應用自?微乳化劑型之溶劑擴散方法配製高分子PLGA ?米微? 本研究目標建立一個應用自行微乳化之溶劑擴散方法製備聚乳酸與聚甘醇酸(PLGA)奈米微粒, PLGA 奈米微粒將由可稀釋性的自行微乳化型預微乳劑作為模板,預微乳化的模板是由油相、界面活性劑系統及高分子以適當比例組成,此一系統的適當三成份比例可直接稀釋至水相中形成微乳化,稱為可稀釋性的自行微乳化型預微乳劑。以這擬三成分相圖的特性建構為基礎,尋求可自行微乳化之所需的界面活性劑/輔界面活性劑、水相與溶媒的最佳組合種類與比例範圍。在本研究中二氯甲烷(dichlormethane)將選擇作為PLGA 顆粒溶劑,在三成份相圖設定為油相,而 Tween (20-80)系列選擇為主要界面活性劑,輔界面活性劑則選自中長鏈型醇類(alcohols)像是乙醇(ethanol)、丁醇(propanol), 以及丙醇(butanol)作為製備之用。建構出的油相與各個界面活性劑/共界面活性劑組合的三成分所形成微乳化的比例,直接稀釋至水相中使得有機溶劑擴散至水相中或揮發去除,使高分子固化。以自行微乳化之溶劑擴散方法製備的奈米級PLGA 顆粒在製程上是簡易的系統,更進一步的探討,由於微乳化具好的熱力學穩定的特性,在PLGA 微/奈米顆粒的發展上可以去克服改善控制PLGA 粒徑大小製作的相關難題。設計出有效的設備作法在複雜且耗時的製程,希望建立自行微乳化之溶劑擴散方法應用在PLGA 微/奈米顆粒技術領域上。
Application of self-microemulsification solvent diffusion method for preparation of PLGA nanoparticles • The objectives of this study were to establish a new preparation method for poly (DL-lactide-co-glycolide) (PLGA) nanoparticles by applicationthe Self-microemulsification solvent diffusion method and to elucidate the mechanism of nanoparticle formation on the basis of the microemulsion principle of PLGA and surfactants、cosurfactants in the preparation system. PLGA nanoparticles were prepared by the utilization of dilutableSelf- microemulsifying systems to form microemulsions as the template for preparing nanoparticles of PLGA.Microemulsion system wes devely with the use of partially water miscible and pharmaceutically acceptablesolvents as the oil phase and the pseudo-ternary phase diagrams was constructed to characterize and optimize surfactants, cosurfactants, and cosolvents for the dichloromethane in the production of nanoparticles.Tween series (20-80), were selected as surfactants for preparations of nanoparticles. cosurfactants were selected from short-chain alcohols (ethanol, propanol, and butanol) for preparations of nanoparticles. The pseudo-ternary phase diagram were constructed for optimal combinationsof selected solvents for nanoparticles were surfactants/cosurfactants and water/cosolvents. These systems will be examined and process parameters was optimized