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Biomedical Sensor Technology: Temperature Measurements

Learn about the significance of temperature parameters in biomedical applications and the use of sensors like thermocouples and thermistors. Understand how temperature changes relate to various medical conditions, enzyme reactions, and inflammation. Explore the principles behind thermally-sensitive measurement methods and the operation of modern thermocouples and thermistors.

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Biomedical Sensor Technology: Temperature Measurements

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  1. Biomedical Electronics & Bioinstrumentation Basic Sensor Principles (Temperature)

  2. Contents • Temperature Measurements • Thermocouples • Thermistors • Fiber-Optic Sensor

  3. Temperature Measurements • Significance of temperature parameter: • Patient’s body temperature indicates physiological state of human body. • External body temperature used to evaluate patients in shock. How does this relate? • On the other hand, what happens to patients with infection? • How would you relate these conditions with change in body temperature?

  4. Temperature Measurements • Significance of temperature parameter: • You have already learned about enzymes and proteins. Explain their reactions to changing temperature. • How does inflammation relates to temperature change? • How does a temperature sensor play a role in an infant incubator?

  5. Temperature Measurements • Why do we need specific body site for body? • Types of thermally-sensitive measurement methods: • Thermocouples • Thermistors • Radiation • Fiber-optic detector

  6. Thermocouples • Used as means of converting thermal potential difference to electrical potential difference • Thermoelectric thermometry first discovered by Seebeck in 1821. • He observed that emf exists across a junction of two dissimilar metals.

  7. Thermocouples • Phenomenon is the sum of two independent effects: • Emf generated solely by contact of two dissimilar metals and the junction temperature. • Emf due to the temperature gradients along each single conductor. • These effects were discovered by Peltier and Thomson (Lord Kelvin).

  8. Thermocouples • The Seebeck voltage is given by the following power series expansion: • The temperature is in °C and the reference junction maintained at 0°C. • The equation is curve-fitted from the obtained calibration data.

  9. Thermocouples • Thermocouple uses 3 empirical laws. • Homogenous circuit States that in a circuit composed of a single homogeneous metal, one cannot maintain an electric current by the application of heat alone.

  10. Thermocouples • Thermocouple uses 3 empirical laws. • Intermediate metals States that the net emf in a circuit consisting of an interconnection of a number of unlike metals, maintained at the same temperature is zero.

  11. Thermocouples • Thermocouple uses 3 empirical laws. • Successive or intermediate temperatures States that an emf E1 + E2 are generated when the junctions are at T1 and T2.

  12. Thermocouples • The thermoelectric sensitivity,  are given by: •  is not a constant but varies with temperature. • Sensitivities range from 6.5 to 80µV/°C at 20°C with accuracies from 0.25% to 1%. • For accurate reading, reference junction must be kept at a triple-point-of-water temperature. • Usually achievable through construction of properly constructed ice bath.

  13. Thermocouples • What about modern days thermocouples? How do we implement ice baths at the cold junction? • Thermopiles are combination of thermocouples. • Connected in series to increase accuracy. • What happens if we connect it in parallel? • The thermocouple voltage can be obtained using digital multimeter.

  14. Thermocouples • Chart recordings can be achieved through use of self-balancing potentiometer system. • What about system linearity? • Advantages: • Fast response time • Small size • Ease of fabrication • Long-term stability

  15. Thermocouples • Disadvantages: • Small output voltage • Low sensitivity • Need of reference temperature • Application: Thermocouples can be made small and inserted in catheters and hypodermic needles.

  16. Thermistors • Thermistors are semiconductors made from ceramic materials that are thermal resistors with a high negative temperature coefficient. • T increase, R decrease • T decrease, R increase • The resistivity of thermistor semiconductors used for biomedical applications is between 0.1 to 100Ωm.

  17. Thermistors

  18. Thermistors • Advantages • Small in size • Relatively large sensitivity to temperature change • Excellent long-term stability • The empirical relationship between Rt and absolute temperature given by:

  19. Thermistors •  is the material constant while T0 is the standard reference temperature in K. •  also known as the characteristic temperature increases slightly with temperature. • Thus, can you tell me why do we still use a thermistor as a sensor? •  ranges from 2500K to 5000K with typical value of 4000K.

  20. Thermistors • Temperature coefficient,  is given by: • This is found by differentiating the empirical relationship with respect to T and further dividing it by Rt. •  is a nonlinear function of temperature.

  21. Thermistors • Typical thermistor zero-power resistance ratio-temperature characteristic for various material. • At zero-power resistance, the thermistor is operated at a very small amount of power such that there is negligible self-heating.

  22. Thermistors • The V versus I characteristics are linear up to the point where self-heating becomes a problem. • When there is excessive heating, the thermistor voltage decreases as the current increases.

  23. Thermistors • Which electrical law applies to the linear region of the V-I characteristic graph? • Another important feature is the current-time characteristics. • Time-delay for current reaching maximal value is determined by: • Voltage applied • Mass of thermistor • Value of series-circuit resistance

  24. Thermistors • Linearization of R-T characteristics: • Circuit schemes • Microcomputers • Circuitry for readout is the same as conductive sensors. • What advantage does the application of bridge circuits bring? • Very small differences can be found using a differential temperature bridge.

  25. Thermistors • Various shapes of thermistors: • Beads • Chips • Rods • Washers • Most common is glass-encapsulated bead thermistor. • Why is this packaging desirable?

  26. Thermistors • Glass-coating protects from hazardous environment from the body without affecting the thermal response time. • Application: • Small-sized thermistor allows application on catheters and hypodermic needle. • An example seen in thermodilution-catheter system. • Also used to obtain oral temperature.

  27. Fiber-Optic Temperature Sensor • A small prism-shaped sample of single-crystal undoped GaAs is epoxied at the ends of two side-by-side optical fibers. • The sensors and fibers can be quite small, compatible with biological implantation after being sheathed.

  28. Fiber-Optic Temperature Sensor • Principle of operation: • One fiber transmits light from a light-emitting diode source to the sensor, where it is passed through GaAs and collected by the other fiber for detection in the readout instrument. • Some of the optical power travelling through the semiconductor is absorbed, by the process of raising valence-band electrons, across the forbidden energy gap into the conduction band. • Because the forbidden energy gap is a sensitive function of material’s temperature, the amount of power absorbed increases with temperature.

  29. Fiber-Optic Temperature Sensor • Application: The non-metallic probe is particularly suited for temperature measurement in the strong electromagnetic heating fields used in heating tissue for cancer therapy or in patient rewarming.

  30. Further Reading… • Webster, J.G. (2009). Medical Instrumentation: Application and Design. 4th Ed., Wiley. • Chapter 2 • Carr, J.J. (2000). Introduction to Biomedical Equipment Technology. 4th Ed. Prentice Hall. • Chapter 6

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