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Looking Forward: Developing a Professional Development Plan

This domain focuses on developing as a professional educator, covering aspects such as self-evaluation, feedback solicitation, goal setting, and pedagogical growth. The artifacts include a Professional Development Plan and Timeline, a CSET Social Science Study Guide, and a literature review by Sandra Harwell, Ph.D. The goal is to enhance subject matter knowledge and teaching effectiveness through reflection and feedback. Candidates access various resources to support their growth.

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Looking Forward: Developing a Professional Development Plan

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  1. Michael Bohannan National University Domain F: DEVELOPING AS A PROFESSIONAL EDUCATOR Looking Forward: Developing a Professional Development Plan

  2. Table of Contents • Developing as a Professional Educator • Artifact: Professional Development Plan & Timeline • Artifact: Social Science CSET Study Guide • Artifact: Literature Review

  3. Domain F Developing as a Professional Educator TPE 13: Professional Growth • Candidates for a Teaching Credential evaluate their own teaching practices and subject matter knowledge in light of information about the state-adopted academic content standards for students and student learning. • They improve their teaching practices by soliciting feedback and engaging in cycles of planning, teaching, reflecting, discerning problems, and applying new strategies. • Candidates use reflection and feedback to formulate and prioritize goals for increasing their subject matter knowledge and teaching effectiveness. • They develop appropriate plans for professional growth in subject matter knowledge and pedagogy. Candidates access resources such as feedback from professionals, professional organizations, and research describing teaching, learning, and public education.

  4. Artifact 1 – Professional Development Plan and Timeline Please refer to website links (www.bohannanpdqp.weebly.com ).

  5. Artifact 2: CSET Social Science Study Guide

  6. Artifact 3 - Literature Review • Author: Sandra Harwell, Ph.D. • Title: Teacher Professional Development: It’s Not an Event, It’s a Process • 2003 • CORD Communications, Waco, TX

  7. Literature Review

  8. References Harwell, S. (2003). Teacher professional development: it's an event, it's a process. Waco, TX: CORD Communications. CSET Social Science Study Guide. Retrieved from http://www.cset.nesinc.com/PDFs/CS_114subtestdescription.pdf

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