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GRYMOEDD FORCES. Is gravity real - or does the Earth just suck?. A yw disgyrchiant yn bod – neu a yw’r Ddaear yn sugno ?. Sir Isaac Newton. Pa ffrwyth ? Which fruit ?. Newton?. Grym yw disgyrchiant Gravity is a force. When gravity pulls something towards the Earth –

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Presentation Transcript

  1. GRYMOEDD FORCES Is gravity real - or does the Earth just suck? A ywdisgyrchiantynbod – neu a yw’rDdaearynsugno?

  2. Sir Isaac Newton

  3. Pa ffrwyth ? Which fruit ?

  4. Newton?

  5. Grym yw disgyrchiant Gravity is a force • When gravity pulls something towards the Earth – - we call this force the weight. • Wrthiddisgyrchiantdynnurhywbethtuag at y Ddaear - • - y pwysauyw’renw a roddirar y grymhwn.

  6. Mesurir grymoedd mewn NewtonauForces are measured in Newtons Pwysauafal = tua 1 Newton Weight of an apple = about 1 Newton

  7. Dewch I chwarae gêm! Let’s play a game !

  8. Codi pêl ping pong Lifting a ping pong ball Sugno ! Suck ! gwelltyn straw

  9. pêl ping pong yn disgynping pong ball falling Mae’r saeth yn cynrychioli grym disgyrchiant The arrow represents the force of gravity

  10. sugno / suck disgyrchiantgravity The ball does not fall when your sucking force = force of gravity Nidyw’rbêlyndisgyn osyw’rgrymsugno = grymdisgyrchiant How have I shown this ? gwelltyn straw

  11. Pa ddeiagramsy’ndangosgrymsugnosy’ngyfartal â grymdisgyrchiant? Which diagram shows the sucking force equal to the force of gravity? sugno / suck sugno / suck sugno / suck gwelltyn straw gwelltyn straw gwelltyn straw disgyrchiantgravity disgyrchiantgravity disgyrchiantgravity

  12. The ball does not fall when your upward force = force of gravity Nidyw’rbêlyn disgynosyw y grymgwthioifyny = grymdisgyrchiant sugno / suck gwelltyn straw disgyrchiantgravity

  13. Disgyrchiant ochr arall Gravity down under y byd • Nid yw pobl yn syrthio oddi ar y Ddaear • People do not fall off the Earth

  14. - dau wrthych sy’n cael eu gollwng ar yr un pryd-two objects dropped at the same time

  15. Ar y Lleuad Apollo 15 On the Moon Cafodd morthwyl daearegol trwm a phluen hebog eu gollwng o’r un uchder. Gwnaeth y ddau daro wyneb y lleuad ar yr un pryd. • http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/planetary/image/featherdrop_sound.mov A heavy geological hammer and a falcon feather were dropped from the same height. They hit the lunar surface at the same time. astronaut David Scott NASA pictures

  16. Y LleuadThe Moon Y Ddaear The Earth

  17. Y Ddaear The Earth Y LleuadThe Moon

  18. Ar y Lleuad On the Moon NASA pictures

  19. Esgidiau trymion iawn - Pam?Very heavy boots-Why? Answers? • No gravity on the Moon • Weightless on the Moon • To stop them floating away • They weigh very much less than on Earth • To stop huge bounces • The Moon’s gravity is very much less than the Earth’s gravity • Atebion? • Dim disgyrchiantar y Lleuad • Dibwyseddar y Lleuad • Rhagofniddyntarnofioiffwrdd • Maennhw’npwysollawerllai nag y maennhwar y Ddaear • I osgoibownsiadauanferth • Mae disgyrchiant y Lleuadynllawerllainadisgyrchiant y Ddaear

  20. DISGYRCHIANT GRAVITY • Things fall • Things have weight • Things stay in place • Mae pethau’nsyrthio • Mae ganbethaubwysau • Mae pethu’narosyneulle

  21. Dim Disgyrchiant No Gravity • A fyddaiafalynsyrthio? • A fyddaipethau’narosar y ddaear? • Beth fyddai’ndigwydd? • Pam? • Beth? • Sut? • Would an apple fall? • Would things stay on earth? • What would happen? • What? • Why? • How?

  22. ……keep asking questions -like Newton! …….aliwchatiiofyncwestiynau -fel Newton !

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