Supervised codes (Magas szintű programnyelvek): VB, C, Java: • .Net provides Common Language Runtime (CLR), a hardware-independent virtual machine with the following parts: • Intermedier Language (IL): it controls steps compilation of supervised code into machine code: • ILDASM.EXE compiles supervised code to IL. So compiled code is stored permanently in hardware/OS independent format (Hardver és oprendszer független formátum) • ILASM.EXE compiles IL to machine code with Just In Time, JIT (Valós idejű)pre-run compiling (Futtatás előtti fordítás): the final stage of compilation takes place only if code will run on a given hardware. This saves a lot of compilation time as clients can be on very different hardware and OS – it is not necessary to redo the whole compilation from the beginning just because one of the clients runs on different platform • Common Type System (CTS): creates common types from different supervised code types (VB, C, Java) • Primitive variable types (Egyszerű változótípus) handling:eg.Int, Double, Char,etc. • Enumerated types (Felsorolt típusok) handling: handles sets eg. User={0:Admin, 1:SysAdmin, 2:User} • Referenced types (Meghivatkozott típusok) handling: handles object types
Basic Definitions 4 • Common destructor of objects: central garbage cleanup eliminates the necessity of manually releasing reserved memory for objects in coding: it destructs unused objects from memory automatically It makes coding faster If any confusion happens, it makes the application freezing – conventional step by step manual coding of memory release is more safe and foolproof!!! Framework Class Libraries (FCL): • .Net provides libraries of pre-written code modules with many functionalities. • RULE1: never code your own without preliminary checking whether it is already written!!! It has the advantage of incredible accelerating the coding • It is so complex that it takes more time to learn thandevelopment environment and supervised languages together • Lets see the internal structure of FCL: NameSpace (Névtér): • FCL consists of namespaces • Alibrary (Programkód könyvtár) of inter-related program-code describing Classes • Can be compiled into a *.DLL file • There are system-defined namespaces: • Microsoft: Microsoft products • My: own class namespace • System: basic namespace of program codes and directories Class (Objektum osztály): • A namespace contains classes • It is a container of programming logic for a given functionality (Eg. A window in user interface) • It is not an actually working program code, just a definition of that. Classes are only types of objects which contain actually working code • Therefore, itdoes not consume any resources (memory, processor time) Object (Objektum): • One instance (Előfordulás) of a class with working program code and resources allocated (Eg.Window01) Whoever is not familiar with Object-oriented programming may not understand why we need to group program code into objects. This will be described in Lesson1 (-------------------Practice 1-2. Should be performed here--------------------)
References Tutorials on .Net: • http://quickstarts.asp.net/QuickStartv20/default.aspx • http://www.codersource.net/codersource_dot_net.html • http://www.w3schools.com/ASPNET/default.asp Complete .Net reference: • http://www.informit.com/guides/guide.aspx?g=dotnet • http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/asp.net/aa336581.aspx Notes: • Notes of the course in PaulerSoft CANAL -format: SqlDotNetNotes.doc