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Social Analysis. is the effort to obtain a coherent and critical understanding of a social situation. We must Examine: historical and structural relationships. We must be aware: of our world view and bias. Step 1: Understanding the Situation
Social Analysis is the effort to obtain a coherent and critical understanding of a social situation.
We must Examine: historical and structural relationships. We must be aware: of our world view and bias.
Step 1: Understanding the Situation • Ask informational Questions: who, what, when, where, why, how • Pay attention to what is missing as well as what you find • Who holds Power? What are they willing to do to keep it? • what data supports what you discover?
Step 2: Analyze the situation • What patterns emerge from the data? • What do the patterns show regarding political, social, economic structures? • Which patterns are causes of the problem, which are symptoms?
Step 3: Discovering Meaning • Identify the values operating in the situation • Which values are explicitly stated and which ones are implicitly acted upon? • Who speaks for these values? Individuals, political party? society as a whole?
Social Analysis identifies the role an ideology takes in justifying alienating systems.
Theological Reflection: Unmasks the problems which social analysis identifies as social sin. • How does Catholic social teaching identify a challenge and propose a solution? • where is the need for grace, reconciliation and conversion in society? • How does scripture speak to the issue? i.e. WWJD? WWJS? WWMS? • How does faith give us hope in the face of a challenge that seems impossible to change?