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The CELSA alliance offers funding for 2-year research projects in various fields. Join this strategic collaboration opportunity between partner universities. Learn more on the call details and how to apply.
RAZPIS CELSA 2019Central European Leuven Strategic AllianceUniverzitetna služba za raziskovalno dejavnost September 2018
Kaj je CELSA? CELSA – Central European Leuven Strategic Alliance Ustanovljena je bila aprila 2016 na pobudo KU Leuven med 7 univerzami. 2017 se je pridružila še University of Tartu. UNIVERZE ČLANICE: Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KU Leuven) University of Ljubljana (UL) Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME) EötvösLoránd University (ELTE) - SSH SemmelweisUniversity (Semmelweis) – HEALTH Charles University (CUNI) Czech Technical University in Prague (CTU) University of Tartu (UT)
Predsednik CELSA mreže: Prof. dr. LászlóBorhy(rector, ELTE) Glavni tajnik CELSA mreže: Dr. Danny Pieters (KU Leuven) Prorektor za mednorodno politiko KU Leuven http://celsalliance.eu/index.html
Cilji mreže CELSA Financiranjecca. 30 pripravljalnih/raziskovalnih projektov s ciljem priprave skupnih kolaborativnihprojektov Obzorja 2020 in drugih evropskih programov; Izmenjava praks na strateškem in operativnem nivoju in skupno sodelovanje za reševanje glavnih izzivov, s katerimi se srečuje Evropa; izobraževanje mladih za izvajanje najboljšega raziskovalnega dela in za seznanjanje družbe in gospodarstva s svojimi talenti in raziskovalnimi rezultati; organizacija skupnih usposabljanj, izmenjav dobrih praks, raziskovalnih evalvacij, odprtega dostopa, prenosa znanja.
CELSA RAZPIS 2019 OBJAVA RAZPISA: Konec julija 2018 ROK ZA PRIJAVO: 26. oktober 2018 (prijavo odda KU Leuven) EVALVACIJA: marec – junij 2018 OBJAVA REZULTATOV: julij – avgust 2018 ZAČETEK PROJEKTOV: 1. oktober 2019 RAZPIS: http://celsalliance.eu/call.html
Cilji CELSA razpisa 2019 KAJ: 2-letni raziskovalni projekti poljubne raziskovalne teme med raziskovalci iz vsaj dveh partnerskih univerz (en nujno KU Leuven, ki prispeva 90.000 € v vsak projekt, ostali pa 30.000 €). CILJ: V roku 3 let od začetka projekta CELSA mora priti do skupne prijave na razpise evropskih programov za raziskovalne projekte okvirnih programov ali drugih raziskovalnih programov (MSCA,FET Open, Societal Challenges, DG…). Minimalni pogoj: Najmanj 2 CELSA partnerja (obvezen partner KU Leuven) Prijavo lahko odda le raziskovalec iz KU Leuvena preko njihovega internega portala. Vsako leto bo predvidoma izbranih 10-11 projektov GUIDE FOR APPLICANTS: http://celsalliance.eu/onewebmedia/CELSA%20Research%20Fund%202017.pdf
Proračun za leto 2019 Največji proračun CELSA sklada za leto 2019: 1.360.000 €.Financirali bom od 10-12 projektov. Partnerji prispevajo v sklad za leto 2018: KU Leuven: 1 mio € (90.000 €/projekt) CELSA PARTNERJI: 60.000 € (30.000 €/projekt) Vrednost posameznega projekta:min. 120.000 € (KU Leuven in še en partner),max. 300.000 € (KU Leuven in vsi partnerji). Slovenski raziskovalec/raziskovalna skupina lahko pridobi 30.000 € za 2 leti.
Kaj se lahko financira? Upravičeno obdobje za porabo sredstev 3 leta od začetka projekta, to je do 30.9.2022. V primeru, da v treh letih od začetka projekta ne pride do prijave na razpis Obzorje 2020 ali njegovega naslednika, mora fakulteta vsa sredstva vrniti v Razvojni sklad. Upravičeni stroški za raziskovalno delo oziroma karierni razvoj raziskovalca oz. raziskovalke, ki ji je bila spodbuda dodeljena, ali raziskovalca oz. raziskovalke, ki je del njegove raziskovalne skupine, in sicer za naslednje dodatne aktivnosti, ki že niso financirane iz drugih sredstev: potni in drugi stroški povezani z udeležbo na nacionalnih in mednarodnih dogodkih (kotizacije, namestitve idr.) dodatna pomoč zaposlenih pri izvajanju raziskovalnega dela (npr. stroški dodatne zaposlitve) materialni stroški za raziskovalno delo ali nakup literature stroški amortizacije ali investicijski izdatek nakupa opreme stroški članarin, prevodov in objav, povezanih z njegovim raziskovalnim delom, za reintegracijo (ponovno zaposlitev) raziskovalca oz. raziskovalke v primeru daljše odsotnosti in drugi stroški povezani z njegovim raziskovalnim delom Stroški rednega dela vodje projekta, avtorski honorarji ali izplačila po podjemnih pogodbah zaposlenim na UL in posredni stroški niso upravičeni stroški.
CELSA sklad – razpis 2018 Pri povezovanju bodo aktivno sodelovale strokovne službe. Na UL univerzitetna služba za raziskovalno dejavnost: eusklad@uni-lj.si Pomoč pri iskanju partnerjev: contact@celsaalliance.eu ali eusklad@uni-lj.si
PRIJAVNICA Cover page (max. 1p): Title, name, affiliation, and e-mail address of the researchers involved, an indication of who will be the leading scientist of the project (coordinator), a non-confidential and public-friendly abstract or summary (max. 2000 characters), and up to 5 key words. Please use the available template (see annex 2). Attachment 1: the project description (max. 4p): Problemstatement & objectives, envisaged progress beyond the state of the art, methodology, anticipated results, managerial aspects and timing.
PRIJAVNICA Attachment 2: Resources (max. 1p): clear indication of the budget applied for at each side (KU Leuven side and partner university side) and the proposed use of the project budget to acquire new resources, linked to the methodology. Please add a description of the available resources (incl. infrastructure and equipment). Attachment 3: Added value of the collaboration (max. 1p): Descriptionof the consortium of researchers from the CELSA partners and added value of the collaboration to the envisaged research activities
PRIJAVNICA Attachment 4: Potential towards a future EU funding application (max. 1p): Description of the potential towards a future joint application as well as the linkages to a call for proposals of a European research funding program, specifying the future call (e.g. Marie S. Curie network, Horizon 2020 focus area or draft call topic, ERA-Net call, cPPP call, …); description of the relevance of the collaboration for that call, program, or European research & innovation policy or focus area (this may include aspects of innovation and potential future impact of the research or collaboration, if relevant in the future European call); proposed timelines and planning towards the future European application (including perhaps specifying types of additional partners outside CELSA required for the collaborative projects) Attachment 5: CV’s of the involved researchers (max. 1p per participating researcher): Short description of the expertise, 5 most important publications relevant to the proposal, indication of previous (most important) European or international collaborations.
EVALVACIJSKI POSTOPEK The reviewing process The eligible proposals will be assigned to 3 (up to 4) Evaluation Committee members (at least one expert from KU Leuven and at least one from another CELSA Partner). The experts remotely review the proposals assigned to them, based on the evaluation criteria, and submit their evaluation into the online evaluation system of KU Leuven. All evaluations will be reported back to the Evaluation Committee. In a one off meeting the Evaluation Committee ranks all proposals and the first ranked proposals will be recommended for funding, within the total available call budget.
EVALVACIJSKI KRITERIJI Scientific quality (60%): To what extent does the proposed research address important challenges? To what extent are the objectives ambitious and beyond the state of the art (e.g. novel concepts and approaches or development between or across disciplines)? To what extent is the outlined scientific approach feasible? To what extent is the proposed research methodology appropriate to achieve the goals of the project? To what extent are the proposed timescales and resources necessary and properly justified? Added value of the collaboration (20%): To what extent is the proposed partnership relevant to the proposed project objectives? To what extent do the involved researchers have complementary expertise? To what extent has the proposed partnership the potential to become sustainable? Potential towards future acquisition of European competitive funding (20%): Does the proposed activity greatly help move the research collaboration towards the initial steps of a process leading to a future European collaborative research project? Does the proposal indicate a suitable and credible process that is designed to result in a concrete application for a European competitive program? Where relevant for the indicated European competitive funding program call, are aspects like innovation and socio-economic impact sufficiently addressed?
POROČANJE MID-TERM REPORT One year after the start of the project, the successful applicants are asked to report (max. 1 page) on the situation regarding the ongoing collaboration, on the progress regarding the preparation of a European project application, and regarding the scientific output of the project (publications, exchange of staff taken place,…). Reports have to be send to CELSA. FINAL REPORT A single concise end report will be submitted by the participating researchers one year after the end of the project (within three years after the start of the project). This document (max. 3 pages) will contain e.g. publications, the progress made regarding other projects applications, and a short financial report (who is financed, what exchange has taken place). To this report an abstract of the submitted application and call identifier of the pan-European competitive funding program has to be added (or any other proof of the submission). Reports have to be send to CELSA.
KONTAKT NA UL eusklad@uni-lj.si SPLOŠNA VPRAŠANJA contact@celsalliance.eu VPRAŠANJA GLEDE RAZPISA, POSTOPKOV IZBIRE: marian.schoenmaekers@kuleuven.be
Presented by: Tjaša Nabergoj Vodja oddelka za podporo raziskovalcem September 2019