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Plans/preparation for implementation of WFD monitoring and reporting. Ljupka Dimovska-Zajkov. EU First wave’ water legislation 1975:standards for rivers & lakes used for drinking water abstraction 1980:binding quality targets for drinking water ‘Second wave’ (1990s)
Plans/preparation for implementation of WFD monitoring and reporting Ljupka Dimovska-Zajkov
EU First wave’ water legislation 1975:standards for rivers & lakes used for drinking water abstraction 1980:binding quality targets for drinking water ‘Second wave’ (1990s) Urban Wastewater Treatment Directive (1991) Nitrates Directive (1991) New Drinking Water Directive (1998) IPPC Directive (1996) 1995: need to re-think European water policy & for more comprehensive legislation Oct 2000: Final adoption of WFD by joint decision by European Parliament & Council ("co-decision procedure") and following a conciliation procedure 22 Dec 2000: Publication & entry into force MK In 2003 the MEPP supported by the EU funded Project "Strengthening the capacity of the Ministry of environment and physical planning“ prepared 4 laws in order to harmonize the national legislation to the Environmental Acquis. Among these, draft-law on waters was prepared. During the preparation of the draft-law, the following EU Directives were taken as basis: The Water Framework Directive 2000/60/EC including the Decision 2455/2001/EC; The bathing water directive 76/160/EEC; Water intended for human consumption Directive 98/83/EC; Urban waste water treatment directive 98/15/EC; Nitrate Directive 91/676/EEC; Sludge directive 86/278/EEC, and other relevant directives. Background - Legal Framework
EU Expand the scope of water protection to all waters (surface & underground) Prevent further deterioration & achieve ‘good status’ for all waters by fixed deadlines Combined approach emission limit values/quality requirements Set the right price Adopt the river basin as management unit Attain public participation Streamline legislation MK Lack of integrated approach for water management Inappropriate and unfunctional institutional set-up international obligations Water Framework Law, which regulates the basic principles for consistent and sustainable strategy and politics for developing of water resources by defining basic standards and requirements, and also establishing a legal basis for defining the specific requirements technical standards GENERAL AIMS OF WFD/ DLW-MK
Currently Draft Law on waters– under adoption procedure in the Parliament of the Republic of Macedonia CADRS 2005 “Developing National Strategy for Environmental Approximation “ CADRS 2003 “Iimprovement of the management of transboundary water resources in the Vardar“ Directive Specific Implementation Plans (DSIPs) for selected directives Sector Approximation Strategies (SASs) National Strategy for Environmental Approximation (NSEA) Proposal: Vardar River basin management Plan
OBJECTIVES • The major task of the monitoring part of the project is foreseen in providing (i) as much as possible missing information by means of the Field Survey and (ii) technical background needed for the design of EU WFD-compliant investigative, surveillance and operational monitoring programmes in the Vardar river basin. The activities were developed towards the preparation of the Report on the Assessment of the Present Monitoring in the Vardar River Basin and Proposal of Measures to Upgrade the Existing Monitoring Network. Actions will be taken in frame of WP 2 are: • Assessment of the existing monitoring network. • Field Survey • Field Survey Manual • Collection of samples • Analyses • Reports • Trainings. - Standard Methods for collection and analyses of samples • Identification of diffuse and point source of pollution in river Vardar basin, • Design of the future monitoring network: • Surveillance Monitoring • Analysis of the characteristics of RBDs • Establishment of typology • Identifications of the boundaries of water bodies • Production of maps on surface water body types • Provisional identification of AWB and HMWB • Screening for hydromorphological changes in water bodies • Description of significant changes in hydromorphology in water bodies that have not been "screened out" • Identification of water bodies likely to fail good ecological potential due to changes in hydromorphology • Selection of water bodies substantially changed in character due to physical alterations by human activity and identify them provisionally as HMWB • Registration of protected areas
EVALUATION OF EXISTING MONITORING NETWORK INMACEDONIA Design and implementation of EU WFD monitoring programmes on a basin/sub-basin scale is a complex task, which relies heavily on the availability and reliability of long-term historical data sets. No serious decision support system can be established on the basis of poor quality or even missing data. It has been identified that some of the required EU WFD parameters were never monitored in the Vardar river basin. The reliability of data, which were obtained within the existing monitoring schemes, were in some cases questionable. As a rule, the monitoring data sets are usually supported by outcomes of separate research sub-projects helping to understand ecosystems of individual water bodies. Such information is entirely missing for most of the EU WFD monitoring parameters.
The overall objective of the VRB FS was to undertake a longitudinal survey that would produce comparable and reliable information on water quality for the whole of the length of the Vardar River including major tributaries on a short-term basis. The outcomes of the VRB FS should provide informationeeded for the implementation of the EU Water Framework Directive (WFD, 2000/60/EC). VRB FS had the following specific objectives: To produce a homogenous data set for the Vardar river based on a single sampling procedure and laboratory analysis of specified determinants and biological quality elements (BQE); Screening of EU WFD priority substances (PS) and other relevant hazardous substances; To provide a forum for sampling and laboratory inter-comparison exercises; To facilitate establishment of a common trans-boundary monitoring program within the Vardar river basin; To facilitate specific training needs; To promote public awareness. A set of specific objectives have been identified arising mostly from the implementation of WFD: Comparison of the results with existing monitoring data; Biological validation of the river Vardar typology; Ecological assessment of the river Vardar in line with WFD; Assessment of the pressures and impacts; General overview of the habitat morphology of the river Vardar; Contribution to the future Intercalibration Exercise (IC). VRB FS also provided information on: Microbiological analysis; Analysis of radioisotopes. PREPARATION OF FIELD SURVEY
Preliminary delineation and characterization of water bodies in VRB Based on geographical and hydrological determinants as well as several other criteria (see below) a total of 136 water bodies were identified in Macedonia): - 81 surface water bodies - 20 heavily modified water bodies - 13 artificial water bodies - 12 protected areas
RECOMENDATION FOR FUTURE MONITORING A proposal for an upgrade of the monitoring network in Macedonia was developed based on: 1. Existing monitoring network and needs of water managers; 2. WFD monitoring requirements; 3. Results of the 1st VRB FS. The proposal does not include the Operational Monitoring scheme due to the lack of relevant information. The Investigative Monitoring is also not included in the proposal as it is expected that results of the 2nd VRB FS will be used for final definition of the respective monitoring activities.
Surveillance monitoring I (SM 1) Selection of monitoring sites Using the available information and expert judgment major water bodies in Macedonia were grouped and following sampling sites were proposed: 1. Gevgelija, border 2. Crni Drim, border 3. Strumica, Novo Selo Additional three sampling sites on the natural lakes are proposed: 4. Lake Dojran, Ribarsko (Nov Dojran), 5. Lake Prespa, Golem Grad 6. Lake Ohrid near Crn Drim outflow.
Surveillance monitoring II (SM 2) There is a prior need to continue with establishment of proper typology, delineation of water bodies and collection of information on risk assessment of individual water bodies. An additional Surveillance Monitoring (SM 2) is proposed which is combination between existing monitoring network in Macedonia and requirements of WFD. This type of monitoring will enable obtaining more relevant data needed for establishing proper River Management Plan. SM 2 might overtake some of the functions of the operational monitoring before it is established.