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Alain Moscowitz - RIGA - April 2005. Internet Governance. Innovation and Research Approach: The Research Programme Vox-Internet. Paris: 12 February 2004 Icann Rome: 2 to 6 March 2004 Egeni Paris: 1 July 2004 1st Prepcom Hammamet: 24 to 26 June 2004 Icann Kuala Lumpur: 19 to 23 July 2004
Alain Moscowitz - RIGA - April 2005 Internet Governance Innovation and Research Approach: The Research Programme Vox-Internet Alain Moscowitz
Paris: 12 February 2004 Icann Rome: 2 to 6 March 2004 Egeni Paris: 1 July 2004 1st Prepcom Hammamet: 24 to 26 June 2004 Icann Kuala Lumpur: 19 to 23 July 2004 Icann Cape Town: 1 to 5 December 2004 2nd Prepcom Geneva: 17 to 25 February 2005 Namur: 4 March 2005 Riga: 6 April 2005 Icann Mar del Plata: 4 to 8 April 2005 Cairo Conference: 9 May 2005 Egeni Paris: 1 July 2005 Icann Luxembourg: 11 to 15 July 2005 3rd Prepcom Geneve: 19 to 30 September 2005 Main events from Geneva to Tunis Geneva WSIS: 10 to 12 December 2003 Tunis WSIS: 16 to 18 November 2005 Alain Moscowitz
Icann GAC ASO gNSO ccNSO At Large UN ITU WSIS WGIG UN ICT Task Force Civil Society Private Sector Governments Inside Europe European Council Coreper High level group European Commission European Parliament Council of Europe A lot of stakeholders Alain Moscowitz
Infrastructure and technique Infrastructure evolution Network economy Security … Trust and Confidence in the Digital Space Identity Data privacy Safe Internet for Children … Politics, economy and regulation Internet impacts on the economy Governance models International law Fair competition Models of Taxes … Innovation and usages Innovation and Prospective Charter of value / Ethics charter Intellectual property rights Digital right management … Diversity – Digital Divide Multi-linguism Multi-cultural Territories / Regions Education and training An Information Society for all … A very large number of issues Alain Moscowitz
Objectives Vox Internet : an initiative aiming to support European and International Research on Internet in order to facilitate the transition from an Information Society to a Knowledge-based Society Knowledge and innovation – engines of sustainable growth, and i2010 initiative (22 and 23 March – Council of the European Union) Alain Moscowitz
Vox-Internet approach Academic and actors together • Actors coming from: • Governments • Researchers • Civil Society • Industry (ICT and non ICT) • Multi-disciplinary: most of the different fields of sciences concerned by Internet were represented (Sociology, linguistics, economy, ICT research centres, linguist, geography, political, law, philosophy, history, ethnology, organisation and management, media and cultural studies …) • Multi-countries: already, people coming from 15 countries have attended at least one of the Vox-Internet meetings, Paris or Namur conferences. Alain Moscowitz
Vox-Internet : already a reality • 8 sessions set up in Paris from September 2004 to March 2005: • Languages and cultural pluralism • Usages and consumers evolution, example of P2P and auctions • Network economy • Technical architecture and evolutions • Internet, economy and emerging economic models • Internet and law • Over Internet, what are the Governance and Regulation available Models? • A charter of common understanding of the Internet Values and Uses: first orientation tracks Alain Moscowitz
First set of results1 – Languages and multicultural • Languages and Technical implementations • Ergonomic screens and keyboards • “lingua franca”, localisation, regionalisation • Diasporas • How to avoid extinction of minority languages • Cyber-geography, flow charts of languages uses • Terminology, index, meta data, automatic translation Alain Moscowitz
First set of results2 – Usages and consumers evolution • P2P and e-auctions: 2 new market models • P2P : relation between users without intermediation • Auctions, at the opposite, users linked through an intermediary • Usages are different following countries and culture • Creativity: new ways of uses, based on some extended usages coming from the real life (auctions and non monetary exchange) • Public Authorities implication and regulation are different following the kind of conflicts, actors interests and sometime lack of laws or difficulties in applying current laws Alain Moscowitz
First set of results3 – Network economy • To extend the network ability to the objects management requirements and more generally to innovation and network evolution • To consider the different bandwidths : • Backbone • Middle bone • The last meters to access to users • To develop • Pervasive ICT • Mobile access: access everywhere and at every time • What is the role of the management in the local territories and how to decide the right level of services and infrastructure ? How to incite investments ? • How to develop the concurrence and the offers in the infrastructure ? Alain Moscowitz
First set of results4 – Technical architecture and evolutions • To allow the evolution of the network without being frozen by the current situation and technology? • How to improve the security of the network at the global level ? • Growth versus stability • Tools developments aiming to manage the network and flows, static and dynamic cartographies • Root models, how to optimise the root flows • Objects tracking • How to take into account the new domains relating to objects management (RFID, DOI, …) and how to assure the right level of interoperability ? • How to develop experimentation/innovation without braking the network ? Alain Moscowitz
First set of results5 – Internet, economy and emerging economic models • From a rarity economic model to an abundance model Meta economic model including the 3 steps of development: • Rural • Industrial • Information and Knowledge based economy • Social modernity and economy: • Exchange based model • Reactivity and permanent reengineering based model • Innovation and imagination based model • Lisbon agenda • Innovation and territorialities Alain Moscowitz
First set of results6 – Internet and law • Private, Common and Public Goods • International corpus of rules and the current status of art • On a judicial point of view, the desired roles for the different stakeholders ( countries, private sector, users, NGO, …) • How these wishes could be compliant with existing international laws and treaties ? • Today, since only conventions between countries are recognised from an international law point of view, what are the practical ways forward ? Alain Moscowitz
First set of results7 –Governance and Regulation models • Governance and Governmentality • Regulation and co-regulation models • Place of the state in the regulation and governance following different models • Public and Private sectors partnerships • Place of the norms and standards in law, governance and regulation • Legitimacy of the organisms, actors, and domains of actions • Governance and regulation: concrete example of the fight against Spam Alain Moscowitz
First set of results8 – Towards a charter of value • Internet has become a part of social, industrial and economic life for many people • Before talking about Internet Governance, it is necessary to find a global agreement on a stable and sustainable set of rules, based on a common sense of Internet, Usages and Applications • A “new social contract” should be the consequences of a common sense and common understanding of the Internet value Alain Moscowitz
Namur and Vox-Internet: feed back • Paris: “Identity, Trust and Confidence, Security in the digital world” • Namur: “Prospective, Innovation, Usages in the digital world” • Some key words : • Security • Performance or Stability • Equity • Transparency • Inclusion • Economy of Information and Knowledge • Trust • Adaptability • Asymmetries correction • Responsibility • Right to the Diversity • Economy of Exchange Over than Or Rather than Alain Moscowitz
That means To consider: • The identities (and not The Identity) • The right to face the Infrastructure evolution without fearing to brake the system every time. • A network including social political issues, certainly more adapted than any consideration regarding the technical neutrality • The right to exist in a worldwide interaction, over the sovereignties • Multi capabilities, accountabilities and abilities of the actors to build multi powers Alain Moscowitz
The next future • Facts and key issues : • To make the Lisbon agenda successful • ICT and more particularly Internet as key component of the Lisbon strategy • Internet is moving quickly on the technical side (DOI, smart objects, RFID, IPV6, pervasive models, network capabilities, …) and inside the Uses (content management, interactive TV, broadcasting, convergence Telecoms and IT, …) • Worldwide Internet Governance should be more open, transparent and multi stakeholders • European concern : • From a French Research initiative to a strong European Research initiative without waiting, • Paris, Namur and Riga have already shown the way in Europe Alain Moscowitz
Building a Distributed European Internet Research 0bservatory • From a matrix of “disciplines”, each European country driving one and participate to most of the others, involving the best researchers on this crucial issue for the Europe construction in the digital world • We suggest to endorse the same approach as suggested by Jean-Claude Juncker about ways to relaunch the Lisbon Strategy: each country through the centres of research must take their own ownership and lead a part of the program, that doesn’t mean less Europe but at the opposite means more and more Europe in a multi lateral dialog approach, based on the best know-how and researchers • To extend the first set of fields to other academic domains: Ethics, Community studies (anthropology, knowledge sciences), Patterns (net-aesthetic, design, art creation, …), Internet and Territories, Sustainable Development, Computer Sciences and Cybernetic, Traditional sciences and Internet impacts, … Alain Moscowitz
The Future is in our Hands We need innovation Innovation needs us Innovation is too important to leave it to the innovators alone! Alain Moscowitz alain.moscowitz@emn.fr or vox-internet@yahoogroupes.fr
Questions? alain.moscowitz@emn.fr or vox-internet@yahoogroupes.fr Alain Moscowitz