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CWI Recommendations on Wisconsin’s Workforce System

CWI Recommendations on Wisconsin’s Workforce System. Early DWD Response June 16, 2006. Brief Review of Recommendations. Create a consolidated organizational structure for DWD administered programs and hold them all accountable in support of the One-Stop model.

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CWI Recommendations on Wisconsin’s Workforce System

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  1. CWI Recommendations on Wisconsin’s Workforce System Early DWD Response June 16, 2006

  2. Brief Review of Recommendations • Create a consolidated organizational structure for DWD administered programs and hold them all accountable in support of the One-Stop model. • Streamline the funding process to include: • One planning/funding cycle, • Consolidated application process for customers, • Consistent performance measures, and • Pursue waiver requests at federal level

  3. Brief Review of Recommendations • Create sustainable financial support for the One-Stop Job Center system. • Create incentives for participation • Design a “fair share” allocation method • Develop a scorecard to create accountability

  4. Milwaukee Specific Recommendations • Create a Milwaukee leadership team • Identify solutions for improved coordination • Implement a truly One-Stop system for all customers – employers and job seekers • Create a consortium for improved training services • Develop a system for collecting and disseminating workforce, employer focused information.

  5. Steps Taken • Recommendations sent to Governor Doyle • See letter from Paul Linzmeyer to Governor Doyle • State Interagency Team discussed and agreed on process at April meeting • Other agencies will study and develop a response in the next few months • DWD began internal process • Responses compiled from three program related divisions – Workforce Solutions, Vocational Rehabilitation, and Unemployment Insurance

  6. Overview of DWD Actions DWD Administered Job Center Programs • Workforce Investment Act (Youth , Adult, and Dislocated Workers) • Wagner Peyser Labor Exchange (Job Service) • Vocational Rehabilitation • Wisconsin Works (W-2) • Food Share Employment & Training • Trade Adjustment • Veterans Employment & Training • Unemployment Insurance • Reemployment Services (UI Profiling)

  7. Overview of DWD Actions • Workforce Investment Act • 06/07 changes to Local Plan requirements to enhance system performance and coordination: • Revised certification for designation of comprehensive centers, including more specifics on partner involvement • Revised standards to increase statewide consistency • 35% of funds to be spent on training for high wage jobs • Formation of Business Services Teams to expand services, reduce duplication of effort, and work with high wage employers • Systemic performance goals for Job Centers • All partners to complete Collaborative Service Plan

  8. Overview of DWD Actions • Wagner Peyser Labor Exchange (Job Service) • Increased coordination with WIA Local Plan efforts to ensure integration and parallel direction • Implemented Operations Plan to target efforts at GROW WI’s high growth, high wage industries • Established staff specialization on either job seekers or business services • Introduced resource allocation formulas to allocate resources equitably by WDA • Provided training to partners on the new Jobs for Veterans Act

  9. Overview of DWD Actions • Vocational Rehabilitation • Improve coordination of business services and employer outreach by funding a pilot collaboration model in Milwaukee • Support workforce system’s current Business Services approach and sponsor forums for businesses and training employers on hiring people with disabilities • Launch a “braided funding” project to improve transition of youth with disabilities from school to work and expand services to youth in the Job Centers

  10. Overview of DWD Actions • W-2 Increased Employment Focus • 06/09 contractors are required to provide employment services through Job Centers • More performance outcomes expected • New service model in Milwaukee – job placement and 15% for training – goal of 35% at the end of the 4 year contract • Increased coordination as members of local Business Service Team and local WDB review W-2 proposals • Integrated services with other providers - as child welfare, housing, corrections, domestic abuse, and Tribal or county human services agencies

  11. Additional DWD Program Notes • Workforce Information • Office of Economic Advisors • Bureau of Workforce Information • Adult Apprenticeship • Youth Apprenticeship • Food Stamp Employment & Training

  12. What next ? • Create regional skills alliances as part of GROW regional initiative • Explore waivers to reduce cost allocation restrictions and allow more flexibility without negative impacts to clients/consumers • Request more flexibility for WIA Adult class-size training projects • Involve the CWI in review and possible coordination of workforce related federal grant applications • Explore potential to get program grant planning cycles more in sync

  13. What next ? • Preliminary recommendations to develop strategies to increase business willingness to hire through the Job Centers • New CWI Innovation grants announced today to expand use of technology • To serve rural area job seekers • To make higher education more accessible • To build capacity in high tech manufacturing • Continued CWI support of regional GROW partnerships and metrics

  14. Qualified Workers for Quality Jobs - System Alignment Team • Leaders from CWI, DWD, Commerce, DPI, WTCS, UW System Exploring system change strategies to: • Obtain and use better demand data to meet regional and industry sector workforce needs • Improve alignment of supply systems with each other and to better respond to identified demand needs

  15. Immediate Opportunities • WIA Incentive Grant - $714,000 • USDOL High Growth Job Training grant in Advanced Manufacturing

  16. Immediate Opportunities • Joyce Foundation – Shifting Gears: An Employment policy initiative • A new multimillion, three year initiative to foster innovation and coordination among workforce, welfare, economic development and adult and post-secondary educations systems in the Midwest • Themes: • Policy alignment • Transitions from education to higher-skilled jobs • The need for changing course

  17. Thank you and questions?

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