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Recruiters Mentality and a Builders Mindset

Recruiters Mentality and a Builders Mindset

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Recruiters Mentality and a Builders Mindset

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  1. A Recruiters Mentality & A Builders Mindset Bryan Daly CEOVP

  2. Winning comes in stages ….small wins everyday

  3. NO

  4. Everyone Must Pull their own Little Red Wagon

  5. Build it Three Times 1. In Your Mind 2. On Paper 3. Build it!!!

  6. From Jack Welch, former CEO, General Electric “Before you become a Leader, success is all about Growing Yourself. When you become a Leader, success is ALL ABOUT GROWING OTHERS."

  7. 10 Keys to a Recruiters Mentality 1 State of Mind It’s about helping more people faster & having a servant heart 2 All the Time Thing 3 Select Masses of people finding the niche. Fish in the right pools 4 Quantity to get Quality Sort and Filter. We never know what is in the heart of a person

  8. 10 Keys to a Recruiters mentality 5 Every person is a recruit until proven otherwise 6 Aim at Recruits and Hit sales “You are one recruit away from an explosion” 7 Recruit and Train

  9. 10 Keys to a Recruiters mentality 8 Recruit and Build Tell me and I forget Show me I remember Involve me and I understand 9 Passion for the Mission and Submit to the System 10 Recruit to Win - stay thirsty, stay humble, and serve others

  10. Don’t Be a Complainer! • Nobody Wants To Hear it • Nobody wants to be around a cry baby • Nobody really wants to be around a negative Nelly

  11. Principle of Escalation You tell your friend about the agony you went through with the flu. Your friend interrupts and says, “You think you had it bad. When I had the flu, I had a 104 degree fever and had to be rushed to the hospital. I almost died.” Complainers love to play this game — their pain is always worse than yours.

  12. Work Out Partner • Do you have a GREAT one? • Lifts You Up and You Lift Them • Get One!

  13. Winning Principals Expect to win Stay in warm markets Do the right thing 100% of the time


  15. Five Pointers 1. Over 25 2. Married 3. Home Owner 4. $50,000 household income 5. Dissatisfied

  16. Profile of a New Person Stop looking for people who want to "sell" Start looking for people who want to earn extra income…. change their life Hire people who want an opportunity Be selective

  17. Profile of a New Person (Cont.) Look for 7 pointers – a. 30 + years old – b. married – c. dependent children – d. homeowners – e. solid business or career background – f. $40,000 + household income – g. Dissatisfied

  18. Where do you spend our TIME? Four Checkers 1. Self Starter 2. Influence 3. Coachable/Teachable 4. Financial Ability

  19. Sell the Dream and Crusade Simultaneously • Entrepreneurial Dream Button • Client button • AGAIN….Aim at a Recruit…Hit a Sale

  20. Become a Student of Human Nature • They're quick to jump to conclusions…DON’T GIVE TOO MUCH INFO UP FRONT! • They’re skeptical…THAT’S OK • They procrastinate • They dream of great wealth • They’re curious…THIS IS YOUR BAIT USE IT!!!

  21. Become a Student of Human Nature (Cont.) • They don't think they can sell • They don’t like sales people • They would like to be their own boss • They would like to have a business of their own, but… • BUT…They all doubt that they ever could or would...

  22. The Ebb and Flow… Be a Fisher of Men Don't come on too strong... Entice and withdraw Be confident Be enthusiastic - It's contagious Think and act like a quarterback. Aim at recruits...hit sales

  23. Sell the Dream... Build the Team Share/Develop YOUR PERSONAL STORY Teach your teammates to share their personal story

  24. The Magic of Compound Dreaming • Dream a dream WITH THE TEAM – “Without a vision the people perish.” • Then dream another bigger dream – “There are no lazy people…only people with impotent dreams.”

  25. The Magic of Compound Recruiting 0 1 2 3 5 Level 1 0 1 4 9 25 Level 2 0 1 8 27 125 Level 3 0 1 16 81 625 Level 4 0 1 32 243 3,125 Level 5 0 1 64 729 15,625 Level 6 Killing Empire Builder Salesman Unemployed Everyday Mini Builder Frustrated THE POWER OF THE MULTIPLES

  26. The Dynamics of the WEEKLY OPORTUNITY MEETING Re-sell the dream to the existing team Teach your team how to sell the dream Sell the dream to the new people

  27. Building Keys • Avoid panic management – a. Lack of money…LEARN THE SYSTEM…HOW TO MAKE MONEY THROUGH RECRUITING. ATTEND MONTHLY IUL UNIVERSITY 6 TIMES – b. Lack of activity – c. Lack of a definite, sound business philosophy

  28. Building Keys (Cont.) • Building outlets is THE sound business philosophy. – a. Opening outlets is an all the time thing – b. Have quantity to get quality…DUD POWER.

  29. The "Myth" of Training Weak builder's tendency: – a. Hire him – b. Train him Strong builder's tendency: – a. Hire him – b. Build him a team

  30. 7 Magic Words “ Are you in front of your Computer?”


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