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Keynote Presentation: Driving the Value of SOA in an Enterprise Architecture

Keynote Presentation: Driving the Value of SOA in an Enterprise Architecture. Bill Hassell Director, Worldwide WebSphere Technical Sales. SOA and Enterprise Architecture SOA Enterprise Architecture Best Practices SOA Reference Architecture SOA Best Practices What’s Next for SOA Summary.

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Keynote Presentation: Driving the Value of SOA in an Enterprise Architecture

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  1. Keynote Presentation:Driving the Value of SOA in an Enterprise Architecture Bill Hassell Director, Worldwide WebSphere Technical Sales

  2. SOA and Enterprise Architecture SOA Enterprise Architecture Best Practices SOA Reference Architecture SOA Best Practices What’s Next for SOA Summary Agenda

  3. THINK THINK Businesses are Placing a Premium on Innovation

  4. Innovation Impacts Business Models Is Your Architecture Ready? “ On a flat earth, the most important attribute is creative imagination – the ability to be the first to figure out how all these enabling tools can be put together in new and exciting ways to create products, communities, opportunities, and profits.” Thomas Friedman, The World is Flat “ Service orientation does not begin with technology;it begins with the mind-set of thinking about your business and the world around youin terms of functional components.” Steve Mills, SVP and Group Executive, IBM Software Group The Future of BusinessJune 2007

  5. SOA will be used in more than 50 percent of new mission-critical operational applications and business processes designed in 2007 and in more than 80 percent by 2010. SOA … will rapidly become the architectural foundation for virtually every new business-critical application. SOA has dramatically grown in popularity, and adoption has expanded across vertical industries, geographies and organization sizes. The practical benefits of a well-implemented SOA are greater adaptability, faster time to deployment and lower costs for application development and integration. “SOA Has Dramatically Grown in Popularity” According to Gartner, Inc. Gartner Press Release:“Gartner Says SOA Will Be Used in More Than 50 Percent of New Mission-Critical Operational Applications and Business Processes Designed in 2007” April 25, 2007

  6. Cost savings Business Technical What Benefits Are Organizations Seeing With SOA? Increased revenue Benefits Reported by Leading Edge Adopters of SOA Reduced risk 51% Improved flexibility 71% 100% 97% Source: IBM IBV Study

  7. Today’s IT Desired IT 30% New Capability 45% NewCapability Increase Value Creation 70% Sustaining & RunningExistingCapability Decrease Maintenance & Delivery 55% Existing Capability Source: Accenture I.T. Spending Survey SOA Frees Up Resources to Enable New Value Creation “The maintenance of central services costs less than maintaining an old application infrastructure. The code behind a business process is easier to isolate, understand, and revise when it’s contained in a set of services than when it’s buried in large, monolithic applications.” How to Build an SOA, Charles Babcock, Information Week, June 2006

  8. “The end goal is to have an integrated enterprise with SOA in the middle of it,” Carvallo said. “We have been mapping out since last summer the key processes – 70-plus processes – that we want to bring into the SOA (environment) and help rationalize the infrastructure behind it.” “This one is business-driven," Carvallo said. "This time around, when the business process is at the heart of the integration, change management happens much easier because the business user wants it to happen.” SOA and Austin Energy

  9. The customer service implementation is a composite application with five Web services that verifies the customer location and generates a work order to repair the outage SOA and Austin Energy: Results • The old system had a limitation of being able to process 4,000 work orders a day. The new SOA-based system processed more than 20,000 calls per day for three days during the storm, and has been tested for up to 50,000 work orders per day • Average customer call time processing outage reports dropped from 3-5 minutes down to 1.5 minutes • One of the keys to success was that 30 percent of the project was focused on planning and the architecture

  10. Services Are Key to Many Current TransactionsAcross All Industries, For Many Different Types of Business Activities Online Travel Reservations Online Order Status of Web Purchases • Check availability/ rates • Create/change reservation • Check order status directly from UPS without leaving your website • Create shipping status (with shipping partner) Warehouse & Distribution Healthcare e-Prescriptions • Check inventory • Automatic order refill requests • Place/track order & shipping • Enter new prescription • Review prescription history • Check/display drug interactions

  11. People Entry Point: Interaction and Collaboration Process Entry Point:Process Automation Information Entry Point:Information as a Service Reuse Entry Point:Creating and reusing proven, high-value assets Connectivity Entry Point: Securely and flexibly interconnecting Leverage SOA Experience and Best Practices The SOA Entry Points • When selecting SOA projects, focus on solving specific business problems as part of an evolving enterprise architecture • IBM has a variety of assets and best practices around the SOA entry points, based on our extensive experience with customers

  12. According to WinterGreen Research: SOA Market Leadership Worldwide Services Oriented Architecture (SOA) Engine and Collaboration License, Services and Maintenance Market Shares, 2006 Other 20% Oracle 3% SAP 3% 53% Sybase 2% webMethods 3% BEA AquaLogic 2% Tibco 3% Sun / SeeBeyond Egate 3% Source: WinterGreen Research, April 2007 SOA Engines and Components only Microsoft 8%

  13. SOA and Enterprise Architecture SOA Enterprise Architecture Best Practices SOA Reference Architecture SOA Best Practices What’s Next for SOA Summary Agenda

  14. SOA and Enterprise Architecture Strategy Information TechnologyStrategy BusinessStrategy Business Opportunity Technology Availability Enterprise Architecture • Business Architecture • Processes • Information • People • IT • Architecture • Applications • Information • Technology Enterprise wide focus Planning Transition Plan EA Governance Business Operating Environment and IT Infrastructure Project focus Design and Delivery IT Solutions

  15. The SOA Lifecycle • Discover • Construct & Test • Compose • Integrate people • Integrate processes • Manage and integrate information • Gather requirements • Model & Simulate • Design • Manage applications & services • Manage identity & compliance • Monitor business metrics • Financial transparency • Business/IT alignment • Process control

  16. Business Services Supports enterprise business process and goals through businesses functional service Interaction Services Process Services Information Services DevelopmentServices Management Services Enables collaboration between people, processes & information Orchestrate and automate business processes Manages diverse data and content in a unified manner Integrated environment for design and creation of solution assets Enterprise Service Bus Manage and secure services, applications & resources Business App Services Access Services Partner Services Apps & Info Assets Connect with trading partners Build on a robust, scaleable, and secure services environment Facilitate interactions with existing information and application assets Infrastructure Services Optimizes throughput, availability and utilization SOA Reference ArchitectureSupporting the SOA Lifecycle

  17. Channel B2B Consumers Service Consumer Business Process Composition; choreography; business state machines QoS Layer (Security, Management & Monitoring Infrastructure Services) Data Architecture (meta-data) & Business Intelligence Integration (Enterprise Service Bus) Governance Services atomic and composite Service Components Service Provider OO Application Custom Application Packaged Application Operational Systems Atomic Service Composite Service Registry SOA Solution LayeringLeveraging the SOA Reference Architecture

  18. Key Standards for SOA SOA and Web Service Standards Industry Standards Business Services: Service Offerings and Components (ACORD, HL7, eTOM, ARTS…) Industry Semantics (SWIFT, FIXML, OTAXML, UCCNet…) Service Interaction (WSRP, JSR 168, AJAX) Transactions (WS-Atomic Transaction, WS-Business Activity) Management (IT Information Library) Infrastructure Standards Security (WS-Security) Programming Model (SCA, SDO) Profiles WS-I Basic Profile, WS-I Basic Security Profile, WS-I Reliable Secure Profile Service Orchestration (WS-BPEL) Service Discovery (UDDI, Reusable Asset Specification) Service Invocation & Messaging (SOAP. WS-Addressing, REST) Service Description (WSDL) Data Exchange (XML, JSON) Network Protocol (HTTP, SMTP)

  19. Are we still moving in the right direction? Are our target architectures still right? Transition Planning Governance Enterprise Architecture Models << Input from Business Analysis >> Plan Define Enable Measure Determine the Governance Focus Define the SOA Governance Model Implement the SOA Governance Model Refine the SOA Governance Model SOMA SIMM SGMM These are the things we should do This is the way things should be architected Are we doing these things the way we said we want them done? Projects Project Prioritization & Planning <<Output to SOA Implementation >> SOA and Enterprise Architecture: Best Practices

  20. Dynamically Re-Configurable Services Composite Services Virtualized Services Isolated Business Line Driven Business Process Integration Componentized Business Componentized Business offers Services Processes Through Service Composition Geographically Independent Service Centers Mix and Match Business and Location Capabilities Silo Services Integrated Componentized Business Application Specific Skills IT Transformation IT Governance Emerging SOA Governance SOA and IT Governance Alignment SOA and IT Infrastructure Governance Alignment Governance through Policy Organization Structured Analysis & Design Object Oriented Modeling Component Based Development Service Oriented Modeling Service Oriented Modeling Service Oriented Modeling Business Grammar Oriented Modeling Methods Modules Objects Components Services Process Integration via Services Process Integration via Services Dynamic Application Assembly Applications Monolithic Architecture Layered Architecture Component Architecture Emerging SOA SOA Grid Enabled SOA Dynamically Reconfigurable Architecture Architecture Application Specific LOB or Enterprise Specific Canonical Models Information As a Service Enterprise Data Dictionary and Repository Virtualized Data Services Semantic Data Vocabularies Information LOB Platform Specific Enterprise Standards Common Reusable Infrastructure Project-based SOA Environment Virtual SOA Environment Dynamic Sense & Respond Common SOA Environment Infrastructure Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 Level 7 Service Integration Maturity Model (SIMM)

  21. Business Process Integration Componentized Business offers Services Business Service Decomposition Dynamically Re-Configurable Services Composite Services Virtualized Services Silo Services Integrated Componentized Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 Level 7 Service Integration Maturity Model (SIMM) Isolated Business Line Driven Business Process Integration Processes Through Service Composition Geographically Independent Service Centers Mix and Match Business and Location Capabilities Business Application Specific Skills IT Transformation IT Governance Emerging SOA Governance SOA and IT Governance Alignment SOA and IT Infrastructure Governance Alignment Governance through Policy Define & Enforce SOA Governance Organization Move to SOA-based Design Methodology Structured Analysis & Design Object Oriented Modeling Component Based Development Service Oriented Modeling Service Oriented Modeling Service Oriented Modeling Business Grammar Oriented Modeling Methods Process Choreography Assembly Modules Objects Components Services Process Integration via Services Process Integration via Services Dynamic Application Assembly Applications Focus on SOA Foundation Monolithic Architecture Layered Architecture Component Architecture Emerging SOA SOA Grid Enabled SOA Dynamically Reconfigurable Architecture Architecture Deploy Common Information Services LOB or Enterprise Specific Application Specific Canonical Models Information As a Service Enterprise Data Dictionary and Repository Virtualized Data Services Semantic Data Vocabularies Information LOB Platform Specific Enterprise Standards Common Reusable Infrastructure Project-based SOA Environment Virtual SOA Environment Dynamic Sense & Respond Common SOA Environment SOA Infrastructure Standard Infrastructure

  22. SOMA gets inputs from business analysis activities, and produces outputs necessary for SOA implementation The analysis and modeling performed during SOMA is technology and product agnostic, but establishes a context for making technology and product specific decisionsin later phases of the lifecycle << Input from Business Analysis >> SOMA Service Identification Service Specification Service Realization <<Output to SOA Implementation >> Service Oriented Modeling and Architecture (SOMA) LinksBusiness Intent with IT Implementation

  23. SOA Governance Lifecycle Define the Governance Approach • Define/modify governance processes • Design policies and enforcement mechanisms • Identify success factors, metrics • Identify owners and funding model • Charter/refine SOA Center of Excellence • Design governance IT infrastructure Plan the Governance Need • Document and validate business strategy for SOA and IT • Assess current IT and SOA capabilities • Define/Refine SOA vision and strategy • Review current Governance capabilities and arrangements • Layout governance plan Enable the Governance Model Incrementally • Deploy governance mechanisms • Deploy governance IT infrastructure • Educate and deploy on expected behaviors and practices • Deploy policies Monitor and Manage the Governance Processes • Monitor compliance with policies • Monitor compliance with governance arrangements • Monitor IT effectiveness metrics

  24. SOA Governance & Management Method (SGMM) IBM’s Comprehensive Approach to SOA Governance Plan Define Enable Measure Determine the Governance Focus Define the SOA Governance Model Implement the SOA Governance Model Refine the SOA Governance Model Tailor method for goals/environment Define and refine governance processes Implement the transition plan Measure effectiveness governance processes Understand current Governance structures Initiate SOA Org Changes Define organizational change Measure effectiveness of organization change Define scope of governance Launch the SOA Center of Excellence Conduct change readiness survey Define IT changes in SOA development Implement infrastructure for SOA Review and refine operational environment Continuous SOA Governance Process Measurement & Improvement Define the scope of governance: business, development governance or service management or all of the above Define new governance processes for services and define SOA governance mechanisms such as the SOA Center of Excellence Begin implementation of the SOA Center of Excellence, Skills Enablement, Organizational Change, Infrastructure Change, etc. Monitor composite application performance and adjust; Monitor effectiveness of governance changes

  25. SOA and Enterprise Architecture SOA Enterprise Architecture Best Practices SOA Reference Architecture SOA Best Practices What’s Next for SOA Summary Agenda

  26. Extending the SOA Platform • Robust infrastructure for Enterprise QoS • Service management and governance • Facilitates creation of composite applications • Enables dynamic, industry-specific business services • Facilitates creation of next generation applications • “Light weight” consumer platform • Facilitates creation of user-defined situational service-based applications Business Services Platform Web 2.0 Platform SOA Foundation

  27. Extending the SOA Consumer Platform: Web 2.0 Mash-ups and Situational Applications CompositeApplications Customer Partner Employee Services Web 2.0 Platform

  28. Business Level Agility • Dynamic assembly and delivery of services based on business context • Reusable building blocks at a business level • Incremental approach to business solutions that lowers risk Business Services Service Oriented Applications Choreo-graphed Services • SOA-Enabled Process Automation • Process driven choreography of services • Process automation with associated business logic encapsulated within the business process • Improved flexibility and manageability with your SOA Service Orchestration • Simplify Integration • Easier integration and connectivity • Standardized components and Web services • Based on well accepted technical standards Basic Services Standards-based Integration Extending The SOA Provider Platform: Business Services Business Services Platform

  29. SOA and Enterprise Architecture SOA Enterprise Architecture Best Practices SOA Reference Architecture SOA Best Practices What’s Next for SOA Summary Agenda

  30. SOA establishes an enterprise architecture that enables business flexibility and agility SOA is an important foundation of enterprise architecture Companies are using SOA today to drive tangible business value Investments in SOA will continue to drive competitive differentiation. SOA is not one-size fits all Implementation of SOA varies according to the company’s business / IT environment and goals Companies should leverage well defined best practices derived from SOA experiences to make the SOA journey effective Start small, grow fast, and drive successful implementation through effective governance Summary

  31. What is the impact of SOA on current Enterprise Architectures? • Alignment of Business and IT Architectures • SOA Reference Models • SOA Governance How do you develop SOA with a business focus? How do you reuse applications in the context of SOA? • Asset Discovery • Application Reuse • Business Components • SOA Design • Business Process Management How do you leverage information in an SOA? • Information as a Service • Master Data Management How does my infrastructure support SOA? • Service Management / QoS • Security SOA Architect Summit Roadmap Information TechnologyStrategy BusinessStrategy Enterprise Architecture • Business Architecture • Processes • Information • People • IT • Architecture • Applications • Information • Technology Transition Plan EA Governance Business Operating Environment and IT Infrastructure IT Solutions

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